Sanitary Fair Cartoon


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, March 19, 1864

Harper's Weekly was the most popular news source during the Civil War. The paper was read by millions of Americans during the war, and is popular today among historians and serious students of the War. Browsing this collection will allow you to develop a more complete understanding of the Civil War.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


General Custer

Kilpatrick's Raid

Kilpatrick's Raid

Sherman in Tennessee

General Sherman's March in Tennessee

General Kilpatrick

General Kilpatrick Biography

Lookout Creek

Lookout Creek

Sanitary Fair Cartoon

Map of the Rebellion

Map of the Rebellion

Huntsville, Alabama

Huntsville, Alabama







[MARCH 19, 1864.



VISITOR. "But don't you think you might have a little of your hair cut off without spoiling the general effect?"

GOLDEN-HAIRED LASS. " Oh no! I'm keeping it all for the Fair ! I'll have Scissors, you know, and let the Cavaliers cut off little locks of it at the current prices for gold."


Bankers and Dealers in Government Securities,



No. 38 Wall Street, New York.

Watches Given Away.

Agents and Dealers look at the Great Chance to make Money we offer, by engaging in the sale of our NEW NOVELTY STATIONERY PRIZE PACKET. Only $15 capital required to obtain a WATCH, FREE, with first order. We also offer SPLENDID STEEL ENGRAVINGS. $10 invested will

yield $50. Never before such inducements were offered. Full particulars in Circulars, mailed free.

G. S. HASKINS & CO., 3G Beekman Street, N. Y., The Oldest Established Prize Package House in the U. S.



Read that excellent new hand-book, indispensable for all who would really know

HOW TO WRITE, HOW TO BEHAVE, HOW TO TALK,   HOW TO DO BUSINESS. One handsome 12mo vol., 600 pages, sent by first post

for $2. Agents wanted. Address FOWLER & WELLS, No. 308 Broadway, New York.

Putnam Clothes-Wringer.

TESTIMONY OF MESSRS. JNO. W. WHEELER, of Cleveland, Ohio, and John C. Lefferts, of New York. PUTNAM MFG. Co.:

GENTLEMEN : I know from practical experience that iron well galvaizned with zinc will not oxidize and rust one particle. I can safely say, after several years experience in the manufacture of chain, for chain-pump and water drawers, in which I have tested the affinity of iron and zinc, that, if the process is conducted properly, it is a perfact weld of the two.

Nearly one year ago my family commenced using one of your Wringers. It now performs all of its functions as well as it did the first time it was used, and has become an indispensable article with us. I have closely observed several other kinds of clothes-wringers, the modus operandi being different, trying to produce the same results and the Putnam Wringer, but in my judgment they have failed. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and I can cheerfully recommend it to be the best in use.

Respectfully yours,   JOHN W. WHEELER. Many years experience in the galvanizing business enables me to indorse the above statement in all particulars.

JOHN C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Beekman Street. New York, January, 1864.

Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town.

No. 2, $5 50; No. 1, $6 00; No. A, $8. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by

The Putnam Manufacturing Co., No. 13 PIatt Street, N. Y., and Cleveland, Ohio.

S. C. NORTHROP, Agent.

Andrews' Excelsir Yeast    Powder.

Gives universal satisfaction. " It is the best." First class dealers throughout the country keep it. Established 14 years!


136 and 138 Cedar Street, New York.

DAWLEY'S CAMP AND FIRESIDE LIBRARY.—The best selling books in the market. Nearly 100 per cent allowed to the trade. Nov ready, No. 1. Incidents of Camp Life; No, 2, Mercedes ; or, the Outlaw's Child ; No, 3, Norma Danton ; or, the Children of the Lighthouse. Price 15 cts. T. R. DAWLEY, Publisher, 13 Park Row, N. Y.

A Beautiful Complexion, free from Tan Pimples and Freckles, may easily be procured by using the "BALM OF THOUSAND FLOWERS." For shaving it is unsurpassed. It is composed of palm oil, honey, and other valuable articles, highly perfumed by its own ingredients, and when used for washing, night and morning, renders the skin soft and white, and free from blemish. Price 50 cents.

