Congress Votes to Abolish Slavery


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, February 11, 1865

You are viewing a page from the original February 11, 1865 edition of Harper's Weekly. These old newspapers allow you to read the news of the war, and learn new insights from these first edition reports. The papers are full of interesting news articles, and wood cut illustrations. This material is from our private collection, which we are posting to the internet.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Confederate Ironclads

Confederate Ironclads

Black Laws

Abolish Slavery

Congress Votes to Abolish Slavery

General Garrard

General Kenner Garrard

General Hazen

General Hazen


Smithsonian Fire

Oil Speculators

Oil Speculation


Smithsonian Institure Fire

Fire at the Smithsonian Institute

Sherman in Savannah

General Sherman in Savannah Georgia


Civil War Scout





FEBRUARY 11, 1865.]



(Previous Page) is part of the Nemesis under which we suffer, at that are defending against rebels a Government which the rebels themselves made odious.

We have not sufficiently remembered this in our indignation with the conduct of what were called friendly powers. We saw them sneering at us as we carried the flag against the foe, and told them the flag meant liberty. We forgot that they had just seen the same flag in the hands of those who swore that it meant slavery. Governments, like men, act from mixed motives. If our flag had always stood for justice, moderation, friendliness, it would have commanded more sympathy in its extremity. The American principle would have been a thousand fold more dangerous to Europe if the Government had not swaggered. A modest, friendly, but perfectly firm tone, would have won the hearts of the people and conciliated the pride of the aristocracy. But when the dominant party blustered every foreigner felt insulted.

The Canadians have forfeited neither their self respect nor the regard of a powerful neighbor by showing that they mean neutrality as well as say it.


IT is now known that a commission, consisting of ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS of Georgia, R. M. T. HUNTER of Virginia, and A. J. CAMPBELL of Alabama (formerly of the United States Supreme Court) applied, on the 29th of January, for permission to come to General GRANT'S headquarters, which was granted. They desired to approach our Government very much in the same way in which BLAIR has approached the rebel authorities in Richmond. But the fact that the most prominent member of the commission is the Vice-President of the rebel Government makes an important difference between the two cases, notwithstanding it is given out that the commission is intended only to represent the people of the Southern States. Besides, we learn from the Richmond Sentinel that on the previous day Davis and STEPHENS " had been engaged in a long consultation on public affairs."

This commission, following so closely upon Mr. BLAIR'S private mission to Richmond, has more significance than it could otherwise have. For it indicates, either that the rebel authorities are determined to exact from our Government some distinct statement in regard to the only possible terms of peace, such as shall further their own ends by rallying the people of the South in a last desperate effort to gain their independence, or that the people of the South are themselves anxious to make peace on the basis of reconstruction.

If the former be not indicated the latter must be. For the rebels already know from Mr. BLAIR'S statements, if from no other source, that no terms will be conceded by our Government involving separation. Unless the object be to arouse the Southern people anew, the appointment of such a commission is useless and absurd. So long as the rebels claim the right of secession, there is no common ground on which to rest any negotiations.

What the issue of this mater may be is now uncertain. But this much is certain. If Union and Peace can not be obtained by the immediate and voluntary submission of the rebels to the Constitution and Government of the United States, then they must come as the result of the combinations which Generals GRANT and SHERMAN are now forming for just that end.


EARL RUSSELL ought to go to school to the Foreign Minister of the Netherlands. That gentleman, like the Earl, received the circular of the European emissaries of the rebellion, but unlike the Earl, whose clumsy and foolish reply exasperated every body, the Dutch premier, after simply acknowledging the receipt of the circular, merely adds:

"In thanking you for this communication, and with an earnest wish for the prompt re-establishment of peace in America, I beg you, gentlemen, to accept the assurance of my high consideration.   E. CREWENS."

As ARTEMUS WARD said of WASHINGTON E. CREWENS certainly does not slop over. His letter is a model.


