Washington Crosses the Delaware


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Washington Crossing the Delaware

George Washington Crosses the Delaware

Delaware River, WASHINGTON'S CROSSING OF THE. At the close of November, 1776, the British occupied New Jersey, and only the Delaware River shut off Cornwallis from Philadelphia. On December 2, Washington, with a considerable force, crossed the river, securing every boat so that the British were unable to follow him. Determined to surprise the Hessians, under Colonel Rahl, at Trenton, Washington recrossed the river a few miles above Trenton on December 25, with 2,400 men and twenty pieces of artillery. Owing to the darkness and the floating ice it was 4 A.M. on the 26th before the entire force had crossed. General Knox, the constant companion of Washington throughout the war, had crossed the river before it became choked with ice, and during the night that Washington and his party recrossed it, Knox stood on the opposite shore, and indicated where a landing could be safely made. See TRENTON, BATTLE OF.



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