The Trade supplied by HOWARD, SANGER & CO., 105 and 107 Chambers Street, N. Y., and for sale by all Druggists.

The only enameled " Turn-over" Collar made in metals. Send $1 for a "Turn-over" or 75 cents for a "Choker," to C. H. WELLING, 94 Pine Street, N. Y., and receive it by return mail.

To the Trade.

Excelling everything in the line yet produced, in beanty of execution, and selection of subjects.

These Photographs are produced in the highest style of the Art, and the subjects—with the exception of some that are standard—are all NEW, and the very choicest that can be produced, to which will be continually added new subjects, all choice. No poor stock will be used in the manufacture of our Photographs, and no subjects will be found among our Stock, that will not command a ready sale. Dealers, in ordering of its, can depend upon getting the most saleable Photographic Stock produced in the country. Send for Catalogue. Address B. W. HITCHCOCK, 14 Chambers Street, New York (Manufactory).

The Parlor Magician ;

Or, One Hundred Tricks for the Drawing Room. Containing an Extensive and Miscellaneous Collection of Conjuring and Legerdemain ; Sleights with Dice, Dorminoes, Cards, Ribbons, Rings, Fruit, Coin, Balls, Handkerchiefs, etc., all of which may be Performed in the Parlor or Drawing Room, without the aid of any apparatus; also embracing a choice variety of Curious Deceptions, which may be performed with the aid of simple apparatus; the whole illustrated and clearly explained with 121 engravings. Paper covers, price 25 cents ; bound in Boards, with cloth back, 38 cents. Published by DICK & FITZGERALD, No. 18 Ann Street, N. Y. Also for Sale by all Booksellers in this place. Copies of the above books sent by mail, to any address, free of postage, on receipt of the price.

And Stuttering cured by Bates's Patent Scientific Appliances. For (New Edition of) descriptive Pamphlets and Drawings, address H. C. L. MEARS, 277 W. 23d St., N. Y.

Holloway's Ointment. - The bane of Scrofula, the King's Evil of our ancestors, has no foe like this detergent and eradicating salve. Its healing qualities are unequaled in the cure of salt rheum, sore legs, sore breasts, and the scald head, and ring-worm, the enemies of the nursery. It renews the coating of the skin, and leaves no trace behind of former disfigurement. Sold at the manufactory, No. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all Drugist,_ at 30 cents, 70 cents, and $1 10 per pot.

In those cases of scanty, retarded growth, where the person is over 18, by its remarkable nourishing and stimulating power, the Tennessee Swamp Shrub Balsam has been found infallible, in exciting the Beard, Moustache, &c., to an exceedingly fine and vigorous growth. The history of this Balsam, with a small sample box, will be sent sealed, on receipt of return postage.

JOHN RAWLINS, 815 Broadway, N. Y.

THE BOWEN MICROSCOPE, Magnifying small objects 500 times. MAILED FREE everywhere for 30 CENTS. Five of different powers for $1 00. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

Straight Hair made Wavy!! without heating it, by using Ivin's Patent Hair Crimpers. For sale at Variety Stores.

FINE WATCH FREE, And $15 Per Day made Easy. By selling the GREAT "original and only genuine" RICKARDS' PRIZE AND STATIONERY PACKAGES, each of which contains "more real valuable articles" than any half-dozen other packages ever sold. Each Package contains Fine Writing Materials, Engravings, Fashion Plates, Fancy Articles, Yankee Notions, Games, Recipes, Many Ways to Get Rich, Rich Presents of Fine Jewelry, &c. The whole worth several dollars if bought separate. Price only 25c. Wholesale rates to Agents low. Profits large. Sales immense. Every soldier and every family wants them. Agents wanted in every town and camp. $15 per day guaranteed, and a splendid Gold or Silver Hunting case Watch, genuine English movements, perfect time keeper. PRESENTED FREE TO EACH AGENT. Beware of imitations. We are the sole manufacturers of the GREAT ORIGINAL RICKARDS PRIZE PACKAGES, each of which we have copyrighted according to law. None others are genuine. For an expose of the swindling operations as practised by other parties, see editorial in New York Tribune of Friday, Feb. 26. Send for our great new Circulars for 1864, containing " extra premium inducements, free." S. C. RICKARDS & CO., 102 Nassau St., N. Y. Original, Largest, and Oldest Prize Package House in the World.

