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Civil War Harper's Weekly, December 6, 1862

Welcome to our archive of Harper's Weekly newspapers. This collection allows you to study source material formerly only available to professional historians and researchers. We hope you find this information useful.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to a specific page of interest)


General Banks

General Banks

French Mediation Proposal

Habeas Corpus

Habeas Corpus Cartoon

Aquia Creek

Aquia Creek

Richmond Map

Richmond Map

General Banks Biography

General Banks Biography



Confederate Cartoon

Confederate Cartoon

The Passaic

The "Passaic"

Iron Clad Interior

Iron Clad Interior

Prince of Wales

The Prince of Wales


Fredericksburg, Virginia



DECEMBER 6, 1862.]




Look out for the Catch-Penny Edition, bound up in Green Paper Covers.

Edition is the only Authorized English Translation Published
in this Country

Extract of Letter from VICTOR HUGO to MR. WRAXALL.

"From the moment when M. Esquiros is your friend, as he is mine, you can not fail to produce an excellent work, having for guide and counselor that great and noble mind.   (Signed)   VICTOR HUGO."

John Forster, the ablest critic in England—the Literary Editor of the London Examiner—in speaking of the AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION, by Wraxall and Esquiros, says:

"On the publication of this celebrated Novel, in its original form, we entered very minutely into the story. It only now remains for us to say that WE CAN CONSCIENTIOUSLY RECOMMEND IT TO THE PUBLIC AS A PERFECTLY FAITHFUL VERSION—retaining, as nearly as the characteristic difference between the languages admits of, all the spirit and point of the original. IN ITS PRESENT FORM, 'Les Miserables' stands a very fair chance of having as wide a sale as the French edition."

The Authorized Edition,

Complete in One Volume, with Portraits and Biographical Sketch, is published for ONE DOLLAR, in Paper; or, ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF, in Muslin. NOW READY, and all orders filled from this day without delay.

W. I. POOLEY & Co.,

No. 331 Franklin Square (Harper's Building), New York. HURST & BLACKET, London Publishers.   PAGNERRE LIBRAIRE, Editeur, Paris

Sent by mail on receipt of price. For sale by all Booksellers.

(Previous Page) Rappahannock River, at the head of tide-water. It is between fifty and sixty miles from Richmond by railroad, and sixty-five miles by the turnpike, in a northerly direction. Turnpike roads connect it with Falmouth and Newport—the former by a ferry across the Rappahannock—and another turnpike leads through a wilderness to Orange Court House, where a railroad connects it with Gordonsville. The town itself is pleasantly situated in a fertile valley, and has great advantages for commerce and manufactures. The railroad from Washington, via Aquia Creek, passed through it, and thereby a large traffic and trade was done previous to the rebellion. As the through trains generally stopped at Fredericksburg Station for about an hour on each trip, a not inconsiderable chance trade was caused thereby in the immediate locality of the depot. It is distant from Aquia Creek by railroad about fifteen miles, from which point part of the Potomac River traffic used to be carried to Fredericksburg. A good canal had also been constructed from the town to a point on the Rappahannock River, about forty miles above, by which large quantities of wheat, flour, and tobacco were received for exportation. The river afforded extensive water power, which, however, was not much used. The hills in the neighborhood, varying in height from forty to one hundred feet, abound in fine granite and freestone. About thirty years since the prospect of Fredericksburg being a rapidly rising town was very great; but it suddenly stopped in its prosperity, and after, as it were, standing still for about twenty years, it gradually retrograded in its importance. In 1840 its population numbered nearly four thousand souls; and in 1850, ten years after, it had only increased eighty-eight persons—less than nine each year, and being about two per cent. in a decade—a remarkably small increase. Before the rebellion it contained five churches, one orphan asylum, two seminaries, four newspaper offices, and two banks.

Fredericksburg has changed hands more than once. While the Potomac blockade lasted it was a chief depot for rebel supplies. When McClellan advanced to Yorktown it was evacuated, and was occupied by McDowell. After the battles of the seven days before Richmond McDowell fell back, and the rebels again seized it. Burnside coming up the Potomac to the aid of Pope, in August, occupied it for a few days; when he marched to Warrenton it again fell back under the stars and bars. The reader will find an account of its more recent fortunes in the news column.


Attention Masons and Soldiers.

