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Civil War Harper's Weekly, March 19, 1864

Harper's Weekly was the most popular news source during the Civil War. The paper was read by millions of Americans during the war, and is popular today among historians and serious students of the War. Browsing this collection will allow you to develop a more complete understanding of the Civil War.

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General Custer

Kilpatrick's Raid

Kilpatrick's Raid

Sherman in Tennessee

General Sherman's March in Tennessee

General Kilpatrick

General Kilpatrick Biography

Lookout Creek

Lookout Creek

Sanitary Fair Cartoon

Map of the Rebellion

Map of the Rebellion

Huntsville, Alabama

Huntsville, Alabama






MARCH 19, 1864



(Previous Page) the Harpers--the work by which Thackeray first fairly made his mark in literature. The illustrations are from his own sketches, and are as characteristic as the text. It is well known that the illustrations to all of Thackeray's writings are to a greater or less extent from his own drawings ; but of late years he was too busy with the pen to often do more with the pencil than furnish bare hints to the artist. But in " Vanity Fair," produced when he had leisure, the drawings are wholly his own. They show that he might have succeeded in attaining the first object of his ambition—that of being the illustrator of Dickens's works.

"The Wife's Evidence," by W. G. Wills, forming the last number (240) of " Harper's Library of Select Novels," is a story of very decided interest.

The new edition, revised and enlarged, of Mr. Calvert Vaux's "Villas and Cottages; a Series of De-signs prepared for Execution in the United States," is well worthy the attention of every man who pro-poses to build a house which shall be something more than a mere shelter—a home. It contains a series of designs, with plans of interior arrangements, ranging from the humblest log-cabin of the settler up to the village house, suburban villa, and city mansion of the man of larger means and more varied wants; from the country school-house to the stately church. The designs are so carefully pre-pared and fully worked out that any man who pro-poses to build can select one suited to his needs and means, and can fairly approximate to its cost. To our mind the most notable feature of this book is the proof which it presents that comfort and privacy may be secured in a dwelling erected at the most moderate cost, as well as in those of higher pretensions.


IT was not a scold, nor a cuff, nor a kick,

The wound of a sword, nor a blow from a stick, A shot from any sort of a gun

That ever was forged beneath the sun,

A fall from a horse, nor a bite of dog; A burn from a torch carried out in a fog, That made me ache confoundedly

Just where a gentleman's heart should be.

It was not a plaster, nor lotion, nor draught, Homeopath practice, or Allopath craft, Nor any description of patent pill,

That ever was pounded to cure or kill:

Nor the cure for nerves that are running to seed--A sedative puff of the fragrant "weed," That cured my pain. 'Twas a smile for me Just where a pretty girl's lips should be.

For my heart had been aching for many a day, And my mind full of trouble and sorrow; I vowed that I never would see her again, But haunted her steps on the morrow.

I worded my friends and neglected my work, Was horribly jealous of stupid young Smirk, In short, was a nuisance to hear or to see, Just as a fellow in love should be.

Well ! well ! it's all over, my smile I got,

And stole something else from its pretty birth-spot; Went home with a breast that with rapture was thrilling, Gave a beggar a dollar instead of a shilling,

And the sweet lips that cured me—at breakfast and tea Are just where a gentleman's wife's should be.



