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Civil War Harper's Weekly, August 22, 1863

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Gettysburg Hero

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Charleston Siege

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Jeff Davis Cartoon

Jeff Davis Cartoon


View of Gettysburg

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Soldiers Eating

Morris Island

Morris Island






[AUGUST 22, 1863.


(Previous Page) that State to West Point, and graduated in 1848, entering the Second Dragoons as Second-Lieutenant. He served in his regiment until the outbreak of the rebellion, when he was transferred to the Inspector-General's Department, with the rank of Assistant Inspector-General. Last year he obtained permission to go on active service, and got a cavalry command in the Army of the Potomac, at the head of which he has greatly distinguished himself. We have illustrated his gallant charges on more than one occasion.


was born in New Jersey about the year 1838, and is consequently about twenty-six years of age. He entered West Point in 1857, and graduated in 1861, entering the First Artillery. Within a week he was promoted to a First Lieutenancy, and soon afterward obtained leave to accept a Lieutenant-Colonelcy of Volunteers. He was in the Army of the Potomac, and served throughout McDowell's and McClellan's campaigns, winning the confidence of his superior officers and of his men. His capacity led to his selection to command a regiment of cavalry; and when Stoneman's great raid was undertaken he was given command of one of the brigades. How well he discharged his duty—how daringly he rode through Virginia, destroying the rebel communications and threatening the rebel capital itself—every body still remembers. General Kilpatrick still has a large cavalry command, and is likely to make his name still more famous before the war ends.


WE devote pages 536 and 537 to illustrations of the SIEGE OF FORT WAGNER, from drawings just received from thence. One large picture gives us a general view of MORRIS ISLAND, showing Fort Wagner, Battery Gregg, General Gilmore's Works, his Camp, and Landing-Place, and Admiral Dahlgren's Iron-clad Fleet; other smaller designs illustrate our advanced works, Fort Wagner, hauling guns into position, mortar practice, etc., etc.

We have recorded from week to week the progress of our work before Charleston. By way of explaining the large view of Morris Island we append the following extract from the Herald correspondence:

Every morning two or more of the iron-clads move up into position off Wagner, at a distance of from one thousand to one thousand seven hundred yards, and deliver their shot and shell into the rebel work. The firing from Wagner has within the week past become irregular, and almost every time the iron-clads attack it the firing from it ceases in half an hour or forty-five minutes after the commencement. Yesterday only one gun was observable upon the work, and no signs of another could any where be seen. The one gun in sight is a 10-inch rifle, and from it they have made some excellent practice. In the attack on Monday morning last only two shots were fired from Wagner, and both of them struck the Montauk, but, as usual, doing no damage. The firing then ceased, and the remainder of the day the fort was silent. The ball, however, is regularly taken up by Battery Gregg (the old Cumming's Point Battery) and Fort Sumter, from both of which excellent firing has been made. In the position usually occupied by the iron-clads during an engagement they are within good range of Sumter; indeed, shots have been fired at them from Fort Moultrie, and not falling very far short. The beach in front of Fort Wagner is cut and scooped up as though a party of navvies had been seeing how irregular they could make it look. The parapet also and casemate of the fort look scarcely like any thing more than heaps of sand, so much have they been torn to pieces by shot and shell.

Although each day more or less firing from the fort is seen, yet it must be nearly untenable, and the fire of the iron-clads for half an hour silences it. Deserters, who were in the fort on the 18th of July, the day of tbe bombardment and storming, say that the explosion of the eleven and fifteen inch shell was frightful. Burying themselves in the earth, they exploded and dug immense holes, throwing the earth high into the air and over every thing around.

It is but proper to say the Montauk has been engaged more hours and thrown more shot and shell, grape and canister, than any other iron-clad. Testimony to the effectiveness of her shots is borne on all hands. Mr. Giraud, the executive officer of the Montauk, is known as one of the best shots in the service, and he rarely fails of hitting the object upon which he sights his guns. It is thought he has not lost a dozen shots in the three weeks' duty off Morris Island.

