General Butler Removed from Command


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, January 28, 1865

This Harper's Weekly newspaper from the Civil War features unique news of the war, and fascinating illustrations. It covers some important events that occurred during the closing days of the War. This site features our entire collection of newspapers from the war for your perusal and study.

 (Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)



General Slocum


Sherman's Freedmen

Fort Fisher

Capture of Fort Fisher

Savannah Holidays

Savannah Holidays

Savannah Occupied

Occupied Savannah

Howlett House

Howlett House Battery

Chicago Waterworks

Chicago Waterworks

Butler Command

General Butler Removed from Command

Sailors Reading

Sailors Reading Newspaper

Federal Point

Bombardment of Federal Point

Old Ads

Old Ads









FOR the soirees and fetes of the winter season just inaugurated, the modes are remarkable for the luxury and complication of the ornaments and arrangements of dresses and coiffures. Brocaded silk, satin, and velvet dresses abound ; but plush velvets are preferred to the ordinary plain velvets or cloths, the last being almost entirely confined to morning dress. As for bonnets, they are reduced almost to simple fanchons, and leave but little space for the exercise of the decorative imagination of the modistes, who, however, by the introduction of peacocks' and other feathers, rich flowers, and laces, still contrive to render their productions as costly as before.

Short paletots and short rotondes, with or with out hoods, are the pardessus de preference; but the hood, or capuchin, will be a special characteristic of the '65 winter season, and is very gracefully shaped and ornamented with ruching in silk or in swan down.

In the way of furs, Astrakan, particularly for trimming, is much patronized, and deservedly so, for it is always elegant in appearance, and admits of very general application to different parts of a lady's toilet.

Long waistbands of lace are generally en vogue for the present season; they are mostly black, but white ones are also worn. For the toilet of a bride the white lace waistband over a satin robe is extremely elegant and tasteful.


Fig. 1. Evening Dress.—Robe of pale rose-colored taffeta, the corsage a ceinture ornamented with a sort of basquine composed of black velvet bands trimmed with lace. The sleeves are provided with a narrow trimming to match, designed as shown in our Illustration.

Fig. 2. Visiting Dress.—Fawn-colored robe of poplin or taffeta, with trimmings either in moire antique or velvet, several shades darker than that of the dress. Sometimes a plain light-colored silk is chosen for this style of robe, and then the trimmings just mentioned are advantageously replaced by black satin ornaments. Velvet waistband, fastened with buckle in mother-of-pearl. Light-brown velvet bonnet, trimmed with a white lace fanchon and a twisted feather.

Fig. 3. Waiting Dress.—Plain but ample black silk dress. The principal feature of this toilet is the blue velvet pilecloth mantle, which is thickly trimmed with brandebourgs attached by large mother-of-pearl buttons.

The Coiffure.--The head-dress depicted in the back ground of our engraving is the most novel as to arrangement, and has been frequently executed with success by one of the principal hair-dressers in Paris ; the ornamentation consists of black velvet and an abundance of imitation coral beads.


GENERAL BUTLER'S Report and a portion of Lieutenant-General GRANT'S correspondence with General BUTLER throw a new light upon the failure of the Wilmington Expedition. So far as the question of an assault was concerned there is little room for argument. It is possible that an assault may have been unwise under the circumstances. And no officer, with the single exception of Admiral PORTER, has even by implication censured General BUTLER for saving the lives of his men from needless slaughter.

Still the fact remains that General BUTLER has been removed, and this measure has evidently been adopted at the suggestion of the Lieutenant-General. It may be that the removal had already been decided upon before the expedition was undertaken, or it may have been that some circumstances connected with General BUTLER'S conduct of that expedition have finally turned the balance against him. It is not difficult to believe that the latter supposition is the true one. General BUTLER has for months occupied a position in which he must co-operate with other officers. It may have been found that he was peculiarly and by his very constitution unfitted for such a position. Apart from this general conjecture, it is certain that in this particular instance of the Wilmington Expedition he failed to do what was expected of him.

