Winslow Homer's Drawing of Bridge over Potomac


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Original 1861 Winslow Homer Illustration:

Long Bridge Over the Potomac

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Winslow Homer Drawing of the Bridge over the Potomac

Long Bridge Over the Potomac

You are viewing an original 1861 Winslow Homer print of the Long Bridge over the Potomac. It is from an 1861 edition of Harper's Weekly, the most popular illustrated newspaper of the day. Note that this is not a reprint, and I absolutely guarantee its authenticity. This leaf was printed in 1861, and the date is clearly marked on the top of the print. On the day this leaf was printed, Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States and Civil War was raging on. 


Long Bridge

Winslow Homer was one of the most famous an most collected artist of the 1800's.  He got his start as an illustrator for Harper's Weekly, and this is one of his very early pieces.  The illustration shows the Army of the Potomac crossing the Long Bridge between Washington and Virginia.  Telegraph wires are seen strung atop the bridge, and soldiers are seen marching across the bridge for as far as the eye can see.  The image is captioned, "The Advance Guard of the Grand Army of the United States Crossing the Long Bridge Over the Potomac at 2 A.M. on May 24, 1861.  This is a fabulous piece of art, in the traditional Homer style.

Original Winslow Homer prints are becoming increasingly difficult to find as they are being quickly scooped up by serious collectors and investors.  I do not know when I will be able to offer another one this nice, so you will want to make your best bid on this one.  It will make a striking display when framed and placed in your office or study.  I assure you it will get noticed.  This print will not only be cherished by its new owner, but by generations to come.  What other purchase that you make this year will have such enduring value?   

Unlike newsprint of this century, these older, original pages do not yellow and fall apart.  The reason is that modern newspapers use an acid based process.   Remnant acid in the paper causes the paper to quickly yellow and deteriorate.   A different process was used in the mid-1800's which yielded an exceptional quality paper that will last for centuries. Special acid free mats should be used when you frame this piece to ensure that it will last another 150 years.  Acid free mats are available at most better frame shops.  If you have any questions related to handling or framing this piece feel free to email me. The print is approximately 11x16  inches.  I have been collecting Civil War Newspapers for over 10 years.  It is a fascinating hobby, and I find that these pieces really get noticed when framed and displayed.

The leaf is in very good condition. It has the rich sepia toning that you expect in original material from this period. It has a few spots of light foxing and a few finger smudges in the margins.

Don't, miss your chance to own an original Winslow Homer Print. Order Now!




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