I will send (as sample), on the receipt of $1, a handsome Gold Masonic Pin or Ring, or Plated Vest chain, or a fine Gold Pen and Pencil, or Engraved Locket, or Bracelet, or Neck Chain, or a beautiful set of Jewelry, together with my wholesale Circular. W. A. HAYWARD, Manufacturing Jeweler,   208 Broadway, New York. Thomas Andrews & Co.,

Offer for sale

SALAERATUS—"PARAGON," "GOLDEN PRIZE," "EXCELSIOR, "DOUBLE REFINED," and "SODA," made at the Jersey City Chemical Works.

CREAM TARTAR, perfectly pure, pulverized in our own mills. Also warranted, superior, and other qualities.

BI CB. SODA, of Newcastle make; also the "FRIAR'S GOOSE" brand, packed to order as desired.

YEAST POWDER—Thos. Andrews' "EXCELSIOR," the acknowledged standard of excellence. Sold everywhere.

Also SODA ASH for Soap or Glass Makers, CAUSTIC SODA, SAL SODA, the largest stock and assortment in New York.

Wholesale Jobbers and Manufacturers will find it their interest to buy of us.

Established Fifteen years.

136 and 138 Cedar Street, New York.

Just Tribute to Merit.


July 11th, 1862,

Duryeas' Maizena

Was the only "preparation for food from Indian Corn" that received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of all prominent manufacturers of "Corn Starch" and "Prepared Corn Flour" of this and other countries notwithstanding.


The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most sceptical. Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, &c., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost astonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake. It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meat, soups, &c. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich Cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, &c. Put up in 1 pound packages, with directions.

A most delicious article of food for children and invalids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere.

Manufactured at Glen Cove, Long Island.
Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street,

WM. DURYEA, General Agent.


Swords for Presentation, Sashes, Belts,
and Epaulettes, Guns, Pistols,
and Revolvers.

Every article in the Military Line Wholesale and Retail.

W. J. Syms & Bro.,

300 Broadway, New York.

BEAUTY.—Hunt's Bloom of Roses, a charming and perfectly natural color for the cheeks, or lips. Will not wash off, but remains durable for years. Can only be removed with vinegar, and warranted not to injure the skin. Used by the celebrated Court Beauties of Europe exclusively. Mailed free from observation for one dollar.

HUNT & CO., Perfumers, 133 S. Seventh St., Philad.


N.B. Enclose stamp for our book.

DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT WHISKERS OR MUSTACHES?—My Onguent will force them to grow heavily in six weeks (upon the smoothest face) without stain or injury to the skin. Price $1—sent by mail, post free, to any address, on receipt of an order.   R. G. GRAHAM, No. 109 Nassau Street, N. Y.



Sent by mail.

No pay expected until received, read, and approved.

1st. DR. S. S. FITCH'S SIX LECTURES on the Causes, Prevention, and Cure of Consumption, Skin Diseases, Male and Female Complaints, &c. On the Mode and Rules for Preserving Health. 360 pages, 21 Engravings. Price 50 c.

2d. DR. S. S. FITCH'S NEW WORK on Heart Disease, Apoplexy, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, &c., with many valuable Medical Prescriptions for these Diseases. 168 pages, 6 engravings. Price 50 cts. Say which book you will have, giving Name, State, County, and Post-Office. Address DR. S. S. FITCH, No. 714 Broadway, New York.


Men's Furnishing Goods

No. 2 Warren Street.


Especially adapted for Army sales.

For full particulars see last week's Harper's Weekly, or send for circular. HUBBARD BROS., SOLE IMPORTERS, Cor. John and Nassau Streets, New York.


All Articles for Soldiers at Baltimore, Washington, Hilton Head, Newbern, and all places occupied by Union troops, should be sent, at half rates, by HARNDEN'S EXPRESS, No. 74 Broadway. Sutlers charged low rates.



Colonel for King, Goddess of Liberty for Queen, and Major for Jack. 52 enameled cards to the pack. Eagles, Shields, Stars, and Flags are the suits, and you can play all the usual games. Four packs mailed free on receipt of One Dollar. The usual discount to the trade. Send for a Circular. Address AMERICAN PUBLISHING AGENCY,

      14 Chambers Street, New York.


From Paul de Coninck, Monod & Guiraud, Bordeaux, France. Warranted strictly pure, For sale by

   J. MARC MARTIN, Importer,

No. 203 Pearl Street, New York.