SENATE.—March 2. The bill to encourage foreign emigration was passed; its principal provisions have been given in our summary under date of February 18.—Mr. Grimes introduced a bill to equalize the grade of line officers in the navy. It provides for a board to examine into the moral, mental, and professional qualifications of all candidates for nomination to a grade below that of Commodore; any one failing to pass to be placed on the retired list.—Mr. Wilkinson, in the form of a personal explanation, made a speech censuring the different commanders of the Army of the Potomac, from McClellan to Meade. Among other things he asserted that at Gettysburg Meade had given orders for a retreat, which were countermanded only because an advance corps had become engaged, and so retreat was impossible. The battle of Gettysburg he thought the greatest on record; and if it had been followed up the enemy would have been annihilated; but the army was halted, and Lee allowed to re-cross the Potomac, while he had only ammunition enough to last four minutes. The want of success of the Army of the Potomac was due not to the soldiers, but to the incapacity of the commanders. Mr. Johnson replied, defending McClellan and Mead, laying the blame upon the President. Senators Anthony and Wade attributed Burnside's failure at Fredericksburg to the failure of officers in high command to obey orders.—A joint resolution was adopted for inquiry into the cause of the late disaster in Florida—The request of the House for a joint committee on the Whisky tax, with instructions to agree upon a tax of not less than 20 or more than 40 cents upon spirits on hand, was refused, by 25 to 14; and a resolution agreeing to a free committee was adopted.--March 3. The Military Committee reported back the House bill extending to the 1st of April the time for the payment of bounties, with a recommendation from the Secretary of War; the bill passed.--Mr. Davis offered a joint resolution for amendments to the Constitution : First, " No negro or person, whose mother or grandmother was a negro , shall be a citizen of the United States, or be eligible to any civil or military office, or to any place of trust or profit under the United ,States." Second, "That the States of Maine and Massachusetts shall constitute one State, to be called East New England, and New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut shall constitute one State, to be called West New England." ordered to he printed.—Mr. Powell called up the bill, upon which the Military Committee had reported adversely, prohibiting officers of the army and navy from interfering in elections. We were, he said, the only people who would allow military interference in elections, and it was only recently that it had been permitted. He condemned the orders issued in Kentucky; said that the General Government had overthrown the laws regulating local elections in the loyal States, and held the President responsible—March 4. Mr. Sherman, from the Committee of Conference on the Whisky tax, said that after a full discussion the joint Committee of the two Houses had failed to agree; if the Senate adhered to its amendments the bill would be lost, and they would have to wait till another was matured. The Committee therefore recommended that the Senate should recede from its amendments. The bill would then impose a tax of 60 cents upon all liquor manrufactured after its passage up to July, leaving any tax

after that time to be provided for by future legislation. It also left an additional tax of 40 cents a gallon upon spirits on hand. This incongruous, and was only to be remedied by future legislation. The Senate then, by 25 to 11, receded from its amendments, and the bill was passed.—Mr. Powe11 concluded his speech on the interference of the military with elections, reiterating his charges against the Administration, and affirming that the chief rea-

son why the people had born with the unsurpations of power by the Executive was that they could soon have power to make a change. The President was using the military power to promote his own re-election. The amnesty proclamation was a move in that direction. This proclamation was revolutionary, because it overthrows the Constitution upon which the Union is based. What right has the President to dictate who shall be a qualified elector in a State? No honest man could take the oath prescribed in Louisiana by General Banks, for it bound him in the future to support a policy which would allow negroes to vote, provided the President should recommend it. It would require a standing army in each State to carry into effect the provisions of this proclamation, which would place nine-tenths of the population in a State under the control of the other tenth.--The Senate adjourned to Monday, March 7.----March 7. A memorial from the Geographical and Statistical Society in favor of a Commercial and Scientific mission to Eastern Asia; petitions for in-creased railroad and mail facilities between Boston, New York, and Philadelphia; and a petition from Eli Thayer for confiscating the lands of rebels and distributing them among soldiers and sailors; and a bill (amending a former one) for aiding in the construction of a railroad from the Missouri to the Pacific, were presented and referred, —Mr. Sherman offered a resolution, which was referred, defining the manner in which the President shall be chosen. It says that a quorum of the Senate shall consist of a majority of Senators duly chosen and qualified; if a majority of qualified Presidential electors vote for one person, he shall be President; if the election devolves upon the House, and the majority of the States represented be cast for one person, he shall be President.--March 8. A bill amending the act incorporating the city of Washington was passed.—The Committee on the Pacific Rail-way was instructed to inquire into the expediency of building a road from Lawrence to Fort Leavenworth.—Mr. Wilson introduced a bill for the better organization of the Quarter-master's Department. —Mr. Powell's resolution calling for the report of the Committee to investigate charges against certain army officers at the West, the bill to promote enlistments, and that equalizing the pay of soldiers, were taken up, discussed, and postponed.