In the first place, it was expected that General WEITZEL should command the expedition ; the command was expressly assigned to him. BUTLER took the command upon himself. In the second place, BUTLER was behind time in getting prepared. As early as November 30, GRANT wrote to BUTLER that BRAGG had taken most of the forces defending Wilmington into Georgia to oppose SHERMAN.

Again, on December 4, GRANT wrote: " I feel great anxiety to see the Wilmington expedition off, both on account of the present fine weather, which we can expect no continuance of, and because SHERMAN may now be expected to strike the sea coast now day, leaving BRAGG free to return. I think it advisable for you to notify Admiral PORTER, and get off without delay, with or without your powder-boat." A week later GRANT wrote again, urging haste. " If you do not get off immediately you will lose the chance of surprising a weak garrison." Again, on the 14th: "What is the prospect for getting your expedition started? It is a great pity we were not ten or twelve days earlier. I am confident it would have been successful."

But BUTLER seems to have been obstinate about the powder ship. It is almost ludicrous to what extent the leaders of the expedition built up their hope of success on a mere experiment. BUTLER delayed so long that another delay necessarily followed upon a change in the weather.

General GRANT evidently intended that the troops, which numbered 6500, should remain on shore after landing, even if they could not successfully assault the fort. The rebels evidently feared that this policy would be adopted. But BUTLER seems to have misapprehended GRANT'S instructions. He says in his report that these did not contemplate a siege. But why take intrenching tools if not for the purpose of laying siege to the fort ? Certainly there is enough in the conduct of this expedition, as seen in the light of the above documents, to justify General BUTLER'S removal from command. The attitude which BUTLER takes in his farewell order to his troops is one very unjust to General GRANT. He tries to make it appear that

he was removed because he was not willing to risk the lives of his men in a useless assault. This is not fair, and it is not calculated to impress men favorably with General BUTLER himself.

General GRANT, after BUTLER'S failure, organize, the military division under the command of General TERRY, which, in co-operation with PORTER'S fleet has taken the fort. The attack this time proceeded under more favorable auspices. The land force was larger, and no warning was given to the rebels by weeks of delay. After the landing of the expedition a careful reconnoissance was made, and it was decided to risk an assault, which was made at 3:30 P.M. on the 15th. After six hours' severe fighting the fort was captured, with over a thousand prisoners and from 40 to 70 guns. Our loss is stated at 500.

The sketches which we give on pages 56 and 57 relate to the previous action against Fort Fisher, but they will also convey to the reader an adequate idea of the main features of the situation in this sewn, attack.


THE Howlett House Battery is situated on the south bank of the James River, forming the extreme left of the rebel works covering the approach es to Petersburg. This battery commanded tie bend of the river around Farrar's Island, which at attempt has been made to cut off by the Dutch Gal Canal. The river at this point was obstructed, and our Monitors, in ascending, had to encounter these obstructions and the fire from the Howlett House Battery at the same time. If the canal should prove a success, then the new course of the river will render this battery useless. Others, however, have been constructed higher up, and commanding the advance by way of the Gap.


THE New York and Liverpool Petroleum Company, whose advertisement appears elsewhere, offers unrivaled guarantees of safety and good management in the fact that it is so largely owned ant conducted by real men of oil not mere speculators in corporations. Mr. Anger, one of its trustees belongs to the Titusville firm of Brewer, Watson & Co., whose wealth counts by millions. Mr. Myers, another, is an extensive well proprietor and oil shipper ; and others of them, so to speak, " live and move and have their being" in oil. Such feature; show that a company is real, and meant for permanence.


Itch! Itch! Itch!

Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists.

By sending CO cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington St., Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States.

An Art Worth Knowing.

On Receipt of One Dollar,

I will send to any lady or gentleman a valuable SECRET ART, the knowledge of which will enable any active person with ordinary intelligence to make from $20 to $25 per week. BUSINESS HIGHLY RESPECTABLE, and is invaluable to all correspondents. Costs but $1 for material to make $50. JUSTICE TO ALL. Address

J. WESLEY BRADFORD, 25 Park Row, N. Y.

A Complete Knowledge of


May be easily obtained by the use of " RICHARDSON'S NEW METHOD FOR THE PIANO-FORTE," 25,000 copies of which are sold every year. Its Lessons are adapted to pupils of all ages, and its exercises attractive and useful in every stage of advancement. Price $3 75; on receipt of which it will be sent, post-paid. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Publishers, 277 Washington St., Boston.