On James Island, over beyond Morris Island, and somewhat in the rear of Fort Johnson, are two new rebel batteries, which have been erected within the last ten days. The result of the firing upon Wagner has shown how probable it is that we shall soon possess and occupy it; and these new batteries are for the purpose of an enfilading fire. They look formidable as batteries, and yesterday they opened, throwing shot on Morris Island, and even near the iron-clads. They probably mount four or six guns each, though of what calibre it is impossible to state.

But General Gilmore is at work as well, and undoubtedly his efforts to possess all of Morris Island will soon be successful. The batteries which he used on the 18th inst., and indeed since, will be superseded by works more extensive, which he is throwing up three hundred yards in advance. These works if not entirely, will soon be completed. Already they are of such magnitude as to excite the wonder and admiration of all beholders. The front of the work extends far up the beach, and can not be more than seven hundred yards from Fort Wagner. It will not surprise some if, when this work is finished, General Gilmore entirely discards Wagner and turns his attention to a more ancient and familiar locality. His batteries, in the centre of Morris Island, cover any approach from James Island, if it was possible to make one from that direction. The lower end of Morris Island is as busy as a work-shop in unloading and transporting guns, carriages, ammunition, and stores. On the shelving beach, under the bluffs, his men are encamped, and morning and evening witness the company drill and the dress parade. The whole extent of the beach is alive from dawn to dusk with the men and horses, who are accomplishing the work from which so much is hoped.

From the new work a wharf has been built out upon the beach, affording quite a depth of water at high tide. This has been constructed under the fire of rebel guns, as all the work has been since the landing on the island.

A letter of the 5th, published in the Times, contains the following:

The preparations for renewing the attack on Fort Wagner are progressing as rapidly and favorably as could be desired. There is not an officer or private in the entire Department who is not sanguine of the fall of Fort Wagner on the renewal of the assault. The same buoyant feeling is also shared by the naval officers, many of whom are positive in their belief that Charleston will be in our possession before the close of the summer months. Within the past three days General Gilmore has added numerous and heavy guns to his line of attack, and the unceasing toil day and night of the men upon the trenches indicates that work of a different character will soon commence. It would perhaps be superfluous to add that reinforcements have been arriving at Morris Island since the late fight, so that the strength of the enemy, when the next battle occurs, will be severely tested. These reinforcements are greatly needed, as many of the soldiers who have been digging

in the trenches and attending to other duties are completely worn-out from continued exposure and labor.

The public may rest assured that the heavy ordnance now trained and to be trained on Forts Sumner and Wagner will be manned by men who have been educated to the business.



Pedestrianism.—A large assemblage is expected to witness a novel Walking Match against time. An Amateur has backed himself to walk into a Pigeon Pie in less than two minutes.

Archery.—The shooting match for children under eight years of age is to commence in a few days. The targets will be provided with bull's eyes from the nearest sweet shops.

A lady, teaching in a ragged school one Sunday evening, was trying to impress on her class of young city Arabs the ditty of thankfulness to Providence; and, to begin at the lowest and most tangible proposition, asked them to mention the pleasures which in the course of the year they enjoyed the most; holidays on some fine neighboring downs being, in her unsophisticated mind, the probable reply to her question, or, at the worst, the good Christmas dinner provided by the guardians of the school. The class, composed of ten or a dozen lads between sixteen and eighteen, all sat very still for a moment in profound cogitation. Then the leader lifted his head, looked the lady straight in the face, and answered, "Cock-fightin', ma'am!"

An Irish piper, who now and then indulged in a glass too much, was accosted by a gentleman with—"Pat, what makes your face so red?" "Plase your Honor, I always blush when I spakes to gintlemen."

An unwilling juryman recently excused himself from serving by a letter, of which the following is a literal copy: "Sir,—As I am a Fauriner and my lengwich Danish I am not ettal compitint of the English lengwich to be a jewry man and my contious du not alow me to geive my openian en wat I do not enderstan—An answer vel oblight."

