first European emigrants to Texas were led by Robert Cavalier, the Sieur
de la Salle, who landed on the west side, and near the entrance, of
Matagorda bay, on the 18th of February, 1685.
American State Papers, vol. xii., p. 87 : Wait, Boston, 1819.
Life of La Salle, American Biography, vol. xi., p. 129.
La Salle was a brave and gallant knight
of Louis XIV. He was a native of Rouen, in Normandy. Born of a good
family, and destined for the church, he received, under the guidance of
the Jesuits, an excellent scientific education. He was a man of great
abilities, of an enterprising spirit, and possessed of a firmness of
mind which peril and adversity seemed only to strengthen. He kept his
own counsel, relied upon his own genius, and bore without a murmur
whatever ills befell him. But, with all these good qualities, such was
his ambition, that it rendered him morose and sullen — haughty, not only
to his dependants, but his associates.
La Salle Discovers the Mouth of the Mississippi
It is remarkable that the mouth of the
Mississippi was not discovered until one hundred and ninety years after
the discovery of America; and still more so, that this discovery should
have been made through Canada.
Ferdinand De Soto, coming from Florida,
had seen it, and been buried in its waters about the year 1542. And in
1678, Marquette, a Recollect missionary, with six others, under the
direction of M. Talon, the intendant-general of Canada, starting out
from Mackinac, crossed over to the great river, and floated down as far
as the mouth of the Arkansas. But it was reserved to La Salle to
discover its mouth, which he did on the 7th day of April, 1682, and, on
the 9th, celebrated the discovery with great ceremony, taking
possession, in the name of Louis XIV., by proclamation and proces
verbal, of all the territory watered by the Mississippi from its
mouth to its source, and by the streams flowing into it on both sides.*
* See
a translation of the proces verbal in Appendix iv. to
Sparks's Life of La Salle. There has been much controversy as
to the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi. If discovered by
Moscoso as early as 1545, it is exceedingly strange that for one
hundred and thirty years afterward the important fact was unknown in
he learned court of France, and that the savans of that capital
still supposed that river emptied into the gulf of California. The
curious can find much said on the subject in Dr. Monette's Valley
of the Mississippi, vol. i., p. 620 ; Professor Shea's Discovery
and Exploration of the Mississippi ; Bossu, vol. i., p. 70;
Pickett's History of Alabama, vol. i., pp. 51, 52; and Am.
Biog., vol. x., p. 268 et seq. Also the character of
Garcilasso de la Vega, the writer, on whom the advocates of an
earlier discovery rely, can be found in the Biographic
Universelle, in loc.
The report of this splendid discovery,
which was made known in Europe, by La Salle and his followers, on their
return to France, created great excitement, not only at court, but among
the learned. The idea of a nearer route to Asia had occupied the minds
of commercial and learned men since the time of Columbus. When the
trappers and fur-traders of Canada first learned, from the Indians, the
existence of this great river, the impression prevailed that it emptied
into the Vermilion sea, the name then given to the gulf of California.
La Salle had many enemies; some caused by
his harsh and overbearing temper; others, through envy of his fame; and
yet others, on account of the monopoly in trade granted him by the king.
Yet he had two friends at court—Frontenac, the former governor of
Canada, and Seignelay, son of the great Colbert—who aided him greatly in
presenting the importance of his discovery, in removing the unfavorable
impressions made by his enemies, and, above all, in opening the way and
providing the means for further adventures, and the permanent occupancy
of the newly-discovered territory. La Salle proposed to proceed to the
mouth of the Mississippi by sea; and, being provided with provisions,
implements of husbandry, mechanics' tools, and colonists, to found a
colony there. All this was granted, and in a manner suitable to the
importance of the enterprise, and the dignity and munificence of the
great Louis. A commission was issued to him, giving him authority to
establish colonies in Louisiana, and to take command of the expedition.*
* The
historians of this expedition are, Joutel, whose journal was
published in Paris in 1713; and Father Anastase, whose account is
published by Chretien Le Clerk, in his history of the labors of the
Franciscan missionaries in Canada, entitled "Etablissement de la
Foy:" Paris, 1691. Dr. Sparks, in his life of La Salle, has
collated and weighed the facts, as given by these authors, in a
manner so excellent and accurate, that he has left but little to be
added. Besides, he has thrown new light upon the subject by the
publication of original documents in the archives of the marine
department at Paris. — Sparks's Am Biog., vol. xi. The
accounts, as given by Charlevoix, in the Histoire Generale de la
Nouvelle France, and by Captain Bossu, in his travels through
Louisiana, are taken from Joutel. The facts stated in this chapter
are mostly taken from Dr. Sparks, Le Clerk's Etablissement de in
Foy, and the narrative of Father Anastase Douay. The latter has
lately been presented in an English dress by Professor Shea. The
journal of Joutel is published in the first volume of the Historical
Collections of Louisiana.