MME. DEMOREST'S IMPERIAL DRESS ELEVATOR. The most indispensable arrangement for raising the dress in the fashionable style. To be found at MME. DEMOREST'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, No. 473 Broadway, and all the principal Trimming Stores. Price 75 cents and $1. Sent post-paid on receipt of the price.

Gold Pens 50 cts. to $2. Pens in silver extension cases, $1 to $3. Send stamps for circular. GEO. F. HAWKES, Agt., Manufacturer, 64 Nassau St., New York. Also for sale the only perfect Fountain Pen in the world.

$70 A MONTH! I want agents every where, at $70 a month, expenses paid, to sell Fifteen Articles, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GAREY, Biddeford, Maine.


At Baltimore, Washington, and all places occupied by Union troops, should be sent by HARNDEN'S EXPRESS, No. 65 Broadway. Sutlers charged low rates.


For One Dollar I will send, sealed and post-paid, the " Grecian Compound," highly perfumed. which I warrant to force a heavy growth of hair upon the smoothest face in five weeks, or upon bald heads in eight weeks, without stain or injury to the skin. Entire satisfaction given, or money refunded. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address   E. L. SANFORD, Lansingburg, N. Y.


On receipt of any of the following sums in Cash, the Subscriber will send by return mail, or otherwise, as directed, a Gold Pen or Pens selecting the same according to description, viz.:  GOLD PENS WITHOUT CASES. For 50 cents, the Magic Pen; for 75 cents, the Lucky Pen ; for $1 00, the Always Ready Pen ; for $1 25, the Elegant Pen ; and for $1 50, the Excelsior Pen. These Pens are not numbered, but correspond in sizes to Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 respectively. THE SAME PENS IN SILVER-PLATED EXTENSION CASES WITH PENCILS. For $100, the Magic Pen; for $1 25, the Lucky Pen; for $1 50, the Always Ready Pen ; for $2 00, the Elegant Pen ; and for $2 25, the Excelsior Pen. These are Well Finished, Good Writing Gold Pens, with Iridosmin Points, the average wear of every one of which will far outlast a gross of the best Steel Pens ; although they are unwarranted, and, therefore, not exchangeable. MORTON'S WARRANTED PENS. The name, " A. Morton," "Number," and " Quality," are stamped on the following Pens, and the points are warranted for six months, except against accident. The Numbers indicate size only; No. 1 being the smallest, No. 6 the largest, adapted for the pocket; No. 4 the smallest, and No. 10 the largest Mammoth Gold Pen, for the desk. Long and Medium Nibs of all sizes and qualities. Short Nibs of Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7, and made only of first quality. The Long and Short Nibs are fine pointed ; the Medium Nibs are Broad, Coarse Business Points. The engravings are fac-similes of the sizes and styles. GOLD PENS WITHOUT CASES. For $1 25 a No. 1 Pen, 1st quality ; or a No. 3 Pen, 3d quality. For $1 50 a No. 2 Pen, 1st quality ; or a No. 3 Pen, 2d quality ; or a No. 4 Pen, 3d quality. For $2 00 a No. 8 Pen, 1st quality; or a No. 4 Pen, 2d quality ; or a No. 5 Pen, 3d quality. For $2 25 a No. 4 Pen, 1st quality; or a No. 5 Pen, 2d quality; or a No. 6 Pen, 3d quality. For $2 75 a No. 5 Pen, 1st quality ; or a No. 6 Pen, 2d quality. For $3 50 a No. 6 Pen; $4 50 a No. 7 Pen; $5 75 a No. 8 Pen; $6 50 a No. 9 Pen; $7 50 a No. 10 Pen all 1st quality. THE SAME GOLD PENS, IN SILVER EXTENSION CASES; WITH PENCILS. For $2 00 a No. 1 Pen, 1st quality ; or a No. 3 Pen, 3d quality. For $2 50 a No. 2 Pen, 1st quality; or a No. 3 Pen, 2d quality ; or a No. 4 Pen, 3d quality. For $3 00 a No. 3 Pen, 1st quality ; or a No. 4 Pen, 2d quality ; or a No. 5 Pen, 3d quality. For $3 75 a No. 4 Pen, 1st quality ; or a No. 5 Pen, 2d quality; or a No. 6 Pen, 3d quality. For $4 50 a No. 5 Pen, 1st quality; or a No. 6 Pen, 2d quality. For $5 75 a No. 6 Pen, 1st quality. GOLD PENS, ALL FIRST QUALITY, IN SILVER- MOUNTED DESK HOLDERS. For $2 75 a No. 4 Pen; for $3 25 a No. 5 Pen; for $4 00 a No. 6 Pen ; for $5 75 a No. 7 Pen. For $7 a No. 8 Pen; for $8 a No. 9 Pen; and for $9 a No. 10 Pen. The "1st Quality" are pointed with the very best Iridosmin Points, carefully selected, and none of this quality are sold with the slightest imperfection which skill and the closest scrutiny can detect. The "2d Quality" are superior to any Pens made by him previous to the year 1860. The "3d Quality" he intends shall equal in respect to Durability, Elasticity, and Good Writing Qualities (the only true considerations) any Gold Pens made elsewhere. In regard to the Cheap Gold Pens, he begs leave to say that previous to operating his New and Patented Machines, he could not have made as Good Writing and Durable Pens, for the Price, had the Gold been furnished gratuitously. Parties ordering must in all instances specify the "Name" or the " Number" and "Quality" of the Pens wanted, and be particular to describe the kind they prefer whether stiff or limber, coarse or fine. All remittances sent by mail in registered letters are at my risk, and to all who send twenty cents (charge for registering), in addition to the price of goods ordered, I will guarantee their safe delivery. Parties sending Gold or Silver will be allowed the full premium on the day received. TO CLUBS.—A discount of 10 per cent. will be allowed on sums of $12, of 15 per cent. on $24, and of 20 per cent. on $40, if sent to one address at one time. Address   A. MORTON, No. 25 Maiden Lane, New York.