Facts about Brandreth's Pills.

NEWCASTLE, WESTCHESTER CO., N. Y., Oct. 23, 1862. MR. G. TEN EYCK SHELDON, Editor Sing Sing Republican: Dear Sir—I would state that I was induced to use BRANDRETH'S PILLS through the recommendation of John R. Swift, of Croton, Westchester County, who was entirely restored to health by their use. He was sick for some two years, very costive and dyspeptic, and he tried everything, but was not relieved. Finally, he took one Brandreth's Pill every day for a week, and a dose of six Pills every day for three days, and then took one Pill every day, with occasional doses of six. In one month he was able to go to work, and in three months was well, gaining 40 pounds in weight.

Yours truly,   EDWARD PURDY.


Edward Purdy being duly sworn, says that he resides in the town of Newcastle; that some years ago he was very sick with a sore on his leg, which had been running for over five years; that he was also much distressed by a pain in his chest, and besides was very costive and dyspeptic; that after trying various remedies and many physicians, he commenced using Brandreth's Pills, six to eight three times a week, and at the end of one month the sore in his leg healed, and at the end of two months he was entirely cured of costiveness, dyspepsia, and pain, and has remained well ever since.   EDWARD PURDY.

Sworn to before me, this 18th day of October, 1862.

S. MALCOLM SMITH, Justice of the Peace. Sold at the Principal Office, No. 294 Canal Street, No. 4 Union Square, New York, and by all respectable dealers in medicine throughout the world.

$30 A MONTH and Expenses.—WANTED—Book Canvassers throughout the United States and Canada at the above wages. Send for a Circular. Address

S. F. FRENCH & Co., No. 121 Nassau Street, N Y.

CHAPPED HANDS, FACE, LIPS, SUNBURN, &c. — Certain and Immediate Cure.

HEGEMAN & Co.'s CAMPHOR ICE with GLYCERINE, if used according to the directions, will keep the hands soft in the coldest weather. Price 25 cents. Sold by Druggists. Sent by mail on receipt of 30 cents.

HEGEMAN & Co., Chemists and Druggists, New York.

MOUSTACHES AND WHISKERS IN 42 DAYS, Hunting, Fishing, and many other Great Secrets, all in the Book of Wonders. 7,500 sold. 8th Ed. Price only 20c. 8 for $1. Mailed free. Address

   C. E. HUNTER & CO., Hinsdale, N. H.

A CAPITAL BOOK. — How to Write, How to Talk, How to Behave, How to do Business, handsomely bound in gilt, post-paid by mail, $1.50; in paper, $1.25. FOWLER & WELLS, 308 Broadway, N.Y.

These Celebrated Engraved Cards sold only at J. EVERDELL'S Old Establishment, 302 Broadway, cor. Duane St., N. Y.
Established 1840. For Specimen by Mail, send two stamps.


100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, &c., &c,
WORTH $500,000.

To be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value,
and not to be paid for till you know what you are to get.



100 Gold Hunting Cased Watches $100.00 each. 100 Gold Watches .......................60.00 each. 200 Ladies' Gold Watches ..........35.00 each. 500 Ladies' and Gent's Silver Watches 15.00 each. 3000 Vest and Neck Chains 5.00 to 10.00 each. 3000 Gold Band Bracelets 5.00 - 10.00 each. 3000 " " " 3.00 to 5.00 each.

3000 Cameo Brooches ...........................4.00 to 6.00 each. 3000 Mosaic and Jet Brooches ...............4.00 to 6.00 each. 3000 Lava and Florentine Brooches ........4.00 to 6.00 each.

3000 Coral, Opal, and Em. Brooches 4.00 to 6.00 each. 3000 Cameo Ear Drops ..........4.00 to 6.00 each. 3000 Mosaic and Jet Ear Drops  4.00 to 6.00 each. 3000 Lava and Florentine Ear Drops 4.00 to 6.00 each.

3000 Coral, Em., and Opal Ear Drops 4.00 to 8.00 each.

5100 Gent's Breast Pins ...2.50 to 8.00 each.

3000 Watch Keys .............2.00 to 6.00 each.

5000 Fob and Ribbon Slide 2.00- 6.00 each.

5000 Sets of Bosom Studs 2.50 - 6.00 each.

5000 Sleeve Buttons ........2.50 to 6.00 each.

6000 Plain Rings ..............2.50 to 5.00 each.

6000 Stone Set Rings ........2.50 to 6.00 each.

6000 Lockets ...................2.50 to 10.00 each.

5000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry.5.00 to 10.00 each.