COBBETT'S COURTSHIP. It is recorded in Chambers's "Book of Days," that while in New Brunswick Cobbett met the girl who became his wife. He first saw her in company for about an hour one evening. Shortly afterward, in the dead of winter, when the snow lay several feet thick on the ground he chanced, in his walk at break of day, to pass the house of her parents. It was hardly light, but there was she out in the cold, scrubbing a washing tub. That action made her mistress of Cobbett's heart forever. No sooner was he out of hearing than he exclaimed," That's the girl for me I" She was the daughter of a sergeant of artillery, and then only thirteen. To his intense chagrin the artillery was ordered to England, and she had to go with her father. Cobbett by this time had managed to save 150 guineas as a foot soldier the produce of extra work. Considering that Woolwich, to which his sweet-heart was bound, was a gay place, and that she there might find many suitors, who, moved by her beauty, might tempt her by then wealth ; and unwilling that she should hurt herself by hard work, he sent her all his precious guineas, and prayed that she would use them freely for he could get plenty more to buy good clothes, and live in pleasant lodgings, and be as happy as she could until he was able to join her. Four long years elapsed before they met Cobbett, when he reached En-

gland, found her a maid-of-all-work, at £5 a year. On their meeting, without saying a word about it, she placed in his hands his parcel of 150 guineas unbroken. He obtained his discharge from the army, and married the brave and thrifty woman. She made him an admirable wife never was he tired of speaking her praises; and whatever comfort and success he afterward enjoyed, it was his delight to ascribe to her care and to her inspiration.

PUNSTERS have grown wild about Fort Fisher. The names of the Federal commanders of the expedition and of the rebel garrison seem to have been arranged with an especial reference to the facility of punning. Thus one punster will have it that the garrison at Fort Fisher was Terry fled into submission. Another suggests that there is work for Temperance Societies in Wilmington, the society there being in such a demoralized condition from the effects of Porter. Another inquires if. Porter should be put "in a transport" because he was so successful. Another thinks it reasonable to have expected submission from a fort in which a Lamb had so much authority. Another asks if it can be expected that a half moon battery will show any quarter. But the craziest of all is the following: If Admiral Porter makes any more reports about the Fort Fisher business ought he not to be called Admiral Reporter?

GOLDEN EGGS.—M. Hermann, a conjuror, lately performed the following impromptu trick in the streets of Constantinople. Returning in company with a friend from the bazars, he met a Jew egg hawker near the Stambboul end of the bridge, and, stopping him, asked the price of his eggs. " Thirty paras apiece," said the Jew," for they were all fresh laid this morning." "Very good," said Hermann, "I will take a dozen at the price." The nine piasters were accordingly paid, and the conjuror then proceeded to crack one of the eggs. The result did not bear out the Jew's averment as to their freshness; but Hermann, nothing daunted by the smell, slowly chipped off the top of the shell and fished out a sovereign from the centre of the odorous yolk. To the amazement of the Jew he did the same with a second and third which both proved as rotten as the first and was taking up a fourth, when Moses flung back the nine piasters, shouldering his creel, and scuttled rapidly off, declaring that he would not sell at the price. Hermann and his companion slowly followed, and, after a while, came up with the Hebrew in a quiet corner of the neighboring mosque-yard, where they found him hard at work breaking his eggs. Another offer was made for the whole, but, though more than a dozen had already been sacrificed without the expected sovereigns turning up, the Youdi refused business, and was left deliberately smashing the whole contents of his basket in search of the golden deposit.

THE first volume of Napoleon's " Life of Ceasar" will be published on the 10th of February. It will appear simultaneously in French and German, into which latter language it has been translated by M. Frohner, conservateur at the Library of the Louvre. Numbers of foreign editors have arrived in Paris to obtain leave to reproduce the work. The first volume is devoted to the geographic and archaeologic description of Caesar's campaign in Gaul.

THE JEWS.—There are in the world about 7,000,000 Jews : about half that number were in Europe. Russia alone comprises 1,200,000. It is remarkable that in England, France, and Belgium, where the Jewish race is completely emancipated, the number is diminishing, while it is increasing elsewhere. At Frankfort-on-the-Maine there is one Jew to every sixteen Christians. In France there are 80,000 Jews, in England 42,000.