$1 SKATERS, ATTENTION ! $1. THE TALLIER, a small apparatus showing accurately the distance traveled while skating, can be attached to any skate without the least impediment. Price $1. Address E. S. RICHARDS, Jonesville, N. Y.

Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion, CHLOASMA, or MOTH PATCHES--LENTIGO, or FRECKLES. Dr. B. C. PERRY, who devotes all his time to diseases of the skin, has discovered an infallible remedy for the removal of moth, freckles, and other discolorations from the skin, without injury to its color or texture. Prepared only by Dr. B. C. PERRY, Dermatologist, 49 Bond St., N. Y. WEEKS & POTTER, 170 Washington St., Boston, wholesale agents for New England. Sold by all Druggists. Call for PERRY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION.

At your own homes. Thousands can realize $100 weekly. No utensils required except those found in every household ; profits 100 per cent ; demand staple as four. It is the greatest discovery of the age. Full particulars sent on receipt of two stamps for return pottage. Address C. MUNRO BROWN, No. 74 Blacker St., N. Y.

ATLANTIC SAVINGS BANK, CHATHAM SQUARE, New York, January 11th, 1865. An Interest Dividend at the rate of Six per Cent. per Annum, free of Government Tax, will be paid on all deposits entitled to the same on and after Monday, January 16th, 1865. By order. M. D. VAN PELT, President. JOSEPH P. COOPER, Secretary. N.B.—Money deposited on or before the 20th will draw interest from January 1st.

Inclose two red stamps, and send for circular, to Y. DELAFIELD, 35 Maiden Lane, New York.

B. T. HAYWARD, 208 Broadway, New York. I will send, as sample, on the receipt of $1 50, a Solid Silver Badge (Coin Silver), appropriate for either Corps or Division, Cavalry, Artillery, Pontonier, Engineer, or Signal Corps, Departments of the Army, with your Name, Reg't, and Co. handsomely engraved thereon. Agents waisted everywhere. Send for whole sale illustrated circular,

[JANUARY 28, 1865.