ALL RIGHT.—A lady at sea, full of apprehension in a gale of wind, cried out among other exclamations, "We shall go to the bottom. Mercy on us, how my head swims!" "Madam, never fear," said one of the sailors, "you can never go to the bottom while your head swims."

PLUCK.—A young warrior was observed to be seized with a sudden quaking and shivering all over his body. Whereupon some one asked him what was the matter. "My flesh," replied he, "trembles at the forethought of those dangers whereunto my undaunted heart will certainly carry me."

"Never judge from manners," said Lord Byron, "for I once had my pocket picked by the civilest gentleman I ever met with."

One of the stories told by Mr. Gough of his experiences, is that of his once being "nearly floored with an H," though it was not so much the misplaced H that hit him as that which accompanied it. He was about to address a large audience on his favorite theme of temperance, and the chairman, a rotund man, undertook to introduce him. Happening to recollect the miracle of Samson getting water from the jaw-bone with which he had slain the Philistines, and thinking to turn it to account, the chairman said: "Ladies and gentlemen, I 'ave the 'onor to introduce to you the distinguished lecturer, Mr. John B. Gough, who will address us on the subject of temperance. You know that temperance is thought to be rather a dry subject; but to-night, as we listen to hour friend the horator from hover the hocean, we may 'ope to 'ave the miracle of Samson repeated, and to be refreshed with water from the jaw-bone of a hass!"

When a man takes more pleasure in earning money than in spending it, he has taken the first step toward wealth.

A highly civilized New Zealander, now a partner in an English commercial house at Sydney, says that in his younger days he was greatly addicted to the use of human flesh; and being a candid and really high-minded man, he admits that although he has now acquired different tastes, the relish with which he partook of cannibal feasts, especially when a young female was served up, is still a matter of a by no means disagreeable recollection to him.

Tompkins considers that a briefless barrister ought never to be blamed; "for it is decidedly wrong to abuse a man without a cause."

An ill-bred fellow, who had suddenly risen to wealth by some profitable Government contracts, went to the opera, and stood up with his hat on. "We must forgive the man," whispered a wag; "he has so short a time been used to the luxury of a hat that he doesn't know when to take it off."

A LUCID EXPLANATION.—A gentleman on board a steamboat with his family, was asked by his children, "what made the boat go?" when he gave them a very minute description of the machinery and its principles, in the following words: "You see, my dears, this thingumbob here goes down through that hole and fastens the jigmaree, and that connects with the crinkum-crankum; and then that man—he's the engineer, you know—kind o' stirs up the what-do-you-call-it with a long poker, and they all shove along, and the boat goes ahead."

ADVERTISEMENT.—A gentleman with a few hours to spare will be happy to lend them to any body who can't otherwise get a minute to himself.

HOW TO GET INTO A SCRAPE.—Shave with a blunt razor.

Why is a lovely young lady like a hinge?—Because site is something to adore.

Of all the dust thrown in men's eyes, gold dust is the most blinding.

Beef steaks are very good thing, but undoubtedly they sometimes need to be hauled over the coals.

"I feel the point, but don't see the joke," as the sheep said to the butcher's knife.

Of all the Percy family the noblest is Percy Vere (persevere), and the most cruel Percy Cute (persecute).

HORTICULTURE FOR LOVERS.—Watching the growth of affection.

A certain lady had been much annoyed by the ringing of her door-bell by the mischievous boys in the vicinity, and determined to be no more made a fool of by going to the door. In the course of the forenoon her minister called to see her, dressed in his sprucest manner; he ascended the steps and gently drew the bell-handle, when the lady shouted from the entry, "I see you, boy; if I catch you I'll wring your neck!" The frightened gentleman immediately rushed down the steps, through a small crowd of young scamps, and has not called at that house since.

The heart, like a watchman, should confine itself to its regular beat.

A friend inquires whether man can not vote by telegraph. This is a question for political wire-workers to solve. Our own opinion is that it depends entirely upon the regulations of the poles.