A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVED GOLD PLATED WATCH, Double Case, Lever Cap, small size, enameled dial, cut hands, English Movements," and correct time-keeper, sent free by mail in nest case, only $7. A SILVER WATCH, same as above, only $7. Specially adapted to the ARMY. $15   European Timekeeper.   $15 OR, COMPASS WATCH. A SUPERB " Extra Double Gold Plated" engraved or engine turned Hunting Case Watch, Magic Spring, "Genuine English Jeweled or Nickel Movements," Independent Action, Self Balance, and has to NEAT MINIATURE COMPASS set in the movements, making it a " Correct Guide" to the Soldier or Traveler. Perfect timekeeper, " warranted one year." WILL STAND ACID, and is an Exact Imitation of $100 Watch, Used by the British Army Officers, Sent free by mail, in elegant Morocco Case, for only $15. THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH COURT WATCH, for ladies. "Rich escutcheon designs," ruby movements, only $18. ENGLISH STERLING SILVER LEVER WATCHES, engraved Hunting Case, full jeweled movements,   $18. Genuine American Levers, full jeweled, and in massive Sterling Silver Hunting Cases, only   $30. Real English Duplex Gold Watches. Fine article, from $45 to $100. Good Watches, for Army use, of all descriptions. We are sole importers of the above styles of European Watches. Catalogue of trade prices mailed free. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper of Feb. 20 says of the "European Timekeeper," " It is a novelty here, and an imitation of the celebrated timekeeper so much in use among the British army officers, and is calculated to meet the wants of our soldiers in the field." Illustrated News says, " Correct timepieces ; and for beauty and fine finish they are equal in appearance to $100 watches." Address CHAS. P. NORTON & CO., Importers, 38 & 40 Ann Street, New York.

GOLD PENS AND CASES Retailed at wholesale prices. 14 kt. Gold Pen, Solid Silver Case, $1 50, warranted for one year, guarantee accompanying each Pen. Send for a circular. Pens repointed on receipt of 35 cents. E. S. JOHNSON, 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y.

HOYT'S HIAWATHA Hair Restorative. The standard preparation for the hair. Warranted in all cases to restore faded and gray hair and whiskers to their ORIGINAL color. It restores the natural shading of one hair with another, and thus gives a life appearance instead of the dull dead black of dyes, so that the most critical observer can not detect its use. It does not require previous soaping and washing, and hours for its application, nor does it stain the skin; but is as readily applied and easily wiped from the skin as any hair-dressing. It does not claim to make the hair come in when it has once fallen out; nothing will do that, whatever may be advertised to the contrary; but it will prevent it from falling out, make it soft and silky, and cleanse it and the scalp front all impurities and humors, and entirely over come the bad effects of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar of lead, &c. HOYT'S IMPERIAL COLORING CREAM. An appropriate accompaniment to the Hiawatha; oils and colors the hair at the same time, and changes light and red hair to a beautiful brown or black. Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOMYT & CO., 10 University Place, N. Y.

Ready made or to measure, at $33, $39, and $45 per doz. Self-Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions for Self-Measurement, list of prices, and drawing, of different styles of Shirts and Collars sent free everywhere. FRENCH FLANNEL OVERSHIRTS, $3 00, $3 75, and $4 50 each ; all cut one yard long. A single shirt sent by mail on receipt of the cash and 63 cents postage for each shirt. Send the size of your neck. Also


Having the appearance and comfort of linen, have been worn in England for the last two years in preference to any other collar, as they are readily cleaned in one minute with a sponge.