House,--March 2. Miscellaneous business was transacted, among which was the passage of the Senate bill appropriating $40,000 for the protection of overland emigrants, and an ineffectual attempt by Me. Eldridge to call upon the Executive to furnish the names of persons confined in forts and prisons or banished to the rebellious States, and a call for correspondence relative to Mexican and Venezuelan affairs,—The bill declaring that the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims did not extend to any claims made for destruction of property by the forces engaged in sup-pressing the rebellion was taken up and debated at length. Several members of the Border States earnestly opposed the bill; their constituents had suffered severely, and should be indemnified ; amendments were adopted providing that certain claims be referred to the Commissary and Quarter-master Generals, and to be paid if certified by them; commissioners to be appointed to examine other claims, care being taken to exclude disloyal persons from indemnity; and limiting to three years the time during which claims must be presented: the whole bill was postponed.—The House agreed to the Senate's proposal for a new Committee of Conference on the whisky tax.--March 3. The House, by a small majority, recommitted to the Judiciary Committee the bill, with the amendments relating to the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims.—The bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to sell the surplus gold in the Treasury was taken up, debated, and postponed.—The question between the two Houses on the whisky tax was again brought forward, the Committee of Conference having again failed to agree. The House re-fused to ask for another Committee of Conference, and votes to adhere to its disagreement.—March 4. The day was devoted to private business.—A resolution was unanimously adopted thanking the surviving soldiers of the Revolution, twelve in number, and directing a copy of the resolution to be sent to each of the survivors,—After deciding an election case, in which Mr. Sleeper contested the seat of Mr. Rice, from Massachusetts, in favor of the latter, the house adjourned.--March 5. This day, being Saturday, was devoted to making and listening to speech-es. Mr. Baldwin, of Massachusetts, opened, condemning the Democratic party and the doctrine of State Rights, and censuring Mr. Buchanan as a weak and miserable man, unequal to the duties with which he had been intrusted.—Mr. Boyd, of Missouri, replied to a previous speech of his colleague, Mr. Blair, and asserted that the radical members were the only true representatives of the Union sentiment of that State.—Mr. Voorhees, of Indiana, made a long and violent speech against the Administration; affirmed that the republic was dying; that the war was an unchristian one ; that the Union could be restored by negotiation; that the operations of the Treasury Department had rendered national bankruptcy inevitable; that General Burnside was infamous for his agency in banishing the statesman and Christian gentleman, Vallandigham. He warned the South not to look forward to separation, but to unite with the conservative men of the North, and return to their allegiance on a basis of perfect security for all their rights and institutions.—Mr. Anderson spoke in defense of the Union men of Kentucky, and said that they would support the President or any other man who would pledge himself to crush out the rebellion. —Mr. Grinnell, of Iowa, replied to Mr. Voorhees and others; said that Mr. Vallandigham had been rightly served; and animadverted upon the Democratic party.—Mr. Hub-bard spoke at length against slavery, and in favor of the war.—After listening to these speeches the House adjourned to Monday.—March 7. After some private business the Postal Committee reported a bill regulating the carrying of the mails between the United States and foreign countries, the essential feature of which is that all steamer, from the United States to foreign ports shall receive and carry the mails for a reasonable compensation ; it also provides for contracts for carrying the mails between the United States and the Gulf and Pacific ports: the bill was passed.--The deficiency bill came up, and after a discursive debate on various points, which assumed an unimportant personal turn, was postponed.—March 8. Resolutions were presented from the Iowa, Legislature in favor of employing disabled soldiers in places under the General Government which they are competent to fill, and in favor of equal pay to white and colored soldiers.—The Deficiency bill was taken up, and an amendment agreed to appropriating $35,000 for medical attendance upon negro refugees and contrabands ; and the bill was returned to the Senate, on account of certain amendments of that body to which the House refused to agree.—The Gold bill was taken up ; various amendments were proposed and rejected; and finally a substitute offered by Mr. Bontwell was passed by 90 to 94, authorizing the Secretary to anticipate the payment of interest on the public debt.—The bill providing for dropping from the Army and Navy Rolls all Generals not actually employed in accordance with their rank, was called up and discussed. According to a report of the War Department there are twenty-five Generals wholly unemployed, thirty-nine employed In various ways, but not in command of corps or brigades: postponed for a week.—'The Senate bill establishing a uniform ambulance system was passed ; also one increasing the rank and pay- of the Provost Marshal-General to those of a Brigadier-General ; and one continuing pay to chaplains when absent on leave, or from sickness, or when held by the enemy as prisoners. —Thee Committee on Public Lands reported a bill; which was recommitted, securing to soldiers and sailors homesteads on confiscated or forfeited estates in the insurrectionary districts.