A squadron of four vessels was provided
and furnished by the king: that is, the Joli, a frigate of
thirty-six guns ; the Belle, of six guns, a present from the king
to La Salle ; the Aimable, a ship of some three hundred tons'
burden; and a small vessel, the St. Francis, carrying munitions. Beaujeu,
who commanded the Joli, was also commander of the squadron, but was to
be under the direction of La Salle, except in the business of navigating
the ships at sea, till they arrived in America : Beaujeu was also to
assist him in making preparations for the voyage. The whole number of
persons who embarked in the expedition was more than three hundred, of
whom one hundred were soldiers, thirty volunteers, and the rest workmen,
girls, and seamen. The missionary force consisted of seven persons; four
Recollect fathers, Zenobe Membre, Anastase Douay, Maxime Leclercq, and
Denis Marquet; three priests of St. Sulpitius, Cavalier, brother of La
Salle, Chedeville his relation, and Majulte. Among the volunteers were
several gentlemen of distinction, among whom may be mentioned Joutel,
the historian of the expedition ; Moragnet and young Cavalier, nephews
of La Salle ; Planterose, Thibault, and Ory, from Rouen, the native town
of La Salle ; also M. Talon, a gentleman of Canada, with his family.

Map of La Salle's
Expedition to Texas
On the 24th of July, 1684, the squadron
set sail from Rochelle. La Salle was on board Beaujeu's ship, the
Joli. An utter want of confidence existed between those two persons.
This was caused to some extent by the anomalous position they occupied,
the authority of each not having been defined by the marine department;
but still more by the pride of Beaujeu and the obstinacy of La Salle.
The former had been a captain for thirteen years in the French navy, and
took to himself great credit for consenting to obey the orders of the
Sieur de la Salle, who had never served in war, except against savages,
and who had no military rank. And when Beaujeu would propose to him
anything, he would haughtily reply, "This is not the king's intention."
Previous to the departure of the squadron, Beaujeu wrote again to the
minister, reminding him how disagreeable it was for him to be under the
orders of a man who had no military rank, and asking positive orders on
the point; stating that he wished the orders to be of such a character,
that no blame should attach to him should La Salle fail in his project.
He wished also to know what was to be done with the soldiers, as La
Salle had already set up a claim to their command so soon as they should
land in America. The minister did not enlighten him with any further
instructions—nor did La Salle with any intimation of his intentions. It
was in this awkward relation that the two chiefs left Rochelle. They had
not gone more than fifty leagues to sea when the bowsprit of the Joli
was broken, and they returned for repairs. They put out again on the 1st
of August. Descrying the island of Madeira, Beaujeu proposed to anchor,
and take in water and refreshments; but La Salle refused, alleging that
they had on board plentiful supplies, that it would produce unnecessary
delay, and expose the design of their expedition to the risk of being
discovered by the Spaniards.
Loss of the St. Francis
Near the coast of St. Domingo, the
vessels were separated by a storm; but, between the 28th of September
and the 2d of October, they all came into port at Petit Gouave, except
the St. Francis, which was taken by the Spaniards.*
* Life
of La Salle, Am. Biog., xi., p. 120. On the 15th of August, 1684,
the truce of Ratisbon, concluded by France with Spain and the German
empire, terminated the war of the previous year.—Elliot's American
Diplomatic Code, vol. i., p. 5. This was perhaps not known in the
West Indies before the end of the year.
This was a severe loss, as the stores on
this bark were important to the success of the enterprise.
La Salle Reaches Matagorda Bay
La Salle was for three weeks confined at
this port with fever. He, however, recovered; was visited by the
governor and intendant of St. Domingo; and, after laying in the proper
stores and suitable domestic animals, and consulting with pilots
acquainted with the West India seas, he prepared to depart. La Salle
transferred himself and some others from the Joli to the
Aimable, and directed the latter, the heaviest sailer of the three,
to go in front. This may have been the better to keep the squadron
together, but more probably to get rid of Beaujeu. They sailed from
Petit Gonave on the 25th of November, and, passing round the southern
shore of Cuba, anchored and remained three days at the isle of Pines. At
length, after being driven about by adverse winds, and spending some
days at Cape St. Anthony, the squadron, on the 28th of December, 1684,
discovered land. They had been sailing a northwest course, but, from the
account they had received from the West India pilots of the strong gulf
stream which passed around the cape of Florida, they supposed they had
been carried east of the mouth of the Mississippi, and were on the coast
of Florida.
