The Civil War in Missouri


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, July 6, 1861

This Harper's Weekly newspaper from the Civil War shows pictures of Winchester Virginia, and Harper's Ferry. The paper has stories on several skirmishes, and news of the day.

(Scroll Down to See full page, or Newspaper Thumbnails will take you to the page of interest)


Virginia Wheeling Convention

Virginia Convention

Wheeling Convention

The Wheeling Convention

The Battle of Boonville

The Battle of Boonville

Map of the Mississippi River

Map of the Mississippi River


The Battle of Romney

Battle of Philippi

Battle of Philippi

Jefferson City

Jefferson City

Army Life

Civil War Army Life

Winchester, Virginia in the Civil War

Winchester, Virginia

Harpers Ferry

Harper's Ferry


Williamsport, Maryland

Texas Ranger

Texas Rangers

Missouri Civil War

The Civil War in Missouri

John Bull

John Bull Cartoons

McDowell's Corps







JULY 6, 1861.]



be clear away before the night's adventure began to be talked of. Herbert got a large bottle of stuff for my arm, and by dint of having this stuff dropped over it all the night through, I was just able to bear its pain on the journey. It was daylight when we reached the Temple, and I went at once to bed, and lay in bed all day.

My terror, as I lay there, of falling ill and being unfitted for to-morrow was so besetting, that I wonder it did not disable me of itself. It would have done so, pretty surely, in conjunction with the mental wear and tear I had suffered, but for the unnatural strain upon me that to-morrow was. So anxiously looked forward to, charged with such consequences, its results so impenetrably hidden though so near !

No precaution could have been more obvious than our refraining from communication with him that day; yet this again increased my restlessness. I started at every footstep and every sound, believing that he was discovered and taken, and this was the messenger to tell me so. I persuaded myself that I knew he was taken; that there was something more upon my mind than a fear or a presentiment ; that the fact had occurred, and I had a mysterious knowledge of it. As the day wore on and no ill news came, as the day closed in and darkness fell, my over-shadowing dread of being disabled by illness before to-morrow morning altogether mastered me. My burning arm throbbed, and my burning head throbbed, and I fancied I was beginning to wander. I counted up to high numbers, to make sure that I was steady, and repeated passages that I knew, in prose and verse. It happened sometimes that, in the mere escape of a fatigued mind, I dozed for some moments, or forgot ; then I would say to myself with a start, "Now it has come, and I am turning delirious!"

They kept me very quiet all day, and kept my arm constantly dressed, and gave me cooling drinks. Whenever I fell asleep I awoke with the notion I had had in the sluice-house, that a long time had elapsed and the opportunity to save him was gone. About midnight I got out of bed and went to Herbert with the conviction that I had been asleep for four-and-twenty hours, and that Wednesday was past. It was the last self exhausting effort of my fretfulness, for after that I slept soundly.

And the Wednesday morning was dawning when I looked out of window. The wicking lights upon the bridges were already pale; the coming sun was like a marsh of fire in the horizon. The river, still dark and mysterious, was spanned by bridges that were turning coldly gray, with here and there, at top, a warm touch from the burning in the sky. As I looked along the clustered confusion of roofs, with church towers and spires shooting into the unusually clear air, the sun rose up, and a veil seemed to be drawn from the river, and millions of sparkles burst upon its waters. From me, too, a veil seemed to be drawn, and I felt strong and well.

Herbert lay asleep in his bed, and our old fellow-student lay asleep on the sofa. I could not dress myself without help, but I made up the fire, which was still burning, and got some coffee ready for them. In good time they too started up strong and well, and we admitted the sharp morning air at the windows, and looked at the tide that was still flowing toward us.

"When it turns, at nine o'clock," said Herbert, cheerfully, " look out for us, and stand ready, you over there at Mill Pond Bank !"


WE publish on pages 424 and 425 a fine picture —from a sketch by our special artist in Washington—of THE GRAND REVIEW OF GENERAL McDOWELL's DIVISION, which took place on the south side of the Potomac on 17th June. It was the greatest military display ever witnessed in this country. About eight thousand troops were on the ground. The reviewing officer was the Secretary of War. The regiments reviewed were three regiments from New Jersey, the New York Twenty-fifth, Sixty-ninth, and Eighth, the Fifth Pennsylvania, and Fifth Massachusetts.


