Illinois Central Railroad Land


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, April 22, 1865

This site features an online archive of our extensive collection of Harper's Weekly newspapers. These papers have a wealth of important news and information on the war. It is fascinating to watch the war unfold on the pages of these original Civil War Newspapers.

(Scroll Down to See Entire Page, or Newspaper Thumbnails below will take you to the page of interest)


Five Forks

Battle of Five Forks

End Civil War

End of the Civil War

Lee's Surrender to General Grant


Petersburg Civil War Map

Richmond Capture

Capture of Richmond

Illinois Central Railroad Land

Illinois Central Railroad Land



Appomattox River

Lee Crossing the Appomattox River


Union Troops Occupying Petersburg Virginia

Richmond Fall

Fall of Richmond in the Civil War


Confederate Capitol in Richmond





[APRIL 22, 1865.


"Give me your hand, Comrade! We have each lost a LEG for the good cause; but, thank GOD, we never lost HEART."

Subscriptions received for any amount, and a constant supply of the notes on hand for immediate delivery.


And all kinds of Stocks, Bonds, &c., bought and sold on commission at the regular Stock, Petroleum, and Mining Boards.

Interest allowed on deposits.

TEETH like pearls and breath of sweetness secured by Caswell, Mack & Co.'s Formodenta Tooth-Paste.

Bankers and Dealers in Government

No. 38 Wall Street, New York.

UNCLAIMED MONEY.—70,000 PERSONS WANTED TO CLAIM MONEY, ESTATES, &c., which have been advertised since 1704. Fee to search for name in Registry, $2. Genealogies traced. All letters must be prepaid. GUN & CO., Unclaimed Money and Property Registry, No. 17 Charlotte Street, London (W.C.), England.

99 and 101 Bleecker Street, 2d Block West of Broadway. Warranted for Six Years.


Pensions, Bounties, Pay, Prize Money, together with all claims of the many and navy promptly procured. Correspondence promptly answered. L. Brown &Co, 2 Park P'ce, N.Y.

This invaluable salve is a certain cure for PILES, CORNS, CUTS, BRUISES, SORES, and RHEUMATISM. Relieves BURN PAINS in five minutes. No one should be without it. It saves Doctors' Bills. 25 Cents a Box. Sent free by mail on receipt of 37 Cents. Depot 43 Liberty St., New York.

The JOHNSONS PEN is acknowledged by all who have used them to be the bast pen for the last month of any in use. They are made of 14 carats fine gold, and warranted for one year (written guarrantee when required). Pens in solid silver extension cases, $1 75 ebony slide holders, $1 75; "rubber reverse holders, 2 50; telescopic extension cases, $2 50; duplex silver cases, $4 00 ; ebony holders and morocco boxes, $1 51. Pens repointed, 50 cents each.,

Pens sent by mail, postage paid. Send for Circular,

E.S.JOHNSON,   N, Manmanufactory and Office,

15 Maiden Lane, New York City.

And Dealers in all Classes of

French Dinner Sets.

SOLDIERS, SAILORS, FARMERS, MECHANICS, and EVERY BODY throughout the country will receive, free, by mail, a First-Class, Interesting NEWSPAPER, by sending their address to Editor's of " ARMY AND HOME JOURNAL," 40 Ann Street, New York.

"I do not see how an officer or soldier can have a complete outfit without it."—GOV. PIERPONT.

To he found on each box and each pied of GENUINE MAGIC RUFFLE. All other goods, of whatever name, not having this mark, are worthless imitations and infringements on the patents of tie Magic Ruffle Company. The GENUINE MAGIC RUFFLES are full six yards in each piece, are well made of the best material, and give perfect satisfactions to consumers.

For sale by all Fancy-Goods Houses and Sutlers. Price $2 50, sent free of postage.

D. B. BROOKS & BROTHER, Salem, Mass.


Magnifying small objects 500 times. MAILED FREE everywhere for 50 CENTS, OR THREE FOR $100. Address F. C. BOWEN, Box 220, Boston, Mass.