This expedition left Stevensburg, Virginia, on Sunday night, the 28th ult., crossing the Rapidan at Ely's Ford, with Hogan's scouting party of forty in the advance. The picket-gard and reserve, force along the river being cap- tured before the alarm could be given, the expedition was divided, Colonel Dahlgren moving upon a specific errand first to Frederickhaid, on the Virginia Central Railroad, destroying that road and the telegraph line, and then striking the James River Canal six miles east of Gooch-land Court House. This canaI follows the course of James River almost directly west from Richmond. Here six grist-mills were destroyed, one saw-mill, and six canal-boats loaded with grain. Several locks of the canal, and the works at the coal-pits at Manikin's Bend, were also de- stroyed. Dahlgren's command then struck the plank-road and moved on to within three miles of Richmond,

where it met with rebel force, and withdrew. Colonel Dahlgren, however, with Major Cook and 100 men, took a different course from the main column, and many of them fell into the hands of the enemy, among whom was the gallant Colonel himself, who was killed at the time of his capture. In the mean time Kilpatrick moved on from Ely's Ford to Spottsylvania Court House. It was then late at night, but the corps moved on to Beaver Dam, which it reached at 5 P.M. on Monday. Beaver Dam is on the Virginia Central Road, about ten miles west of the point where the two lines from Richmond—that to Gordonsville and that to Fredericksburg—cross each other. Here both the railroad and telegraphic communication with Richmond was interrupted. On Monday night the command crossed the South Anna River, where the advance had a skirmish with a picket force near Taylorsville. By 10 1/2 the next morning Kilpatrick had taken up a position within the second line of the defensive works at Richmond, 3 1/2 miles from the city. Here a copy was obtained of the Richmond Examiner and Dispatch fresh from the press, announcing it as a rumor that a brigade of Yankee cavalry had crossed the Rapidan. An hour later the editors of these sheets heard Kilpatrick's guns attacking their third line of fortifications. Here Dahlgren was to join Kilpatrick; but the former not making his appearance, the latter decided to fall back. It was just after he had retired that Dahlgren came up, full three hours too late. Kilpatrick on Tuesday night encamped six miles from Richmond, two miles from the Chickahominy. Here be was attacked by the rebels. A number of horses were killed, but the enemy was repulsed. In the morning Kilpatrick retired to the Pamunkey and moved down the Peninsula. This movement was effected with some difficulty on account of the mud, especially as about a hundred men had been dismounted in the night attack, and had to make their way on foot. During Wednesday the main portion of Dahlgren's command came up, and the next morning the entire force, except Dahlgren himself and his missing hundred, was met by a detachment from General Butler and conducted to Williamsburg. Some three hundred prisoners were captured ; several miles of the Central Railroad destroyed, besides property worth millions of dollars to the Confederacy; and on the whole this expedition, besides being the most daring, may be pronounced the most successful raid of the war.

To divert the enemy's attention from Kilpatrick's movements, two corps of the Army of the Potomac moved, on Thursday the 25th February, in the direction of Madison Court House, General Custer's cavalry force taking the advance. On Sunday the enemy's pickets were driven in north of the Rapidan, and his left flank threatened at the same time that Kilpatrick crossed at Ely's Ford. Near Charlottesville Custer fell in with Stuart's rebel cavalry, and destroyed his entire camp equipage, and blowing up six of his caissons retired, being outnumbered by the enemy.


Our forces at Jacksonville are being rapidly reinforced. Their position is strongly fortified eight miles in front of the town, and the army is in good spirits. It appears from rebel reports that the Confederate loss was very heavy, almost equal to our own. The main body of the enemy, under General Finnegan, is encamped near Bald-win, a strong position on the route by railroad to Tallahassee.


The rumors which have been afloat in regard to Sherman's expedition are giving way rapidly to settled facts. It is known that at the first of last month Sherman's forces left Vicksburg in two columns commanded respectively by McPherson and Hurlbut, and that a cavalry force under General Smith left Memphis at about the same time for the purpose of immediate co-operation, and finally of junction, On the 5th Jackson was occupied, from which point Sherman proceeded to Meridian. From this point the record is not yet fully settled; it is certain, however, that detachments of his force were busily engaged in the destruction of railroad lines in every direction. What Sherman's destination from this point was has not transpired, for Smith's cavalry expedition, overpowered by the concentrated force of the enemy, was compelled to return to Memphis, and this necessitated also a retreat on the part of Sherman, who is now on his way back to Vicksburg.

In Georgia our forces have retired from Tunnel Hill to Ringgold. In East Tennessee Longstreet appears to still maintain his petition at Bull's Gap with his cavalry, while his head-quarters are at Greenville. Both of these positions are on the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad—Bull's Gap being 55 miles east of Knoxville, and Greenville 74 miles. Morristown, the advaenced position of the Federal forces, is 14 miles west of Bull's Gap.


