Chief Justices of the Supreme Court


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Original 1864 Print of:

The Chief Justices of the Supreme Court

 Supreme Court Justices

The Supreme Court

You are viewing an 1864 print featuring the Chief justices of the United States Supreme Court.  This is a brilliant and highly displayable piece.  It features grand portraits of the five Supreme Court justices sitting on the bench at the time.  Featured in the center is the Chief Justice, Salmon P. Chase.  In the upper left corner is john Jay, and the upper right corner presents Oliver Ellsworth.  The lower left corner shows John Marshall and the lower right shows Roger B. Taney.  Each man is featured with a very somber face.  The portraits of the men are surrounded by ornate engravings, and include images of statues representing Justice and Liberty.  The American seal is included in the upper portion of the print.  This is a very nice leaf.  Since it is a front page, it includes the ornate Harper's Weekly mast head.

The back of the leaf contains fascinating stories of the news of the day.  It includes an article on General William Tecumseh Sherman, President Abraham Lincoln, and an interesting story on chivalry.

This is a highly collectible leaf.  If will make a fabulous display when framed and placed in your home or office.  It would make a great gift for any judge, lawyer, or person in the Judicial Branch of our Nation. 

This leaf is in good condition.  There is a fold in the upper left margin that will flatten out when framed.  There is a gentle fold running horizontal through the center of the print from when the paper was originally folded and mailed to the original subscriber.  The print will display nicely

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