This Site:
Discovery of America
The Explorers
Post Columbian Exploration
Thirteen Original Colonies
Colonization of America
Colonial Life
Colonial Days and Ways
Independence Movement
The Patriots
Prelude to War
Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Battles
Overview of Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War
Civil War
American Flag
Mexican War
Republic of Texas
COTTON, clergyman; born in Boston, February 12, 1663; was
one of the most notable of the early
New England divines. He
graduated at Harvard in 1678, was employed several years in
teaching, and was ordained a minister in May, 1684, as colleague of
his father, Dr. Increase Mather. The doctrine of special providence
he carried to excess. He was credulous and superstitious, and
believed he was doing God service by witch-hunting. His Wonders of
the Invisible World (1692) gives an account of the
trials of witchcraft.
In 1700 he published More Wonders, and seems never to have
relinquished his belief in witches and witch-craft. Aside from this
peculiarity, he was a most sincere, earnest, indefatigable Christian
worker, engaging in every good work; and he was the first to employ
the press extensively in this country in the dissemination of tracts
treating of temperance, religion, and social morals. He preached and
wrote for sailors, Indians, and negroes. The number of his published
works issued between 1686 and 1727 was 382. He died in Boston, Feb.
13, 1728.

Salem Witch |