Battle of Fallen Timbers


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Fallen Timbers, BATTLE OF. On the morning of August 20, 1794, General Wayne, on his campaign in the Indian wilderness, advanced with his whole army from his camp at Roche de Bout, at the head of the Maumee Rapids, according to a plan of march prepared by his young aide-de-camp, Lieutenant William Henry Harrison. He had proceeded about 5 miles, when they were smitten with a terrible volley of bullets from a concealed foe, and compelled to fall back. They were on the borders of a vast prairie, at a dense wood, in which a tornado had prostrated many trees, making the movements of mounted men very difficult, and forming an excellent cover for the foe, who were composed of Canadians and Indians, 2,000 in number, posted on their lines within supporting distance of each other. But Wayne's troops fell upon them with fearful energy, and made them flee towards the British Fort Miami, below, like a herd of frightened deer for cover. In one hour the victory was complete. The fugitives left forty of their number dead in the pathway of their flight. By the side of each dead body lay a musket and bayonet from British armories. Wayne lost in killed and wounded 133 men; the loss of his foes was not ascertained.Turkey's Foot Rock On the battleground, at the foot of the Maumee Rapids, is a limestone rock, on which are numerous carvings of bird's feet. It is a stone upon which Me-sa-sa, or Turkey-foot, a renowned chief, leaped when he saw his line of dusky warriors giving way, and by voice and gesture endeavored to make them stand firm. He fell, pierced by a musket-ball, and died by the side of the rock. Members of his tribe carved turkeys' feet upon the stone in commemoration of him, and for many years men, women, and children, passing there, would linger at the stone, place dried beef, parched corn, and pease, or some cheap trinket upon it, and, calling upon the name of Me-sa-sa, weep piteously. This battle ended the Indian War in the Northwest.



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