Besides, La Salle, when he discovered the mouth of the Mississippi, had
attempted to take its latitude, but had placed it two degrees too far
south. So that, with these two errors, instead of being on the bay of
Appalachie, Dr. Sparks thinks they were a hundred miles west of the
mouth of the Mississippi, near the bay of Achafalaya. Joutel says that,
on the 2d of January, the squadron was, according to conjecture, pretty
near the mouth of the Mississippi; and that, on the 10th, they passed by
it, without perceiving it. It is at this time impossible and unimportant
to know where they were when they first descried land. Conceiving
themselves to be east of the mouth of the Mississippi, they coasted
westward. La Salle landed on the 1st of January, 1685, perhaps east of
the Sabine—but, making no discoveries, and being unable to learn
anything from the Indians, proceeded westward till about the 17th of
January, when, having passed Corpus Christi inlet, and finding the coast
tending south, they discovered their error, and that they were upon the
borders of Mexico. Here Joutel landed with a party in search of fresh
water. They found the water salt, but secured an abundance of game. All
being satisfied that they had passed the Mississippi, La Salle proposed
to Beaujeu to return. This he refused, unless furnished with a new
supply of provisions. La Salle offered him a supply for fifteen days, by
which time he expected they would reach the mouth of the river. This the
captain refused; and La Salle declined giving him more, fearing that he
would abandon him, and sail to the West Indies. The difference between
the chiefs of the expedition increased; but, in the meantime, the
vessels fell back—but by whose order, or in what way, we are not
informed— and sailed through Pass Cavallo into the bay of St. Bernard,
since known as Matagorda bay. On the 18th of February, 1685, some of the
company went ashore, while others were engaged in sailing up the bay and
exploring the adjacent coast. On the 20th, La Salle sent orders to the
commander of the Aimable to land the heaviest goods, and run her
into the bay. It seems that La Salle intended to be present at the
execution of this order; but the marquis of Sablonniere and others, who
had gone out on the 18th, had been taken by the
Indians as
they were strolling along the shore, and he found it necessary to go and
retake them. The channels on either side of Pelican island had been
sounded, and it was found that the vessels could enter. The Belle
had already entered, and the pilot of this vessel was sent to guide the
Aimable through the channel; but the commander of the latter
refused his aid, saying he could manage his own ship. He hoisted sail,
ran upon a shoal, and was lost.*
* It
is hardly credible that this was done on purpose. Some allowance
must, be made for Joutel's situation and prejudices.
In the meantime a temporary camp had been
formed on the west side, and near the entrance of the bay. Another camp,
a considerable distance higher up, on the same side of the bay —perhaps
at Indian point—was formed by Captain Hurler and part of the company, by
the order of La Salle.

Map of La Salle's Colony,
and the Indian Villages He Found
(Click on
Map for a detailed View. Note that La Salle's Colony is Labeled
"St. Lois" on this map)
The colony was greatly refreshed by an
abundance of game and fish; and, charmed with the country, and the herds
of buffalo and deer that were seen grazing on the prairies, they began
to think they would soon realize the paradise they had come so far to
find. La Salle had not yet lost hope that he was on one of the mouths of
the Mississippi; and, though the loss of the Aimable, containing
the greater portion of the articles provided for the use of the colony,
was a serious misfortune, his ardor was the same, his resolution
unconquerable. Joutel and Moragnet were sent out at the head of an
exploring party, to proceed up the west side of the bay. La Salle,
having reclaimed the men taken by the Indians, had exchanged with them
some hatchets for two canoes, with which he explored the eastern shore
of the bay. The party of Joutel, after a three days' march, came to a
river, probably the Aransas, which they were unable to cross without a
boat. Being in full view of La Salle, then on the opposite shore, he
went over to them. Having satisfied himself as to the extent of the bay,
La Salle and the party returned.
The business of saving as much as
possible of the wreck of the Aimable occupied some time. La Salle
procured from Beaujeu the boats of the Joli, and, after taking off the
crew, he brought away the powder and flour, then the wine and brandy, in
all some sixty barrels. Joutel is so cruel as to charge St. Aigron, the
captain of the Aimable, with sinking his boat on purpose; but
this can not be believed. Some blankets from the wreck having been
driven ashore, they were picked up and appropriated by the Indians. La
Salle, wishing to obtain canoes in exchange for these goods, sent
Lieutenant Du Hamel of the Joli, who had volunteered for that purpose,
to negotiate the affair. But Du Hamel, unacquainted with the Indian
character, or the mode of gaining their good will, rushed into their
village with his armed men, which so frightened them, that they could
not regard them as friends. Being unable to make himself understood, he
seized two of their canoes and a parcel of skins, and returned. The
Indians, in revenge for this act of hostility, pursued them, and
overtook them where they had landed and gone to sleep, and poured into
their camp a shower of arrows, which killed Ory and Desloges, two
particular friends of La Salle, and wounded two others, one of whom was
his nephew.
