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Civil War Harper's Weekly, November 23, 1861

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NOVEMBER 23, 1861.]



(Previous Page) glad; I didn't know your honor. But, —, if I'd known it was you I'd have saved you all the same.' This is the true soldier's spirit. Lastly, I would impress on the volunteers the necessity of drill, practice, exercise, brigade movements. Garibaldi's volunteers did excellently in guerrilla movements ; they failed before a fourth-rate regular army. We trust that our volunteers will never know what real war is ; but they must make themselves a reputation to be feared by the enemy, in order not to see that enemy ever at their own hearth-stones.



THE debate upon National Hymns being in order, the Lounger has received this suggestive word from Barbarossa :

" Why is it that these songs (the "Marseillais," "Mourir pour la Patrie," or " Rule Britannia") have the power to fire a man's heart, brace his nerves, and make the timid courageous ? Why can not " The Star-Spangled Banner," or "Hail Columbia," or "Partant pour la Syrie," or "God save the King" do it as well ? Simply because the latter are only assertions of known facts and pious wishes, while the former, in words and music, contain a determination to act, to go ahead. And this is in my opinion the song we need most at present. Hymns will do after the battle is over, but not while it lasts.

"After the battle of Leuthen, a few of the victorious Prussian soldiers started a solemn hymn, in which soon the whole army joined, and the deep, full notes brought tears to the eyes of Frederick the Great; but had it been sung before the battle, it is questionable whether it would have brought tears to Frederick's eyes or victory to his army."


THERE is one unexpected but most beneficent result of the war. It is gradually leading its all to discuss the question with good feeling and in good temper. Of course we all know, and say in perfectly good faith, that the war is solely for the supremacy of the Government. But we all know equally well that it must affect slavery somehow. It must help it or hurt it.

In truth, the question is now passing from its first stage into the second; from the eloquent appeal necessary to arouse the people to the calm consideration necessary to secure them. We all want peace—permanent peace—peace with honor. We shall therefore gravely consider this question. Whoever tries to shirk it is justly open to suspicion. He may have an unappeasable prejudice against the name Abolitionist. But this is a time, and the immediate future is a time, in which we must "conquer our prejudices," as Mr. Webster said, upon quite another occasion. We can not stop to gratify our prejudices. We must secure the national tranquillity.

We shall all readily admit that it is a delicate question—a difficult question in some respects, and if not justly settled, a very dangerous question. For these reasons it will be most frankly discussed. Whatever in a time of peace can not he discussed in this country can not be honorably tolerated. The Tariff is a grave question ; the Bank was a grave question ; the old points of Federal and Republican difference were grave questions ; and if discussion of them had been suppressed, as of late years the discussion of slavery has been, they too would have brought us to war. Free talk is our only talisman of national safety. And until the mind and conscience of the people can be stopped, of what use is it to try to stop their mouths?

Or again, is the most vital of all our public questions the one that we may most safely elude ? Is it not clear that if we had not hitherto so strenuously tried to avoid it, if there had not been an amusingly abortive effort made to appropriate the word "national" to the interests of a single class in one section of the country, we should have talked by the war and into a permanent peace? For the Government of this nation is public opinion. The only way by which the policy of the Government can be affected is by discussion. When debate has fairly persuaded that opinion, it will lawfully indicate the change. That is all that any voter, however ardent, desires. And the voters are the great mass of the people. Those who are technically known as Abolitionists are, upon principle, non-voters, believing with unquestionable sincerity that the Constitution is fatal to human rights.

If you read the debates in the Constitutional Convention, in the first Congress, and later at the admission of Missouri, and in 1833 at the commencement of the moral anti-slavery appeal, and indeed the whole history of the country for seventy years, does it not seem incredible that a subject whose more mention was so frantically exciting was not felt to be the very one whose consideration could not be safely omitted for a day ? If there is a spot in your body so morbidly sensitive that the least touch makes you writhe, is that the spot that must not be looked at, or is that the very one which; the wise surgeon will thoroughly examine, even: though he may have to bind you that he may do it?

Taught by experience and common sense we shall no longer insist upon making the ostrich our symbolic bird, running and hiding his head in the sand. Henceforth it shall be the eagle, in fact as well as in name, soaring heavenward and gazing at the sun.