A DAY IN THE MOON.—A lunar day comprises a period of twenty-eight days like ours. We are familiar with the sublime spectacle of the sunrise upon the earth: that wondrous transformation with which the glories of the night dissolve into the glories of the day, when the watchstars close their holy eyes as the timid blush of morning kindles the eastern horizon, when the tide of light flows in to fill the celestial canopy, and when, as a climax to the changing scene, the glorious sun bursts open the gates of the morning and proclaims himself the lord of the day. How fearfully different is the vision of a sunrise upon the moon! No gentle transition from darkness to light, no imperceptible melting of night into day. From an horizon dark as a moonless midnight the sun slowly ascends a lurid ball of brightness, infinitely more dazzling than it can appear to an earthly eye, gilding the summits of the lofty mountains, and causing these to start forth like islands of light in a sea of darkness, while their bases and surrounding valleys are yet shrouded in impenetrable gloom. Slowly the silvery flood of light pours down the mountain flanks, and the shadow, still of pitchy blackness, slowly shortens as the sun, after a lapse of 170 hours, attains its meridian height. If we look aloft to the lunar heavens we behold the stars, although at noonday with a steady lustre, unsullied even with the effect of twinkling or scintillation, for these phenomena are due to the varying currents of an atmosphere. For fourteen days the sun pours down his fiery rays upon an arid soil never sheltered by a welcome cloud, never refreshed by a genial shower, till that soil becomes heated to a temperature equal to that of boiling water. Gradually the shadows lengthen and the sun declines, but no crimson curtain of evening closes around the lunar landscape ; and when the last rays of the setting sun are lost beneath the horizon, no twilight intervenes, but a pall of fearful darkness falls upon the scene. And then succeeds a long and dreary night of 328 hours' duration, and a severity of cold that reduces the lately parched surface to a temperature probably 300 degrees below the freezing point of water

WARMING RAILWAY CARRIAGES. Trials were made recently in Prussia of a new method of warming railway carriages by steam. The boiler for the purpose is placed in the luggage van, and the steam passes though tubes into wooden cylinders in the coupe of each carriage. Safety valves are provided to carry off the excess of pressure, which is limited to 1/4 of an atmosphere (about 3-3/4 lbs.), and a lever is placed in the carriage, so that the temperature can be regulated according to the will of the occupants. The experiments, it is said, succeeded perfectly.

AN ARTIST WITHOUT ARMS.-There dwells in Antwerp an artist named Fillu, who, born without arms, educated his feet effectively to do their work. His taste directed his choice of life. He became a painter, and has succeeded in being a very accomplished one. He may be seen in the museum copying with great fidelity some fine work or other. He balances himself with ease and firmness on a stool, grasps his maulstick and pallet with the left great toe, and with the right uses his brush with perfect facility. The toes of his feet alone are exposed.

A WARNING.—A young lady suddenly fainted at a ball near Konigsberg, in Germany, a short time since; and it was afterward proved by the doctor who was called upon to render aid that her indisposition arose from the presence of arsenic in some green ornaments in her hair and in the trimmings of her dress, which were of the same color.

HOW MILTON SPENT THE DAY.-At his meals he never took much wine or other fermented liquor. Although not fastidious in his food, yet his taste seems to have been delicate and refined, like his other senses, and he had a preference for such viands as were of an agreeable flavor. In his early years he need to sit up late at his studies, but in his later years he retired every night at nine o'clock, and lay till for in the summer, and five in the winter. If not then disposed to rise, he had some one to sit at his bedside and read to him. When he rose he had a chapter of the Hebrew Bible read for him, and then after breakfast studied till twelve. He then dined, took some exercise for an hour, generally in a chair in which he used to swing himself, and afterward played on the organ or bass viol, and either sung himself, or requested his wife to sing, who, as he said, had a good voice but no ear. He then resumed his studies until six, from which hour until eight he conversed with all who came to visit him. He finally took a light supper, smoked a pipe of tobacco, and drank a glass of water, after which he retired to rest. Like many other poets, Milton found the stillness, warmth, and recumbency of bed favorable to composition, and his wife said, before rising of a morning, he often dictated to her twenty or thirty verses. A favorite position of his when dictating his verses, we are told, was that of sitting with one suits legs over the arm of his chair. His wife related that he used to compose chiefly in the winter.



WE have to record this week the most important action ever taken by the United States Congress since the formation of our Government on its present Constitutional basis. On the 8th of April, 1864, the Senate passed a joint resolution proposing to the Legislatures of the States an amendment to the Constitution abolishing Slavery. It was adopted by a vote of 38 to 6, six members not voting. This joint resolution passed the House January 31, 1865, by a vote of 119 to 56, being two votes more than the required majority of two-thirds. We give below the yeas and nays in both Homes, and the names of Members absent or not voting. The Members supporting the Administration are printed in Roman, the Opposition in Italics.

