This Site:
Discovery of America
The Explorers
Post Columbian Exploration
Thirteen Original Colonies
Colonization of America
Colonial Life
Colonial Days and Ways
Independence Movement
The Patriots
Prelude to War
Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Battles
Overview of Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War
Civil War
American Flag
Mexican War
Republic of Texas
JOHN, publicist, patriot; born in
Maryland, November 13, 1732;
son of Chief-Justice Samuel D. Dickinson; studied law in
Philadelphia and at the Temple in London, and practiced his
profession in Philadelphia. In the
Pennsylvania Assembly, to
which he was elected in 1764, he showed great legislative ability,
and was a ready and vehement debater. At the same time, he wrote
much on the subject of British infringement on the liberties of the
colonies. The most noted of these writings were papers (twelve in
number) entitled Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer, etc., published
in the Pennsylvania Chronicle in 1767. Mr. Dickinson was a member of
the first
Continental Congress, and wrote several of the state papers put
forth by that body. Considering the resolution of independence
unwise, he voted against it and the
Declaration, and did not sign
the latter document. This made him unpopular. In 1777 he was made a
brigadier-general of the Pennsylvania militia. He was elected a
representative in Congress from Delaware in 1779, and wrote the
Address to the States put forth by that body in May of that year. He
was successively president of the States of Delaware and
Pennsylvania (1781-85), and a member of the convention that framed
the national Constitution (1787). Letters from his pen, over the
signature of "Fabius," advocating the adoption of the national
Constitution, appeared in 1788; and another series, over the same
signature, on our relations with France, appeared in 1797. Mr.
Dickinson assisted in framing the constitution of Delaware in 1792.
His monument is DICKINSON COLLEGE, at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, which
he founded and liberally endowed. He died in Wilmington,
Delaware, February 14, 1808.