To Military Men and Travellers they are invaluable. Price 75 etc. each ; sent by post to any part of the Union on the receipt of 90 cents.


AGENTS WANTED in every Town in the Union.

S. W. H. WARD, 387 Broadway, N. Y.

Dyspepsia Tablets,

For Indigestion, Heartburn, &c., manufactured only by S. G. WELLING, and sold by druggists generally. 50 cents per box. Depot No. 207 Centre St., New York, second floor. Sent free by mail for 65 cents.

Shults' Onguent, warranted to produce a full set of Whiskers in six weeks, or money refunded. Sent postpaid, for 30 cents. Address C. F SHULTS, Troy, N. Y.

$47 AMERICAN $47


Trade Mark, P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass., Full Jeweled, WARRANTED, in 4 oz, coin silver hunting case, gold joints, fancy push pin, for $47.

Also every variety of good Watches at equally low rates. All orders from the Army must be pre-paid, as the Express Companies will not take bills for collection on soldiers.

J. L. FERGUSON, Importer of Watches. 208 Broadway New York.   

Get the Best.

TEN FOR ONE DOLLAR. Card Photographs (5000 Different Subjects)


Prominent and Noted Persons,


All the Major-Generals, the President
and Cabinet,
Prominent Officers of the Army and


10 for One Dollar, or 15 Cts. Single Picture. Sent free to any address. Enclose Stamp, and send for List of Albums and Card Photographs.

To insure prompt and honorable dealing, SEND YOUR ORDERS TO

G. G. EVANS, Publisher,

630 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. N. B. A Classified Catalogue of over 16,000 different books in every department of literature sent to any address on receipt of 5 cents. Premium Certificates of new Watch and Jewelry Enterprise sent on receipt of 10 cents.

250 Rare Receipts. Seventeen Electrotype Engravings.


The best Family Receipt-Book ever published. Sent free by mail for 25 cents.

HUTCHINSON & CO., Publishers,

442 Broadway, New York.

Perfectly Pure Articles.


sold by

THOS. ANDREWS & CO., 136 and 13S Cedar Street, New York.

Another Brilliant Contributor
The New York Mercury.
Miss Harriet E. Prescott,


whose works of fiction have placed her among the first in

The Front Rank

American Novelists,

has been engaged to write for the LEADING FAMILY PAPER OF THE COUNTRY, and her initial contribution, entitled

Miss Devonshire,

will appear in THE NEW YORK MERCURY of March 19th, now ready everywhere at the News Depots.

Miss Harriet E. Prescott is the daughter of the great American historian, William H. Prescott, whose fame is as wide as the circle of civilization, and whose memory is cherished by his countrymen with a feeling of veneration accorded no other author, with the exception, perhaps, of Washington Irving. The daughter, like the father, has the gift off genius, and her stories in the " Atlantic Monthly Magazine" have added largely to the prestige and popularity of that able periodical, and she imparts to every subject upon which her powerful pen is employed a fascinating interest. To a mind richly stored with varied knowledge, she adds an imagination that is fetterless in its flights, though it never soars into the region of the impossible. Her latest production,

Miss Devonshire,

written expressly for THE NEW YORK MERCURY, is founded upon a striking and very peculiar incident of the war, portraying, with remarkable vivacity and brilliancy, the role played by the Belle Boyds and other sirens of the Rebellion, and verifying the old adage, that "Love rules the camp, the court, the grove."

The NEW YORK MERCURY is the sharpest and most brilliant of all the literary weeklies, and expends more money for eminent talent than any other paper. Terms of subscription, cash in advance, $2 to year; three copies $5; six copies $9 ; eight copies $12; with an extra one free to the clubber. Address CAULDWELL & WHITNEY, Publishers, 48 Ann and 113 Fulton Streets, New York City.

American, Swiss, and English Watches, in superior styles and quality of cases. Orders from the Trade or Army (large or small) promptly and faithfully attended to. Established 20 years.

T. B. BYNNER, 175 Broadway, N. Y.

Sanitary Fair







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