ABLE-BODIED VOLUNTEER. "Hallo, Gawky, my boy! what's all this about?"

INVALID DITTO (in gasps). "Oh, I—fact is—shooting the other day at—our Long Range—thought I'd try—Farquharson Position—made a centre, but—dislocated both my—shoulder-blades—concussion of the funny-bone and a crick in my neck ever since!"

For the benefit of the uninitiated we subjoin the practice referred to by our invalid friend:

"THE 'FARQUHARSON POSITION.'—Let a man lie down on his back, cross his legs, and place a rifle butt into his right shoulder, with the barrel resting on the limbs. Having done this, let him bring the left arm round the back of his head and take hold of the butt of the rifle, the left elbow pressed against the head, somewhere on the right lobe, near the bump of 'cautiousness'—no bad quality for a rifle-shot, by-the-way. If a man can do this, not as a gymnastic feat, but easily, so as to make bull's-eyes at 1000 yards in that remarkable attitude, he will be as clever as Mr. Farquharson."

A ten-year-old, who, though ungovernable, calls his father governor, asked his older sister, "Is the governor up stairs, Maria?" "If you mean father, yes." "Well, then, tell him if he wants to speak to me about staying out late of a night, he had better come down and do so now, as I have got an appointment at ten o'clock to supper with the two Miss Sparkles! Be lively, there's a good girl!"

A deceased chief justice once addressed a jury in the following model speech: "Gentlemen of the jury, in this case the counsel on both sides are unintelligible; the witnesses incredible; and the plaintiffs and defendants are both such bad characters that to me it is indifferent which way you give your verdict."

Among the Caffres agriculture is considered to be a kind of labor unworthy of a warrior, and is therefore entirely left to the women. When they first saw a plow at work they gazed at it in astonished and delighted silence. At length one of them gave utterance to his feelings: "See how the thing tears up the ground with its mouth! It is of more value than five wives!"



To take orders for

Victor's History of the Rebellion.

The acknowledged standard, indorsed by the President, Cabinet, Members of Congress, Governors, Bancroft the historian, and by the Press generally. Two vols. now ready. Superbly illustrated with Steel Engravings. Sold by subscription only, and exclusive territory given. Canvassers make $50 to $100 per week. Send for circular of terms, &c.

EDWARD F. HOVEY, No. 13 Spruce St., N. Y.

Cristadoro's Hair Dye.


Cristadoro's Hair Preservative.

Unequaled as a dressing. Both for sale everywhere, and applied at No. 6 Astor House, N. Y.

J. W. EVERETT & Co.,



We will forward to any address, on receipt of order (accompanied by cash), ANY ARTICLE REQUIRED, at the LOWEST PRICES; Photographs, Albums, Latest Publications, Music, Jewelry, Books, Playing Cards, Army Corps Badges, or any other articles procurable in this city.


Dominoes for the Million.

Address   J. W. EVERETT & CO.

111 Fulton Street, or P. O. Box 1,614,


3 MORE NEW ARTICLES now ready. For Catalogue and terms send stamp, RICE & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y.

WANTED.—DISABLED AND DISCHARGED SOLdiers, and others, maimed and crippled, can hear of a pleasant and profitable business by addressing P. O. Box No. 45, Philadelphia. (Sample free for 25 cents.)

Sportsmen, Tourists, and Army and
Navy Officers.
Powerful and Brilliant Double Glasses;

without the distressing result of frequent changes. Catalogues sent by enclosing stamp.

SEMMONS, Oculists—Optician,

   669 1/2 Broadway, New York.

Mt. Kisco Military and Collegiate Institute. The Fall term opens Oct. 5th. For circulars address A. B. WIGGIN, A.M., Mount Kisco, Westchester Co., N. Y.

Phelan & Collender, Sole Manufacturers.

$15 Per Day Easy $15
And a Watch Free.