ON page 420 we illustrate the outbreak of the war in Missouri. We give a view of JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI, and the LANDING OF UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS there, from sketches by Mr. 0. C. Richardson, of St. Louis ; and on the same page an instructive Map of the Seat of War in Missouri. In our last number we mentioned the departure of Governor Jackson from St. Louis, his traitorous proclamation, and the departure of General Lyon in pursuit of him on the steamer Iatan. A correspondent thus describes the landing at Jefferson City :

On the morning of the 15th, ten miles below Jefferson City, General Lyon transferred his regulars to the Iatan, and proceeded with that boat, leaving the Swan to follow in his wake. As we approached the city crowds gathered on the levee and saluted us with prolonged and oft-repeated cheering. Colonel Thomas L. Price (no relative to the rebel, Sterling Price), a prominent Unionist of Jefferson City, was the first to greet General Lyon as he stepped on shore. A bar has formed at the regular landing, and we were obliged to run out our gang plank below the penitentiary, at a point where the railroad company has placed a large quantity of loose stone, preparatory to forming a landing of its own. The steep, rough bank prevented the debarkation of our artillery, but the infantry scrambled up in fine style. First was the company of regulars formerly commanded by General Lyon, but now led by Lieutenant Hare. These were sent to occupy a high hill or bluff near the railroad depot and commanding the town. They went forward in fine style, ascending the steep acclivity at the "double-quick step." In one minute from the time of reaching the summit they were formed in a hollow square, ready to repel all attacks from foes, whether real or imaginary. Next came the left wing of the First Volunteer regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews,

(Previous Page) mind saw it—and thus, as I recovered consciousness, I knew that I was in the place where I had lost it.

Too indifferent at first even to look round and ascertain who supported me, I was lying looking at the ladder, when there came between me and it a face. The face of Trabb's boy !

" I think he's all right !" said Trabb's boy, in a sober voice ; " but ain't he just pale though !"

At these words the face of him who supported me looked over into mine, and I saw my supporter to be-

" Herbert ! Good Heaven !"

"Softly," said Herbert. " Gently, Handel. Don't be too eager."

"And our old comrade, Startop," I cried, as he too bent over me.

" Remember what he is going to assist us in," said Herbert, " and be calm."

The allusion made me spring up, though I dropped again from the pain in my arm. " The time has not gone by, Herbert, has it ? What night is to-night ? How long have I been here ?" For I had a strange and strong misgiving that I had been lying there a long time—a day and night—two days and nights—more.

" The time has not gone by. It is still Monday night."

"Thank God!"

"And you have all to-morrow, Tuesday, to rest in," said Herbert. "But you can't help groaning, my dear Handel. What hurt have you got ? Can you stand?"

" Yes, yes," said I, " I can walk. I have no hurt but in this throbbing arm."

They laid it bare, and did what they could. It was violently swollen and inflamed, and I could scarcely endure to have it touched. But they tore up their handkerchiefs to make fresh bandages, and carefully replaced it in the sling, until we could get to the town and obtain some cooling lotion to put upon it. In a little while we had shut the door of the dark and empty sluice-house, and were passing through the quarry on our way back. Trabb's boy—Trabb's overgrown young man now—went before us with a lantern, which was the light I had seen come in at the door. But the moon was a good two hours higher than when I had last seen the sky, and the night, though rainy, was much lighter. The white vapor of the kiln was passing from us as we went by, and, as I had thought a prayer before, I thought a thanksgiving now.

Entreating Herbert to tell me how he had come to my rescue—which at first he had flatly refused to do, but had insisted on my remaining quiet—I learned that I had in my hurry dropped the letter, open, in our chambers, where he, coming home to bring with him Startop, whom he had met in the street on his way to me, found it very soon after I was gone. Its tone made him uneasy; and the more so because of the inconsistency between it and the hasty letter I had left for him. His uneasiness increasing instead of subsiding after a quarter of an hour's consideration, he set off for the coach-office with Startop, who volunteered his company-, to make inquiry when the next coach went down. Finding that the afternoon's coach was gone, and finding that his uneasiness grew into positive alarm as obstacles came in his way, he resolved to follow in a post-chaise. So he and Startop arrived at the Blue Boar, fully expecting there to find me, or tidings of me ; but finding neither, went on to Miss Havisham's, where they lost me. Hereupon they went back to the hotel (doubtless at about the time when I was hearing the popular local version of my own story) to refresh themselves, and to get some one to guide them out upon the marshes. Among the loungers under the Boar's archway happened to be Trabb's boy—true to his ancient habit of happening to be every where where he had no business—and Trabb's boy had seen me passing from Miss Havisham's in the direction of my dining-place. Thus Trabb's boy became their guide, and with him they went out to the sluice-house : though by the town way to the marshes, which I had avoided. Now as they went along Herbert reflected that I might, after all, have been brought there on some genuine and serviceable errand tending to Provis's safety, and bethinking himself that in that case interruption might be mischievous, left his guide and Startop on the edge of the quarry, and went on by himself, and stole round the house two or three times, endeavoring to ascertain whether all was right within. As he could hear nothing but indistinct sounds of one deep rough voice (this was while my mind was so busy), he even at last began to doubt whether I was there, when suddenly I cried out loudly, and he answered the cries, and rushed in, closely followed by the other two.