In the Senate, April 8,1864, the votes were as follow:


Anthony, R. I.   Howe, Wis.

Brown, Mo.   Johnson, Md.

Chandler, Mich.   Lane, Ind.

Clark, N. H.   Lane, Kansas.

Collamer, Vt.   Morgan, N. Y.

Conness, Cal.   Morrill, Me.

Cowan, Pa.   Nesmith, Oregon.

Dixor, Conn.   Pomeroy, Kansas.

Doolittle, Wis.      Ramsay, Minn.

Fessenden, Me.   Sherman, Ohio.

Foot, Vt.   Sprague, R. I.

Foster, Conn.   Sumner, Mass.

Grimes, Iowa.   Ten Eyck, N. J.

Hale, N. H.   Trumbull, Ill.

Harding, Oregon.   Van Winkle, Va.

Harlan, Iowa.   Wade, Ohio.

Harris, N. Y.   Wilkinson, Minn.

Henderson, Mo.   Willey, W. Va.

Howard, Mich.   Wilson, Mass. NAYS.

Davis, Ky.   Powell, Ky.

Hendricks, Ind.   Riddle, Del.

M'Dougall, Cal.   Saulsbury, Del.


Bowden, Va.   Hicks, Md.

Buckalew, Pa.   Richardson, Ill.

Carlisle, Va.   Wright, N. J.

In the House, January 31,1865:


Alley, Mass.   King, Mo.

Allison, Iowa.   Knox, Mo.

Ames, Mass.   Littlejohn, N. Y.

Anderson, Ky.   Loan, Mo.

Arnold, Ill.   Longyear, Mich.

Ashley, Ohio.   Marvin, N. Y.

Bailey, Pa.   M'Allister, Pa.

Baldwin, Mich.   M'Bride, Oregon.

Baldwin, Mass.   M'Clurg, Mo.

Baxter, Vt.   M'Indoe, Wis.

Beaman, Mich.   Miller, N. Y.

Blaine, Me.   Morehead, Pa.

Blair, W. Va.   Morrill, Vt.

Blow, Mo.   Morris, N. Y.

Boutwell, Mass.   Myers, A., Pa.

Boyd, Mo.   Myers, L., Pa.

Brandegee, Conn.   Nelson, N. Y

Broomall, Pa.   Norton, N. Y.

Brown, W. Va.   Odell, N. Y.

Clark, A. W., N. Y.   O'Neill, Pa.

Clark, F., N. Y.   Orth, Ind.

Cobb, Wis.   Patterson, N. If.

Coffroth, Pa.   Perham, Me.

Colfax, Ind.   Pike, Me.

Cole, Cal.   Pomeroy, N. Y.

Creswell, Md.   Price, Iowa.

Davis, Md.   Radford, N. Y.

Davis, N. Y.   Randall, Ky.

Dawes, Mass.   Rice, Mass.

Deming, Conn.   Rice, Me.

Dixon, R. I.      Rollins, N. H.

Donnelly, Minn.   Rollins, Mo.

Driggs, Mich.   Schenck, Ohio.

Dumont, Ind.   Scofield, Pa.

Eckley, Ohio.   Shannon, Cal.

Eliot, Mass.   Sloan, Wis.

English, Conn.   Smith, Ky.

Farnsworth, Ill.   Smithers, Del.

Frank, N. Y.   Spaulding, Ohio.

Galleon, N. Y.   Starr, N. J.

Garfield, Ohio.   Steele, N. Y.

Gooch, Mass.   Stevens, Pa.

Grinnell, Iowa.   Thayer, Pa.

Griswold, N. Y.   Thomas, Md.

Bale, Pa.   Tracy, Pa.

Herrick, N. Y.   Upson, Mich.

Higby, Cal.   Van Valkenburg, N. Y.

Hooper, Mass.   Washburne, Ill.

Hotchkiss, N. Y.   Washburne, Mass.

Hubbard, Iowa.   Webster, Md.

Hubbard, Conn.   Whaley, W. Va.

Hulburd, N. Y.   Wheeler, Wis.

Hutchins, Ohio.   Williams, Pa.

Ingersoll, Ill.   Wilder, Kansas.

Jenckes, R. I.   Wilson, Iowa.

Julian, Ind.   Windom, Minn.

Kassel], Iowa.   Woodbridge, Vt.

Kelley, Pa.   Worthington, Nevada.