The failure to find the mouth of the
Mississippi; the loss of the Aimable, and the greater part of the
stores with which she was freighted; and the death of Ory and Desloges—the
first European blood shed in Texas—all combined to dishearten the
colonists. In addition to this, the few provisions saved were nearly
consumed; which, notwithstanding the prairies abounded with buffalo and
deer, and the waters with wild-fowls and fishes, alarmed the
faint-hearted, and caused murmuring and discontent. And, to add to the
loneliness of their situation, and cut them off from the civilized
world, Beaujeu sailed on the 12th of March for France, taking with him
the captain and crew of the Aimable. When he left, he carried
away all the cannon-balls, thus leaving La Salle with eight cannons, and
not a single ball,* yet it seems La Salle must have furnished him with
provisions, or he could not have returned.
These pieces of artillery were afterward transported to La Bahia
Goliad), and used by the Spaniards till 1812, when they were
taken by the Americans under Guttierez. By then they were used
successfully against Salcedo. After the close of the Guachupin war,
they fell again into the hands of the Mexicans. They were taken from
the latter by Collinsworth; retaken by Urrea in 1836; and when Texas
succeeded at the
battle of San Jacinto, they were left at Goliad, where as late
as 1838 they were seen, with the impression of Louis XIV, upon
them.—Prairiedom, p. 140.
Discontent in La Salle's Colony
La Salle had among his colonists many
enemies: some the partisans of Beaujeu; some from disgust, and want of
fortitude to bear up under misfortune; others, again, who attributed to
his obstinacy the bad state of their affairs. In fact, his colonists had
been selected from the dregs of France; and, with the exception of a few
who had volunteered to follow him, were persons generally destitute of
character, honesty, or enterprise. Among them were Doinmaville and
Mignet, two engineers, who became seditious, and were unceasingly
denouncing his conduct, and charging his undertakings with folly and
rashness. Yet La Salle was firm. His resolution seemed to rise with his
The colonists had constructed a shelter for themselves and their goods
out of the wreck of the Aimable, and had surrounded it with
entrenchments to protect them from the Indians; and had sown grain in
the adjacent lands. The cattle, swine, and fowls, they had brought froth
St. Domingo, multiplied and prospered.
When their buildings had commenced, La Salle gave orders to Joutel to
complete them; and, taking with him about sixty of his men, he went on a
tour of discovery. He still labored under the delusion that the bay
might be one of the mouths of the Mississippi. While he coasted round
the west end of the bay, the commander of the Belle was ordered
to sound it, and sail up it so as to keep in communication with him. He
passed the Aransas, and at length came to a river which he named Les
Padres, on account of the number of buffaloes found there. This, of all
the names given by La Salle to the streams, bays, etc., of Texas, is,
perhaps, the only one retained by the Spaniards. Sailing up the Lavaca
for some six miles, he found on the western bank of the river a
beautiful spot for a settlement. It was an elevation, from which could
be seen to the north and west extensive undulating prairies, covered
with grass, and relieved by occasional clusters of timber; to the south
and east were spread out the bay, and timber along the coast and banks
of the river. Having selected this point, he began in good earnest to
think of making a settlement, and fortifying it. Accordingly, he sent
Villeperdry back in a canoe, with orders that all the colonists, except
thirty men who were to remain in the fort with Joutel, should join him.
This detachment was left to guard the crop which the colonists had
Doubtless the new point selected was more
suitable in many respects, especially for health and fertility. Yet the
colonists were compelled to bring their timber three miles. But the
example of La Salle was encouraging. He was always the first to put his
hand to work. The master-carpenter having been lost, he took his place.
He laid out the tenons and mortices, and compelled every one to work
that was able. The forces under Joutel being continually annoyed by the
savages, who had killed some of the men, La Salle sent him an order to
join him, with his command, on the Lavaca. The order was received on the
14th of July, 1686, and immediately obeyed. Sickness, arising no doubt
from great fatigue and incessant labor in a warm climate, soon carried
off about forty of the colonists. But, notwithstanding this fearful
inroad upon their numbers, and the consequent gloom cast over the
survivors, the work went on. A new shelter and entrenchment were to be
erected. The gun-carriages were at first used by the men to haul the
timbers; but the Lavaca being found deep enough for the Belle,
twenty men were sent to the old fort to bring up in her the materials
used in its construction. This was effected by forming them into a raft,
and towing it up at the stern of the vessel. With this addition, the
fort was soon completed, and named St. Louis. We will here take leave of
the colony for a short time, and inquire where they were, who were their
neighbors, and who had claim to the soil on which they were established.
[Next Section of Texas History:
Early Indian Inhabitants in Texas] |