Wrapping Twine made of Paper.
Twines and Paper. H. A. HARVEY, 84 Maiden Lane,N.Y.

Go to your Apothecary, and get a bottle of Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient. You need it as a gentle cooling purgative at this season of the year to cleanse the system and purify the blood. It creates a natural appetite, invigorates and gives tone to the stomach and activity to the liver. It prevents bilious attacks, sick headache, sour stomach, and like complaints. Sold by all druggists.

See Cately Brothers' Advertisement on page 255.

ASK ANY NEWSDEALER OR BOOKSELLER for a copy of DAWLEY'S NEW WAR NOVELS. If he has not got them he will get them for you.

No. I. Mosby, the Guerrilla.

No. 2. Pauline, the Female Spy.

No. 3. Semmes, the Pirate.

No. 4. Kildare, the Black Scout.

No. 5. Osgood, the Demon Refugee. Illust'd, Illuminated Cover. Price25c. ; trade $12 50 per 100.

T. R. DAWLEY, Pub., 13 and 15 Park Row, N. Y.


900,000 ACRES of the best Farming Lands in the Country.

The road extends from Dunleith, in the north-western part of the State, to Cairo, in the extreme southern part, with a branch from Centralia, one hundred and thirteen miles north of Cairo, to Chicago, on the shore of Lake Michigan altogether a length of 704 miles and the land which is offered for sale is situated upon either side of the track, in no instance at a greater distance than fifteen miles.

State of Illinois.

The rapid development of Illinois, its steady increase in population and wealth, and its capacity to produce cheap food, are matters for wonder and admiration. The United States Commissioner of Agriculture estimates the amounts of the principal crops of 1864, for the whole country, as follows: Indian corn, 530,561,403 bushels; wheat, 160,695,823 bushels; oats, 176,690,064 bushels; of which the farms of Illinois yielded 138,356,135 bushels of Indian corn; 33,371,173 bushels of wheat; and 24,273,751 bushels of oats in reality more than one fourth of the corn, more than one-fifth of the wheat, and almost one-seventh of the oats produced in all the United States.

Grain Stock Raising.

Pre-eminently the first in the list of grain exporting States, Illinois is also the great cattle State of the Union. Its fertile prairies are well adapted by nature to the raising of cattle, sheep, horses and mules; and in the important interest of pork packing, it is far in advance of every other State. The seeding cif these prairie lands to tame grasses for pasturage or hay, offers to farmers with capital the most profitable results. The hay crop of Illinois in 1864 is estimated at 2,166,725 tons, which is more than half a million tons larger than the crop of any other State, excepting only New York.

Inducements to Settlers.

The attention of persons, whose limited means forbid the purchase of a homestead in the older States, is particularly invited to these lands. Within ten years the Illinois Central Railroad Company has sold 1,400,000 acres, to more than 20,000 actual settlers: and during the last year 264,422, acres a larger aggregate of sales than in any one year since the opening of the road. The farms are sold in tracts of forty or eighty acres, suited to the settler with limited capital, or in larger tracts, as may be required by the capitalist and stock raiser, The soil is of unsurpassed fertility ; the climate is healthy ; taxes are low ; churches and schools are becoming abundant throughout the length and breadth of the State ; and communication with all the great markets is made easy through railroads, canals and rivers.


The price of lands varies from $9 to $15 and upwards per acre, and they are sold on short credit, or for cash. A deduction of ten per cent. from the short credit price is made to those who buy for cash. EXAMPLE:

Forty acres at $10 per acre, on credit; the principal one-quarter cash down balance one, two and three years, at six per cent. interest, In advance, each year.


Cash Payment,    $18 00   $100 00   Payment in two years,   $6 00   100 00

Payment in one year,   12 00   100 00 " three years    100 00

The Same Land may be Purchased for $360 Cash. Full information on all points, together with maps, showing the exact location of Lands, will be furnished on application, in person or by letter, to LAND COMMISSIONER, Illinois Central R. R. Co., Chicago, Illinois.