The Free State ticket has been carried in Louisiana by a majority of over 3000 votes, out of 8000, for Governor Hahn. A vole was cast three-tenths as large as the usual Presidential vote of that State.


Gilmore has been re-elected Governor of New Hampshire by a large majority—estimated at 4000—which shows a Union gain over previous elections. The five Republican Councilors are. elected; also nine of the twelve Senators are Republican.


The election in this State on the 8th inst. resulted in the ratification of the constitutional amendment allowing our soldiers the right to vote. About one-third of the usual vote was polled, and the Opposition ballot was very weak all over the State.


The Secretary of War has telegraphed to Governor Seymour that bounties will be paid until April 1. As our quota is now so nearly filled this amounts to a virtual sus-pension of the draft.



ON the morning of the 22d February, the Prussians drove in the Danish outposts and occupied Duppel, from which they were dislodged by a cannnonade of four hours, when they retired with considerable loss. Previous to this attack on Duppel, the allies had invaded Jutland--or the continental portion of Denmark—advancing as far as Kelding, which is on the eastern coast, at the head of and commanding the channel (called Little Belt) in which Alsen is situated. The Embassadors of Austria and Prussia at Paris and London have explained this advance into Denmark proper as being undertaken solely for strategic purpose. In the mean time the Germans are busily engaged in destroying the Dannewerke at Schleswig. A blockade was threatened on the part of the Danes against all the ports on the eastern coast of Holstein and Schleswig, except Neustadt, to be established from February 25. Other movements are now in operation looking toward a settlement. England has invited the German Federation and the Powers who signed the treaty of 1852 to a Conference in London. This invitation has been accepted by Prussia and Austria; then; is doubt, however, whether this implies any cessation of hostilities in the mean while, although orders were to be given against a further advance into Jutland. Denmark herself refuses, to regard any negotiations that will not restore Sehleswig to its former re-lations.


The rebel ram question again came up for discussion in Parliament on the 23d February. The Attorney-General defended the position of the Government against the at-tacks of Disraeli and his Tory associates with such success as to obtain a majority of 25 in the house in favor of sustaining the action of the Ministry.

The Opposition having failed in the ram question, tried their luck on the case of the Chesapeake, with similar success. Mr. Layard, in behalf of the Government, produced dispatches, showing that, long before the British demand for redress had reached him, Secretary Seward had promptly anticipated the demand by the most courteous apology, with an offer of satisfactory reparation. The Ministry

were also severely attacked for their policy in relation to Danish affairs. The London Times, however, lays the blame chiefly upon the other European Powers.

"A single word," it says, "from France, Russia, and Sweden would have prevented the invasion of the Duchies; but the ties of gratitude for all services do not bind France; a common nationality and a common danger can not move Sweden; treaties and alliances are alike lost upon Russia. These Powers will neither do any thing now nor tell us what they intend to do hereafter. It is their boast that England is isolated. Meanwhile the Danish monarchy itself seems to be threatened. Nothing would be easier then to send the Channel fleet to the Baltic. But it is not by sea that the fate of Denmark will be decided, and our small land-force could not permanently influence the decision of a war carried on by 40,000 to 50.000 men against States which could, if necessary, place ten times that number in the field ; and calm reason steps in to remind us that it is no part of our duty to redress all the injustice which is committed under the sun."


The Alabama was at Singapore on the first days of January, where she got coal, and steamed into Malacca Straits. A letter from an American shipmaster says that all her men are discontented, and many were deserting, in defiance of watchful officers. The writer adds that she has completely stopped American commerce in the East, and our vessels were lying up at all ports. A Bombay telegram, of the 29th, January, announces that she was cruising off the west coast of India, and had captured and burned the ship Emmaa, of New York.

Late advices from Cape Town confirm the report of the seizure of the rebel privateer Tuscaloosa at that place. The President has commuted the sentence of the deserters heretofore condemned to death to imprisonment at the dry Tortugas during the war.

It appears that the torpedo which sunk the Housatonic off Charleston was itself destroyed at the same time.

The negroes of Baltimore, Maryland, have held the first of a series of meetings for the purpose of calling the attention of the contrabands to the matter of enlisting in our army.

Captains SAWYER and FLYNN, who were sentenced to death by the rebel authorities at Richmond, in retaliation for the hanging of two spies, by General Burnside, have been exchanged.