When I told Herbert what had passed within the house, he was for our immediately going before a magistrate in the town, late at night as it was, and getting out a warrant. But I had already considered that such a course, by detaining us there or binding us to come back, might be fatal to Provis. There was no gainsaying this difficulty, and we relinquished all thoughts of pursuing Orlick at that time. For the present, under the circumstances, we deemed it prudent to make rather light of the matter to Trabb's boy ; who I am convinced would have been much affected by disappointment if he had known that his intervention saved me from the lime-kiln. Not that Trabb's boy was of a malignant nature, but that he had too much vivacity to spare, and that it was in his constitution to want variety and excitement at any body's expense. When we parted I presented him with two guineas (which seemed to meet his views), and told him that I was sorry ever to have had an ill opinion of him (which made no impression on him at all).

Wednesday being so close upon us, we determined to go back to London that night, three in the post-chaise ; the rather as we should then

five hundred strong. These soldiers were formed by sections and marched to the tune of "Yankee Doodle," with the Stars and stripes conspicuous, through the principal streets to the State House, of which they took possession amidst the cheers of the people of the town. After some delay in finding the keys, which had not been very carefully hid, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews with a band, color bearer, and guard, ascended to the cupola and displayed the American flag, while the band played the " Star Spangled Banner," and the populace and troops below gave round after round of enthusiastic applause. Thus was the "sacred soil" of Missouri's capital invaded by Federal troops, and the bosom of "the pride of the Big Muddy" desecrated by the footprints of the volunteer soldiers of St. Louis. She rather seemed to like it.


Wanted 1000 Agents, to sell Miniature Pins of Gen. Scott, Butler, and all the Heroes. Enclose from $1 to $10 for samples. W. A. HAYWARD, 208 Broadway, N.Y.

TO ASSIST DIGESTION and give Tone to the Stomach, use LEA & PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. JOHN DUNCAN & SONS, Union Square and Fourteenth Street, Sole Agents.


As it is proper and natural for our lady friends to wish to make themselves as lovely as possible, we feel it our duty to indicate the best means of bringing about that much-desired consummation, and we can confidently assert that any one who uses Burnett's celebrated Kalliston may obtain a fresh and satin-like complexion. This delightful preparation removes tan and freckles, and imparts a velvety softness to the skin. For chapped hands it is invaluable, while its healing properties and delicious perfume render it agreeable to every sense.—N. 0. Picayune.


HOTEL, Long Branch, N. J., will open for the reception of visitors June 10, 1861: with the enlargement of dining-room, parlor, additional rooms, &c., since last season, will amply accommodate 500 guests. Address

B. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor.

To Wood Engravers.

A Bonus will he given to a first-class Wood-Engraver who will teach a gentleman. Address to E. L., 125 Suffolk St., N. Y. (in Basement).

Roman Eye Balsam,
For Weak and Inflamed Eyelids.

Cures in One Minute!!! Price 25 cents per Jar.

Prepared by A. B. & D. SANDS, 100 Fulton St., N. Y.


Manufactory & Salesrooms,
14th St., cor. 3d Av., N. Y.

"Matrimony made Easy."—A new work, showing how either sex may be suitably married, irrespective of age or appearance, which can not fail—free for 25 cents. Address T. William & Co., Publishers, Box 2300, Philad.

Authorized Editions.
General Scott's Infantry Tactics;

Rules for the Exercise and Maneuvres of the United States

3 vols. 24mo, Muslin, $2.50.
Published by Authority.
United States Army Regulations.

Approved by the President of the United States, and Printed under the Directions of SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War.

12mo, Muslin, $1.50.

Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York.

For July, 1861.