Kellogg, Mich.   Yeaman, Ky. Kellogg, N. Y.


Allen, J. C., Ill.   Law, Ind.

Alien, W. G., Ill.   Long, Ohio.

Ancona, Pa.   Mallory, Ky.

Bliss, Ohio.   Miller, Pa.

Brooks, N. Y.   Morrie, Ohio.

Brown, Wis.   Morrison, Ill.

Chanler, N. Y.   Noble, Ohio.

Clay, Ky.   O'Neill, Ohio.

Cox, Ohio.   Pendleton, Ohio.

Cravens, Ind.   Perry, N. J.

Dawson, Pa.   Pruyn, N. Y.

Denison, Pa.   Randall, Pa.

Eden, Ill.   Robinson, Ill.

Edgerton, Ind.   Ross, Ill

Eldridge, Wis.   Scott, Mo.

Finck, Ohio.   Steele, N. J.

Crider, Ky.   Stiles, Pa.

Hall, Mo.   Strouse, Pa.

Harding, Ky.   Stuart, Ill.

Harrington, Ind.   Sweat, Me.

Harris, Md.   Townsend, N. Y.

Harris, Ill.   Wadsworth, Ky.

Holman, Ind.   Ward, N. Y.

Johnson, Pa.   White, J. W. Ohio.

Johnson, Ohio.   White, C. A., Ohio.

Kalbfleisch, N. Y.   Winfield, N. Y.

Keenan, N.Y.   Wood, B., N. Y.

Knapp, Ill.   Wood, F., N. Y. NOT VOTING.

Lazear, Pa.   M'Kenny, Ohio.

Le Blonde, Ohio.   Middleton, N. J.

Marcy, N. H.   Rogers, N. J.

M'Dowell, Ind.   Voorhees, Ind.

The retaliatory resolution has passed the Senate. The legislation in regard to this matter is unnecessarily confused. If the Senate wishes to declare its sense that there should be a general exchange, as it has done in an amendment to the above resolution, then there is no need of the main resolution itself. The Senate has as much power in directing an exchange as it has in determining on retaliation. If there is not to be an exchange, there is a way in which there may be secured to prisoners on either side such treatment as is consistent with humanity without retaliation. What is there to prevent the appointment on each side of commissioners whose business shall be to look after the comfort of the prisoners of their respective governments? The rebels could not, without an exposure of their inhuman purpose, refuse to admit such a commission into Southern prisons as a permanent institution and the Federal Government can have no objection to a similar commission, members of which shall reside in our prisons. This commission on either side world command respect :

and if its suggestions and remonstrances were not heeded.

it could accurately report all cases of inhuman treatment. These reports would have all the value and effect attaching to other official documents. It is true that such a commission is proposed by the Senate, but it is in the form of an amendment to the retaliatory resolution, and thus loses its proper effect. The commission should be tried, at least, before we resort to retaliation.

The spring campaign is still in its preliminary stages. The capture of Fort Fisher will doubtless be followed soon by the occupation of Wilmington. Sherman, meanwhile, is measuring the elements of resistance and these are very formidable which he will have to encounter. He is reinforcing his army. General Grover has arrived at Savannah with several thousand men, thus relieving General Geary, who will accompany Sherman. The only event which has disturbed the quiet upon the James has been the raid of the rebel iron-clad fleet, of which we give an account on our first page.


January 25:

In the Senate, the House Bankrupt bill was reported from the Judiciary Committee with amendments. The question of retaliation was resumed, but not concluded. The Deficiency bill was reported, and it was determined not to pass it unless the House would strike out the proposition to increase the salary of its employes,

In the House, a resolution of inquiry into the facts connected with trade with the rebellious States was passed. The question of providing that the Heads of Departments should occupy seats on the floor of the House, to be interrogated under certain rules as to their respective Departments, and to a limited extent to participate in debate, was considered.

January 26:

In the Senate, the House Amendatory Loan bill was passed. The Retaliation measure was still under consideration.

In the House, the bill for the admission of Cabinet officers to the floor of the House was debated at some length, but a final consideration was postponed till February 3. A new Deficiency bill was reported, in which the clause objectionable to the Senate was modified, though only in form, by being made to read: "Thirty-eight thousand dollars is appropriated to enable the House to meet its obligations and fulfill its pledges heretofore incurred.

January 27:

In the Senate, the Deficiency bill was passed without the objectionable amendment. The Retaliation measure was still under debate.