10000 Gold Pens, with Silver Mounted

Holders ...................4.00 to 5.00 each.

10000 Gold Pens, with Silver Extension

Cases and Pencils ......4.00 to 6.00 each.

All Gold Pens 14 Carats and Warranted.

All of the above list of Goods will be sold for one dollar each. Certificates of all the various articles, stating what each one can have, are first put into envelopes, sealed up, and mixed; and when ordered, are taken out without regard to choice, and sent by mail, thus giving all a fair chance. On receipt of the Certificate, you will see what you can have, and then it is at your option to send one dollar and take the article or not.

In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the Certificates, paying postage, and doing the business, 25 cents each, which must be inclosed when the Certificate is sent for. Five Certificates will be sent for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for $5; sixty-five for $10; and a hundred for $15.

AGENTS.—Those acting as Agents will be allowed ten cents on every Certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps. Great caution should be used by our correspondents in regard to giving their correct address, Town, County, and State. Address J. H. WINSLOW & CO., 208 Broadway, New York.

G. E. M. I. V. B.

Mettam & Co.'s Galvano Electro Metallic Insoles and Voltaic Belts, Armlets, &c., secured by Letters Patent. For the cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and all nervous diseases of the Blood and Nervous System. For cold feet or feet rendered unpleasant from undue perspiration, the Insoles are infallible appliances. The above articles are light, flexible, and comfortable to the wearer. Sent by mail on receipt of $1.25. Office 429 Broadway. Call or send for a circular.

"THE HUMAN FACE DIVINE." Eyes, Ears, Lips, Mouth, Head, Hair, Neck, Hands, Feet, Skin, with "SIGNS OF CHARACTER," and how to read them, given in


AND LIFE ILLUSTRATED FOR 1863, devoted to PHRENOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, PHYSIOGNOMY, PSYCHOLOGY, and to all that relates to the Intellectual, Social, Moral, and Spiritual Nature of Man. Amply illustrated, and adapted to the comprehension of all. New volume. Subscribe now. Only $1.00 a year. Samples, 10 cents. Address, FOWLER AND WELLS, 308 Broadway, New York.


Agents if you want to make money, send a three cent stamp to A. RICHARDS & CO., New London, Conn., and get their Confidential Circular. The Prince of Holiday Gifts or Presents.


Magnifies small objects 10,000 tines. So simple that a child may use it. A most suitable present for any person. Price by mail $2.25; with six mouuted objects $3. Address HENRY CRAIG, 182 Centre Street, New York.

To all Wanting Farms.

Large and thriving settlement of Vineland. Rich soil. Good crops of Wheat, Corn, Peaches, &c., to be seen—only 30 miles from Philadelphia. Delightful climate—20 acre tracts of from $15 to $20 per acre, payable within 4 years. Good schools and society. Hundreds are settling. Apply to CHAS. K. LANDIS, P.M., Vineland, Cumberland Co., New Jersey. Report of Solon Robinson and Vineland Rural sent free. From Report of Solon Robinson, Ag. Ed. Tribune.

"It is one of the most extensive fertile tracts, in an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farming that we know of this side of the Western Prairies.

HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK, Have just Published: A MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION IN OBJECT LESSONS, adapted to the use of the School and Family Charts, and other Aids in Teaching. By MARCUS WILLSON. 12mo, Cloth, $1.00.

Rochester City Public Schools
Willson's Readers.

A little more than two years ago Willson's Readers were introduced into the Public Schools of the City of Rochester, at one half of the retail prices for the first supply. Since then constant but unsuccessful efforts on the part of those outside of the Schools have been made to displace them, even by the offer of other books in free exchange for Willson's. The following letters will show how such efforts are regarded by those to whom the citizens of Rochester have intrusted the guardianship of their schools:

From DANIEL HOLBROOK, Esq., Superintendent of the

Public Schools of Rochester, N. Y., Oct, 14, 1862.