Employment for everybody, male and female. 100,000 men, women, and children wanted to act as our Agents in every Town and Village throughout the U. S. to sell our immensely popular, unexcelled, and valuable extra large size PRIZE STATIONERY, RECIPES, and YANKEE NOTION PACKAGES, containing fine Writing Materials, such as Paper, Pens, Pencils, Envelopes, Blotters, Beautiful Emblems, Ladies' Fashion Plates, Designs for Needlework, Cottage Keepsakes, Household Companions, Camp Companions (for Soldiers), Parlor Amusements, Letter Writer's Guide, Medical Preparations, Many Ways to Get Rich, Likenesses of Military Heroes, Union Designs, Gents' Pocket Calendars for 1863, YANKEE NOTIONS of all kinds, rich, and costly Presents of Fashionable Jewelry, Rare Recipes, Games, Army Advice, &c., &c., &c., the whole worth, if bought separately, many dollars. Price each Package ONLY 25 cents retail. Wholesale rates to Agents very low, from 100 TO 200 PER CENT PROFIT ALLOWED. Our Packages stand same as ever, alone, and above all competitors, and have long been acknowledged as the leading and only real valuable and standard Articles of the kind now manufactured. Packages of all descriptions put up by the 1000 for Sutlers, Peddlers, Wholesale Dealers, etc. Goods sent by Express safe to ALL PARTS of the army South or Southwest. A SPLENDID SOLID SILVER WATCH, ENGLISH MOVEMENTS, and correct timepiece presented FREE to each person who acts as our agent. Send for our NEW Circulars, containing Extra Premium Inducements, sent free. S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau St., N. Y. The Great Original, Largest, and Oldest Prize Package House in the World.

French (Soltaire) Patterns.

These fashionable goods are made of the finest Ivory, and brought to a high polish of all colors, Black, White, Red, Blue, &c., and engraved with Initial Letters, Old English, &c. Complete sets $1.50, free by mail. Trade supplied.

JOHN F. PHELPS, 429 Broadway, New York.

N. Y. Medical College for WOMEN, Chartered 1863, and affording thorough Scientific Medical Education, begins Oct. 19th, 1863. For Pprospectus, address


      37 Lafayette Place, N. Y. City.

W. SMITH, No. 408 Broadway. Call in with the little folks, and take a ride, or send stamp for illustrated circular.

Glass and other Letters and Numbers for attaching to Windows, Signs, Marble and other surfaces. Glass Signs and Show Cards, with frames, to order at low prices. Office 107 Fulton Street, N. Y. GLASS LETTER CO.

$2 positively made from 20 Cents.—Something urgently needed by every person. 10 samples sent free by mail for 20 cents that retails for $2, by

R. L. WALCOTT, 170 Chatham Square, N. Y.

Family Sewing Machines, $5 to $15.

The acknowledged simplest practical Machines ever produced. Novelty Machine Co., 442 Broadway, N. Y.

Proclamation.—500,000 Watches, Chains, Rings, and Jewelry. Send for a Circular and Catalogue—they give all particulars. Agents wanted. Address A. J. H. & Co., 208 Broadway, or Box 5219, P. 0., New York.

BARTLETT supplies the NEEDLES for all SEWING MACHINES. Sends by Mail or Express everywhere. Also the renowned BURNISIHED HAND NEEDLES, 150 for 25 cents all sizes. 442 Broadway, N. Y.





"The Journal of Mrs. FRANCES ANNE KEMBLE during her residence upon a plantation in Georgia as the wife of the proprietor, is the most thrilling and remarkable picture of the interior social life of the slaveholding section in this country that has ever been published. Our previous accounts of that life have been derived from outside observers. But the Journal of Mrs. KEMBLE was jotted down from day to day as she lived upon the plantation of which she was mistress. There is no excuse, no palliation of facts, but the whole system is laid bare and quivering before the eye. So faithful and final a witness we have not had. Even Uncle Tom's Cabin is only founded upon fact. The Journal of Mrs. KEMBLE is fact itself."



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A POINT OF HONOR. A Novel. By the Author of "The Morals of May Fair" "Creeds," "The World's Verdict," &c., &c., &c. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents.





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