NOTICE TO EVERY BODY. TWO WEEKS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS. During the fortnight commencing April 3d we will devote 25 per cent. of all the retail sales at our counter of Albums, Stereoscopic Views, and Card Photographs, and also remittances by mail for the same, where so specified, to the relief of our sick and wounded soldiers, through the instrumentality of the Christian Commission. Orders by mail for this object, bearing date any time previous to May1, will be received, and the 25 per cent. paid over. The acknowledgment of the Treasurer of the Christian Commission will be sent when required. The goods will be sold at our usual printed catalogue prices. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Three Doors from St. Nicholas Hotel. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, OBTAINED AT GREAT EXPENSE, AND FORMING A COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF THE GREAT UNION CONTEST. Bull Pun,   Dutch Gap,   Strawberry Plain, Yorktown,   Pontoon Trains,   Deep Bottom, Gettysburg,   Hanover Junction, Belle Plain, Fair Oaks,   Lookout Mount'n, Monitors, Savage Station, Chickahominy,   Chattanooga, Fredericksburg, City Point,   Fort Morgan, Fairfax,   Nashville,   Atlanta,    &c., &c.   &c., &c.   &c., &c. Every body is interested in these memorable scenes. Just published by   E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, New York.

Catalogue sent on receipt of stamp.

HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS will cure any gun-shot or bayonet wounds. None should be without them.

Spring Clothing for Men and Boys, LARGE STOCK. PRICES REDUCED. ABBOTT & MOORE, No. 507 BROADWAY, Under St. Nicholas Hotel.

"Electric" Self-adjusting enameled white, $3, $5, $7, and $9 per doz. ; specimens, 50c. 75c.. $1. Snow-white, linen-finished, illusion-stitched, $1 25. Suitable Neck Tie, $l. Ladies " illusion-embroidered” Steel Collars, $l 50 ; Cuffs, $1 50 Gents steel Cuffs, $2. Mailed on receipt of price and " size. " JEANERET 78 Nassau St. N.Y. Box .

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, cordially recommend to the notice of the friends of the Christian Commission the offer of E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. to devote to this object 25 per cent. of their retail sales of Albums, Stereoscopic Views, and Card Photographs, for the fortnight commencing April 3d, as set forth in their advertisement. GEO. H. STUART, Pres. U. S. Christian Commission. J. T. DURYEA. H. DYER, Secretary N. Y. Branch, Christian Com. MORRIS K. JESUP. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. W. E. DODGE, Chairman N. Y. Branch. (ADVERTISEMENT.)

Of all sizes. Fitted with complete sets of tools, sharpened and set, ready for use, and pecked in cases ready for shipping. Containing from 8 to 128 different articles, and ranging in price from $3 to $110, according to size Adapted to the use of mechanics, farmers, amateurs youths, and boys.

Parr's Garden Chests.

Fitted with the most approved Gardening Implements in ordinary use. The articles requiring a long handle, such as grafting-saw, tree-scraper, hoes, rake, &c., are all made to fit into an improved screw jointed handle, jointed in lengths to fit in the chest.

Parr's Horticultural Chests.

A larger size of the above, with drawers and partitions, to contain seeds, &c.

Parr's Children's Garden Sets.

Consisting of hoe, rake, spade, and garden fork, with long handle.

These articles are the very best, and are for sale by all respectable dealers in Hardware, Yankee Notions, Agricultural Implements, and Seeds, the attention of whom is called to the immense demand for these goods.

Send for illustrated circular to the manufacturers, PARR & PARMELEE, Buffalo, N. Y.

CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Unsurpassed by any in the market. Send for catalogue of Philadelphia Photographic Co., 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. EXCELSIOR PHOTOGRAPH ESTABLISHMENT,  F. P.WHITING, 87 Fulton St., New York.

A CARD.—To the Editor: DEAR SIR, With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free), a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth, and beautiful. I will also mail free to those living bald head or bare faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to shirt a full growth of luxuriant hair, whiskers, or a mustache in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 831 Broadway, New York.

Cured by Bates Patend Appliances. For descriptive pamphlet, &c. address H. C. L. Messers, 217 W. 23d St. N.Y.

Injured Soldier
Illinois Central Farm Land




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