To be sold for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to get. Send 25 cents for a Certificate, which will inform you what you can have for $1, and at the same time get our Circular containing full list and particulars ; also terms to Agents, which we want in every Regiment and Town in the Country. J. H. WINSLOW & CO., 208 Broadway, New York.

TO CURE HEADACHE.—Add two table-spoonfulls of Dr. T. B. Talbot's Medicated PINEAPPLE CIDER to a tumbler of cold water; take every thirty minutes. If Sick Headache, add half the quantity of Cider to the same quantity of water; take every fifteen minutes. For sale every where. B. T. BABBITT, SOLE AGENT, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, and 74 Washington St., N. Y.

DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT WHISKERS OR MUSTACHES ?—My Onguent soul force them to grow heavily in six weeks (upon the smoothest face) without stain or injury to the skin. Price $1—sent by mail, post free, to any address, on receipt of an order.   R. G. GRAHAM, No. 109 Nassau Street, N. Y.

INDISPENSABLE! THE NEW HAND-BOOK ; HOW to Write, How to Talk, How to Behave, How to Do Business. One vol., by return post, $2 25. AGENTS WANTED. Inclose stamp, and address FOWLER & WELLS, 389 Broadway, New York.

AGENTS, COME and EXAMINE An Invention urgently needed by every body, or sample sent free by mail for $1, which retails for $12 easily, by R. L. WOLCOTT, No. 170 Chatham Square, N. Y.

STAMMERING; its Causes and Cure, 20 cents. BASHFULNESS, How to overcome it, 20 cents. THE PHYSIOGNOMY Of INSANITY, 20 cents. Address

FOWLER & WELLS, 380 Broadway, New York.


100 Photographs of handsome belies for 50 cents; 100 Photographs of Generals for 50 cents. Too cheap. Send all orders to   C. BRIGGS,

Drawer No. 6308, Chicago, ILL.

Printing-Presses for Sale.

One Taylor Double Cylinder, five Rollers, Table Distribution, Bed 38x5l. Price $3500. Also one Adams Press, 26x40, $1500.

Apply to HARPER & BROTHERS, 329 Pearl St., N.Y.

Shults' Onguent, warranted to produce a full set of Whiskers in six weeks, or money refunded. Sent post-paid, for 50 cents. Address C. F. SHULTS, Troy, N. Y.

SHULTS' CURLIQUE. For curling the Hair. Price 50 cents. Sent sealed and post-paid. Address C. F. SHULTS, Troy, N. Y.

The Brazilian Hair Curler. One application warranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 Address S. S. CHASE, Cohoes, N. Y.

$10 to $20 a Day. Agents wanted, on commission or a salary, to sell Wilson's $18 ("Lock-Stitch") Family Sewing Machine. For particulars, inclose stamp, and address MATHER & WILSON, Cleveland, Ohio.

"Eye, Ear, Throat Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis. A book for the people." By Dr. Von Moschzisker. This work is full of valuable information. Can be ordered through any bookseller, or of the publisher, A. Martien, 606 Chestnut St., or of the author, 1027 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Price $1.

FIVE ANATOMICAL ENGRAVINGS. Has information never before published. Sent free, in a sealed envelope for 10 cents. Address Box 4652, New York Post-Office. BARD & BROTHER'S (Established 1845)

PEN AND PENCIL CASES. Also Manufacturer of BARD & WILSON'S PATENT ANGULAR NIB GOLD PENS. JAS. D. BARD, Ag't, No. 22 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Repointing, 50 cents. Send for a Circular.

CHASE'S CHEMICAL COMPOUND For the Beard. One bottle will force a vigorous growth of hair upon the smoothest face in five weeks, or upon bald heads in eight weeks. Testimonials of thousands given. Circulars mailed free. Warranted as represented, or money returned. Price $1, or four bottles for $3. Sent sealed and post-paid. Address   S. S. CHASE, P. O., Drawer 350, Cohoes, N. Y.

$125 A MONTH.

WANTED.—SEWING-MACHINE AGENTS! Everywhere, to introduce the new Share & Clark Sixteen Dollar Family Sewing Machine, the only low price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer & Co., and Bechelder. Salary, and expenses, or large commissions allotted. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user liable. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine.
















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