In the House only private bills were considered. January 28:

In the Senate, a resolution was adopted providing for the publication of the correspondence of President Madison. The rest of the session was taken up in the consideration of the resolution appointing a committee on corruptions, and of the proposition for retaliation.

In the House there was a debate on the constitutional amendment.

January 30:

In the Senate, the House bill reducing the duty on printing paper was reported with an amendment, fixing the duty at 15 instead of 3 per cent. The resolution to appoint the Committee on Corruptions was debated by Mr. Hale, who indulged in a long speech on the frauds done in the Navy Department.

In the House, the Senate's resolution for a committee to count the votes in the late Presidential election was concurred in, with an amendment excluding from representation in the Electoral College Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. January 31:

In the Senate, the retaliation resolution was passed, 26 to 13, modified by several amendments restricting its action so as to be conformable to the laws of nations and to the usages of war. An amendment was adopted declaring the sense of the Senate to be in favor of a general exchange of prisoners; aim one to appoint commissioners to look after the condition of our prisoners in future.

In the House, the proposition was passed to submit to the Legislatures of the several States the following amendment to the Constitution :

"ARTICLE 13.—Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist with in the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

" Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."


In Governor-General Monck's estimate for the expenses of the Canadian Government for the current year is in. eluded some $50.000 in gold as indemnity for the gold seized in the raid on St. Albans.

Captain Raphael Semmes, the notorious privateer, was in Richmond January 19.

The editor of the Richmond Sentinel says it would be an animating and appropriate spectacle if a new out burst of enthusiasm and of patriotic devotion should now be witnessed among his countrymen. He adds that it would be touching and inspiring if they would even furnish the means to pay off the Confederate soldiers.

Thirty-five dollars of the Confederate currency are worth only one dollar in gold. This reduces the value of a Confederate dollar to less than three cents. The Mobile papers say that the people decline to bet the odds of one against forty on the success of the rebel cause.

The United States monitor Patapsco was destroyed, off Charleston, at 2 A M. on 17th, while doing picket duty, by a rebel torpedo. Sixty of the new went down with her.

Marshal-General Fry announces that he has added 14,000 more men to the quota of New York, making the total quota of the State over 60,000. This increases the quota of the city to 21,000.

The pirate Shenandoah has destroyed several American merchantmen recently along the coast of Brazil.

General George B. McClellan and wife sailed January 25 for Europe on the Cunard steamer China. They intend an absence of six months, spending most of that time at Rome.

Early in the morning of the 25th ult. a broker, Mr. Horace Cushing, while in a fit of insanity, jumped from the second story back window of his house at No. 18 West Thirty-second Street, and was instantly killed.

General Patterson has published his history of his connection with the battle of Bull Run. It is an elaborate defense of his operations. He attempts to prove that the battle was not lost through his fault.

Major-General Warren left Washington January 25, to resume the command of his corps in the Army of the Potomac.

Mr. H. W. It. Meade, of the firm of Meade Brothers, Broadway, photographers, committed suicide by taking laudanum, on the night of January 26, at Tammany Hotel.

Intelligence deemed reliable has reached Washington that e new rebel privateer has left Nassau, heavily armed, to prey upon our commerce. The vessel is known as the Colonel Lamb, and report says she is both swift and of stanch build. Her crew is mostly foreign, and numbers nearly 200.

Colonel North, the New York State agent; imprisoned on a charge of forging soldiers' votes, has been unconditionally released by order of the Secretary of War.

The case of Burley, the Lake Erie raider, was finally decided at Toronto, January 27, Chief Justice Draper and three Associate Judges being unanimous in the opinion that the prisoner should be given up to the United States.

Brigadier-General Ammen has resigned, and Brigadier-General Tilson is now in command at Knoxville.

The total casualties in General Terry's army in the fight at Fort Fisher were six hundred and ninety-one. Of these eleven officers and seventy-seven men were killed, thirty-nine officers and four hundred and seventy-two men wounded, and ninety-two men missing.

The rebel Congressman, Henry S. Foote, has arrived within our lines.

Captain Corbett, late commander of the rebel pirate Sea King, alias Shenandoah, has been committed for trial in Liverpool, charged with violating the Foreign Enlistment Act.

The Liverpool Post states that orders for twenty thousand artillery uniforms for the rebels have recently been excuted in that city.




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