Camp Dennison


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, August 31, 1861

This 1861 newspaper has a variety of important Civil War content. The cover features a stunning image of General Lyon and the Battle of Springfield. There is a full page picture of General Scott and the Union Generals. The paper also has a full page picture of Rebel Soldiers, and their uniforms and equipment.

(Scroll Down to see full page, or Newspaper Thumbnails will take you to the page of interest.)


General Lyon

General Lyon at Battle of Springfield

Battle of Springfield

The Battle of Springfield

Lincoln Seizure of Southern Property

Lincoln Seizure of Property

Pennsylvania Avenue

Pennsylvania Avenue

Burning of Hampton Virginia

Hampton Burning

Building Gun Boats

Building Civil War Ships

Camp Dennison

Camp Dennison

General Fremont's Flotilla

Fremont's Flotilla in St. Louis

Union Generals

General Scott and the Union Generals

Bowie Knives

Confederate Bowie Knives

Football at Camp Johnson

Camp Johnson

Union Civil War Uniforms

Union Uniforms













[AUGUST 31, 1861.




WE publish on this page an engraving of NEWPORT BARRACKS, KENTUCKY, the Head-quarters of General (late Major) Robert Anderson, U.S.A., and the rendezvous of part of the Kentucky Union troops. In these barracks Colonel Tyler, whose recent arrest in Cincinnati has been mentioned, has been confined as a prisoner of war. As the war progresses, these barracks will doubtless become a military site of considerable importance.


THIS new and splendid regiment arrived at Washington last week, in the midst of a storm. We illustrate the scene on page 549. The Herald correspondent described it as follows :

The city was favored late this afternoon with a tremendous rain storm, which afforded great relief to all who had been suffering from the heat during the hottest day experienced here for eighteen years. In the midst of the storm, when the rain was pouring down in torrents, the Fourteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Devens, marched up the Avenue, en route for their camping-ground. They had been quartered since last night at the Government Military Reception House, at the depot, but were required to move to

make room for new arrivals. Their splendid horses and wagons had preceded them, and the men marched steadily through the driving storm, sometimes for squares through water two feet deep. Their songs, cheers, and shouts mingled with the roll of the thunder, and the vivid flashes of lightning gleamed along their line of muskets and revealed their forms in the gloom of night. It was a spirit-stirring scene. The steadiness of the regiment under the circumstances shows both good discipline and good grit in the material of which it is composed. Their songs, which the whole regiment seemed to participate in, heard above the loud thunder and terrible rush of waters, startled the people from their houses, who, as soon as they learned the cause of the demonstration, inspired by the patriotism of the gallant Massachusetts boys, rushed into the street and greeted the troops with loud cheers.


WE illustrate on page 550 the BURNING OF HAMPTON by the rebels under General Magruder. The correspondent of the Associated Press thus describes the scene:

A few minutes past midnight General Magruder, with about five hundred rebels, some of them belonging in Hampton, entered the town and immediately fired the buildings with torches. The greater part of the five hundred houses were built of wood, and no rain having fallen lately, the strong south wind soon produced a terrible conflagration. There were perhaps twenty white people and double that number of negroes remaining in the town from inability to move, some of whose houses were fired without waking the inmates. They gave Wilson Jones and

his wife, both of them aged and infirm, but fifteen minutes to remove a few articles of furniture to the garden. Several of the whites and also of the negroes were hurried away to be pressed into the rebel service. Mr. Scofield, a merchant, took refuge in a swamp above the town. Two negroes were drowned while attempting to cross the creek. A company of rebels attempted to force the passage of the bridge, but were repulsed with a loss of three killed and six wounded.

The fire raged all night. The greater part of the rebels withdrew toward morning, and at noon to-day, when I visited the place, but seven or eight buildings were left standing.

The glare of the conflagration was so brilliant that I was enabled to write by it. A more sublime and awful spectacle has never yet been witnessed. The high south wind prevailing at the time fanned the flames into a lurid blaze, and lighted up the country for miles and miles around. The fire broke out between eleven and twelve o'clock P.M. on the 7th inst. It appears that a short time previous our pickets from Colonel Max Weber's Twentieth Regiment were fired upon by a company of rebels, but by dropping on their faces our troops did not sustain any loss. They, however, returned the fire with deadly aim from their trusty rifles, which must have made sad havoc among the enemy. We could seethe rebels passing from one house to another, by the glare of the light, and use the incendiary's torch with effect. Every building in this once beautiful village is destroyed, with the exception of the Military Academy, and that can not possibly be saved.

Our camp was alarmed instanter, and the troops got under arms. An attack from Fox Hill was momentarily expected, and Colonel Weber's regiment were immediately supplied with extra ammunition, and sent out in all directions as pickets, patrols, and skirmishers. They have done their work bravely and efficiently. Two companies are now here watching for rebels and guarding the bridge

from being fired. The bridge will be saved. It is dismantled about a rod from the farther shore, and terminates there in a barricade of boards, behind which a portion of our picket was stationed when fired on by the enemy. Captain Strouple, of the Twentieth Regiment, has just started across to the barricade with six men in the face of the flames and foe. He is anxiously watched from this side, as it is expected that he will be fired upon. The light is as bright as day, and the figures of men are seen reflected in the water. They have reached the barricade in safety.

The rebels have done their work effectually, nothing is now left to mark the once beautiful Hampton but the charred, towering chimneys, looming up in the distance, as monuments of the dastardly work of the rebels.


ON page 550 we illustrate the REVIEW OF THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL GUARD, the crack regiment of the City of Brotherly Love, which took place on their return from the war, on Saturday, 10th August. The Philadelphia Press gave the following account of the review :

On Saturday afternoon, about six o'clock, the review of the National Guards came off at the Custom-house, in Chesnut Street above Fourth. The street was literally packed by the friends of the regiment, who came to witness what may be termed a real battalion parade and review, according to the United States Army regulations. The steps of the Custom-house were filled with the members of the Common (Next Page)


Camp Dennison
Newport Barracks



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