This Site:
Discovery of America
The Explorers
Post Columbian Exploration
Thirteen Original Colonies
Colonization of America
Colonial Life
Colonial Days and Ways
Independence Movement
The Patriots
Prelude to War
Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Battles
Overview of Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War
Civil War
American Flag
Mexican War
Republic of Texas
Cherry Valley, MASSACRE
AT. During a heavy storm of sleet on November 11, 1778, a
band of Indians and Tories—the former led by
Brant, and the latter
by Walter N. Butler, son of Colonel John Butler—fell upon Cherry
Valley, Otsego co., New York
and murdered thirty-two of the inhabitants, mostly women and
children, with sixteen soldiers of a little garrison there. Nearly
forty men, women, and children were carried away captive. Butler was
the arch-fiend on this occasion, and would listen to no appeals from
Brant for mercy on the innocent and helpless. The captives were led
away in the darkness and a cold storm; and when they rested they
were huddled together, half naked, with no shelter but the leafless
trees, and no resting-place but the wet ground. |