ILLUSTRATIONS.-The Crystal Cascade.-Dick.-The Iconoclast.—The Liquor Law.—Maine Corn-Field.—A better Crop.—Years of Boyhood.—Entering the Mountains.—Glen Ellis.—Ellen.—The Bear and the Beau.-The Fever Blister.—Squire Hardy.—Ascent of Mount Washington.—The Monument.—Summit of Mount Washington.—Lake of the Clouds.—Sleeping Apartment at Crawford's.—The Bears. —Reinforcements.



ILLUSTRATIONS.—Bay of New York.—At the Wharf. —Map of Vicinity.—The Battery.—The East River.—Brooklyn Heights—Blackwell's Island. —Jones's Wood.—Hell Gate.—View from Astoria.—Randall's Island.—Bass Fishing.—View at Florence's.—The High Bridge.--Residence of Madame Jumel.—Up the Harlem River.—Down the Harlem River.—Morris's Dock.—The Harlem and the Hudson.—From the Century House.—King's Bridge.—Spuyten Duyvel Creek.—King's Bridge Road.—Mouth of the Spuyten Duyvel.—Redoubt near Fort Washington.—Deaf and Dumb Asylum.—Orphan Asylum.—The City, from the Elysian Fields.—From Weehawken Heights.—Dueling Ground, Weehawken.




CHAPTER IX. A Convivial Meeting.

CHAPTER X. Mr., Mrs., and Miss Furnival.

CHAPTER XI. Mrs Furnival at Home.

CHAPTER XII. Mrs. Furnival's Chambers. ILLUSTRATIONS.—Mr. Dockwrath solus.-.The Furnivals.




CHAPTER XIII. Love me Love my Dog.

CHAPTER XIV. Contains two of Philip's Mishaps. ILLUSTRATIONS.-To Arms.—Hand and Glove.—The Demon.








EDITOR'S DRAWER.—( With Eleven Illustrations.) FASHIONS FOR JULY.

ILLUSTRATIONS.—Home Toilet, No. 1.—Home Toilet, No. 2.

Any Number will be sent by Mail, post-paid, for Twenty-five Cents. Any Volume, comprising Six Numbers, neatly bound in Cloth, will be sent by Mail, to any part of the United States within 3000 miles of New York, post-paid, for Two Dollars per Volume. Complete Sets will be sent by Express, the freight at the charge of the purchaser, at a Discount of Twenty-five per Cent. from the above rate. Twenty-two Volumes, bound uniformly, extending from June, 1850, to June, 1861, are now ready.

HARPER'S WEEKLY will be sent gratuitously for one month—as a specimen—to any one who applies for it. Specimen Numbers of the MAGAZINE will also be sent gratuitously.


One Copy for one Year    $3.00

Two Copies for One Year ..........................5.00
Three or more Copies for One Year (each).2.00
And an Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club of EIGHT SUBSCRIBERS.

HARPER'S MAGAZINE and HARPER'S WEEKLY, together, one year, $4.00.



Illustrations of the War.

HARPER'S WEEKLY has now REGULAR ARTIST-CORRESPONDENTS at Fortress Monroe, Va., at Washington, D. C., at Martinsburgh, Va., at Chambersburg, Pa., at Grafton, Va., at Cairo, Ill., at St. Louis, Mo., and at Fort Pickens, Fla. These gentlemen will accompany the march of the armies, and will reproduce, for the benefit of the readers of Harper's Weekly, every incident of the momentous campaign which now opening.

Harper's Weekly is, moreover, in daily receipt of valuable sketches from Volunteer Correspondents in the Army and Navy in all parts of the country. The Publishers will be glad to receive such sketches from members of our forces in every section, and will pay liberally for such as they may use.

The Publishers will send Harper's Weekly free to any Regiment or Ship of War which may supply them with the name and address of the officer to whom it should be forwarded.

The circulation of Harper's Weekly is about One Hundred and Fifteen Thousand copies.

They have already published, since the Election, over three hundred illustrations of the Southern Rebellion, and they feel confident that the pages of Harper's Weekly will present a complete and exhaustive ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE WAR. No person who wishes to be informed with regard to the momentous events which are transpiring can afford to dispense with it.

Notwithstanding the great amount of space devoted to Illustrations of the War, Harper's Weekly continues to publish Mr. DICKENS'S New Story, "Great Expectations," which is pronounced the most successful of his admirable works. Its Editorial, Lounger, News, and other departments will be found, as usual, up to the time.





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