At the late meeting of our Board of Education, Commissioner — offered a resolution, "That Parker and Watson's Readers be adopted as text-books in place of the Willson Series, provided they be furnished without expense to the pupils in the several schools," which resolution was laid over for one month. The proposition was unexpected, no one here having heard a word of it, save the mover. It was wholly outside the Committee on Text-Books, and was got up entirely by somebody in New York. I am decidedly opposed to any change. I regard Willson's Readers as not only better than Parker and Watson's, but better than any others that I have ever seen. I am conscientious in the support I give them, and do it for the good of our schools.

From THOMAS ASHTON, Esq., Chairman of the Committee on Text-Books of the Public Schools of Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1862.

I was not present when the resolution to displace Willson's Readers for Watson's was made: if I had been I should have opposed it; for I am satisfied, both from my own observation and the opinion of the teachers, of the merits of Willson's Readers. I have conversed with the other members of the Text-Book Committee, and they fully concur with me. I shall oppose any attempt to displace Willson's Readers.

From F. H. MARSHALL, Esq., President of the Board of
Education, Rochester, Oct. 23, 1862.

I do not think the Board of Education will make any change in Readers. The Principals of our Schools are perfectly satisfied with Willson's Series, now in use. I think there is an underhand effort at work to remove them, but I do not think it will succeed. I am not in favor of changing books at any time, unless there is a series far superior to those in use.

At the November meeting of the Board the resolution above referred to was not called up for consideration, it having been found that positively ten out of the twelve members of the Board were opposed to any change of Readers.

HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York.



Have just published:

ORLEY FARM. A Novel. By ARTHONY TROLLOPE, Author of "North America," "Doctor Thorne," "Framley Parsonage," "The Bertrams," "Castle Richmond," "The West Indies and the Spanish Main," "The Three Clerks," "The Struggles of Brown, Jones, & Robinson," &c. Illustrated by Millais. 8vo, Cloth, $1.25; Paper, $1.00.

THE LIFE OF EDWARD IRVING, Minister of the National Scotch Church, London. Illustrated by his Journals and Correspondence. By Mrs. OLIPHANT, Author of "Margaret Maitland," "The Laird of Norlaw," "The Days of My Life," "The Last of the Mortimers," "The House on the Moor," &c. With Portrait. 8vo, Cloth, $3.00.

MEMOIRS OF THE REV. NICHOLAS MURRAY, D.D. (KIRWAN). By SAMUEL IRENAEUS PRIME, Author of "Travels in Europe and the East," etc., etc. With Steel Portrait. 12mo, Cloth, $1.00.

A SERIES OF SCHOOL AND FAMILY CHARTS: Twenty-two in Number; designed for a course of Elementary Instruction in Schools and Families. By MARCIUS WILLSON and N. A. CALKINS.

Price of the entire Set, in Sheets, $7.00; Mounted, $9.00; Atlas Form, $11.00.


McGREGOR'S LOGIC. A System of Logic, Comprising a Discussion of the various Means of acquiring and retaining Knowledge, and avoiding Error. By P. McGREGOR, A.M. 12mo, Cloth, 90 cents.

ABEL DRAKE'S WIFE. A Novel. By JOHN SAUNDERS. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents.

Sent by mail on receipt of Price.
Commencement of the Twenty-Sixth
For December, 1862.


One Copy for one Year ......................$3.00

Two Copies for One Year ..................5.00

Three or more Copies for One Year (each) 2.00 And an Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club of EIGHT SUBSCRIBERS.

HARPER'S MAGAZINE and HARPER'S WEEKLY, together, one year, $4.00.


HARPER'S WEEKLY. Single Copies Six Cents. WILKIE COLLINS'S New Story, entitled "NO NAME," was commenced in the Number for March 15 (No. 272) of


And will be continued from week to week until completed. HARPER'S MAGAZINE and HARPER'S WEEKLY, together, one year, $4.00.

HARPER'S WEEKLY is electrotyped, and Back Numbers can be had at any time.

Vols. I., II., III., IV., and V., for the Years 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, and 1861, of "HARPER'S WEEKLY," handsomely bound in Cloth extra, Price $3.50 each, are now ready.


One Copy for One Year .....................$2.50

One Copy for Two Years ....................4.00

Ten Copies for One Year ...................20.00

An Extra Copy will be allowed for every Club of TEN SUBSCRIBERS. The Publishers employ no TRAVELING AGENTS. Parties who desire to subscribe to Harper's Magazine or Harper's Weekly had better remit direct to the Publishers, or pay their subscription to some Postmaster or General Agent with whom they are acquainted, and of whose responsibility they are assured. HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK.





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