Admiral Dahlgren is in Washington. It is rumored that he has been relieved from the command of the iron-clad fleet off Charleston. Admiral Farragut will probably be appointed to succeed him.

Brigadier-General BARRY, Inspector of United States Artillery, has been relieved, at his own request, from artillery duties, in which he has been engaged, and ordered to report to Major-General GRANT.

A negro company of the First Mississippi Infantry were surprised and cut to pieces by rebel guerrillas, dressed in Union uniform, near Tecumseh Landing, on the 14th ult., while standing guard for a foraging party from the steamer Pringle. Only two of the negroes escaped death or mortal wounds.

A commission has been appointed by the Secretary of War to visit the camps where all rebel prisoners are con-fined, and administer to them the oath of allegiance under the President's recent Amnesty Proclamation.

Lieutenant-Commander JOSEPH H. STERRETT has been detached from the Katahdin and ordered to New Orleans to the command of the Aroostook.

Lieutenant-Commander CHESTER HATFIELD has been detached from the Aroostook and ordered to return North. Captain PINCKHARDT, who was captured with General SCAMMON, was killed by our own men while in the hands of a band of guerrillas.

Private IRWIN, Company D, Twelfth Illinois cavalry, has been dishonorably dismissed the service and sentenced to two years in the Penitentiary for representing himself as one of MOSBY'S guerrillas and committing highway robbery within our lines.

The Richmond Examiner of March 1 says that on February 29th 400 more Federal prisoners were shipped for Americus, Georgia. Nearly 3000 have thus far been sent, and there are accommodations for 6000.

The rebel rams in the Roanoke and Neuse rivers, in North Carolina. are said to be almost ready, and are also said to be very formidable. They will doubtless get a warm reception.

There is a rumor that Major-General D. N. COUCH, now Commander of the Department of the Susquehanna, will be called to take an important command in the Army of the Potomac.

A private letter from Havana, dated March 1, states that the United States gun-boat De Soto was in the dry-dock there. The blockade-runners and secessionists in Havana had threatened to burn the vessel, and also threatened the officers with violence. The Spanish authorities, however, had given the officers of the De Soto permission to wear their side-arms, and they now visit the city fully armed.

Brigadier-General D. H. RUCHER, Chief Quarter-master of the Depot of Washington, has asked to be relieved from duty here and sent into the field.

Committees from different Districts in Pensylvania are now visiting the Army of the Potomac to offer an additional bounty of $200 to veterans, the money to pay the same having been raised in their Districts.

Twenty-five of the thirty thousand veterans of the Army of the Potomac, whose terms of service expire within the next nine months, have re-enlisted. Of the six thousand veterans of the same army who have of late gone home on furlough, five thousand five hundred have already returned to duty, their furloughs having expired.

There is a great rush of Major and Brigadier Generals out of employment for active duty to avoid the effect of the bill to dismiss such from the service.

The total loss at the battle of Chikcamauga are the part of the Federate was 17,200. The total loss of the Confederates was 19,600. The time consumed in fighting was 16 hours and 30 minutes. This makes a total combined loss of 36,300, or over 2200 per hour, The total Federal force engaged was 38,000, the rebel force (according to their own reports) was 64,000.

The Louisville Democrat says, in reference to the (Court of Inquiry on the conduct of Generals McCOOK, CRITTENDEN, and NEGLEY, that the evidence elicited does not sustain a single charge against either of the Generals, but, on the contrary, it shows that "every thing that could be done or expected of a General or a man was done by them at the battle of Chickamauga."

Major-General RANDALL, of the New York State Militia, died on Thursday, in Buffalo, of disease of the heart.

General POPE is preparing for an active spring campaign against the Indians in the Northwest,

Official Treasury documents show that, during the year 1862, thirteen thousand claims of deceased and discharged soldiers were settled. The number settled during 1863 was 45,700, and there remained unsettled, on the first of January last, 74,600.

By statements from the War Department, furnished the Senate, it appears that there are 70 major-generals, the number allowed by law, in service and drawing pay, and 274 brigadier-generals, one less than the number provided for by law.

It is estimated that the cost per man of the army is nearly if not quite $1200 per annum.

The revised army regulations are amended so that en- listed men who lose or dispose of revolving pistols intrusted to their care will hereafter be charged $20 in each case.

It ought to be generally known that the Government will furnish each soldier who loses a. limb in its service with another one, free of expense, and take care of him while the limb is being fitted, through the medical director, 458 Broome Street, New York.




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