"ABRAHAM HEAVUP" writes to the Lounger a very clever and very sarcastic letter from Washington upon the late heroic but hapless battle at Ball's Bluff. At the close he says:

"I wish, dear Lounger, you would set me right, for brother Ben is a Brigadier, and won't listen to my arguments; saying that civilians (civil people, I suppose, is what he means) ought to have no opinion whatever about military affairs, unless they either belong to the militia or are senators."

Let us spare our sarcasm, Abraham, in the presence of heroism, unhappy though the result was. Perhaps those who were to blame expiated the error by dying on the field. The bitterness of feeling which bursts out in sarcasm is natural. But let us rather ponder with secret pride this extract from General Stone's report of the battle. Upon the retreat "the smaller boats had disappeared, no one knew whither. The largest boat, rapidly and too heavily laden, swamped some fifteen feet from the shore, and nothing was left to the gallant soldiers

but to swim, surrender, or die. With a devotion worthy of the cause they are serving, officers and men, while quarter was being offered to such as would lay down their arms, stripped themselves of their swords and muskets and hurled them out into the river to prevent their falling into the hands of the foe, and saved themselves as they could by swimming, floating on logs, and concealing themselves in bushes and forests to make their way up and down the river, back to a place of crossing. The instances of personal gallantry of the highest order were so many that it would be unjust now to detail particular cases. Officers displayed for their men, and men for their officers, that beautiful devotion which is only to be found among true soldiers."


THERE is some justice in the complaint that we have no inspiring war-cry. The rebels shout for independence. They cry out against invasion. They declare their homes and shrines and property in danger. How, it is asked, can you oppose the cry of "Constitution" to that of "Home?" How can you kindle enthusiasm by demanding the enforcement of the laws ? What, even, is the cry of "Union," when mistaken men thrill their own hearts and their neighbors' by appeals for wife and child, although it is they only who endanger them?

If we are a nation—and, if not, what are we fighting for?-if we are a great people, with a collective national life and national significance, let the word of all victorious patriotic enthusiasm farce upon our lips as it burns in our hearts. When the cry of national honor rings along our charging line, it is a burst of music in which each soldier's heart hears separate strains. Wife, parent, child ; dear graves of the dead, and sacred shrines of prayer; the glory of the Past, the promise of the Future ; the hopes of Humanity given to our keeping ; the divine treasures of peace and prosperity, of justice and liberty;—for these they fight, for these they fall, whose bubbling cry of Death or Victory is the honor of their country.


A RUSH OF ROYALTY.—Amidst the mob of monarchs that have lately been favoring Louis Napoleon with their society, we think there is one king whom of all others the Emperor would be the most delighted to see in France this year, and certainly his presence would be the most welcomed by the manufacturing classes in England—and that is KING COTTON, from America.

DIFFERENCE OF TASTES.—In taking a new house the first thought of the woman is, where shall the piano be put? Of the man, which shall be the smoking-room?


SCHOOLMASTER. "What do you call the Cotton-Tree?" PATRIOTIC PUPIL. " A branch of Treason." SCHOOLMASTER. "Has it any root?"


SCHOOLMASTER. "What is its seed like?"


[The PUPIL is patted on the head, and presented with
a hundred-bladed bowie-knife by way of prize.

We see there is advertised a "Rotary Umbrella." This may be useful in the event of losing one's parapluie, for there may be a circumbendibus chance then of its coming round again to its original owner.

SOME PERSONS ARE NEVER SATISFIED.—A poor simpleton was complaining of a large sum of money that he had lost through a friend, when the companion, into whose sympathetic ears he was pouring his griefs, inquired if he still retained his friend? Upon being answered in the affirmative, the philosophic advice was, "Then be content, my dear fellow; you can't expect to have both your money and your friend!"


One evening last week Secretary Cameron was at the — Club in New York, and was conversing with some bankers on the Ball's Bluff disaster. "Strange," said the Secretary, "that Stone should have acted thus: his appointment was urged on the Government by every banker in New York."

"I never recommended it," instantly replied Mr. M- T—, of the C— Bank.

" Nor I," echoed Mr. V—, of the C—.

"Nor I," said another.

"Oh ! excuse me, gentlemen," blandly retorted the Secretary, "I remember the names perfectly, for they were the same as I noticed on the remonstrance against my appointment."

The sensation in the — Club can be imagined.

Why can not the rebels ever dress well ?—Because they've proved, by deserting their flag, that they have no eye for the selection of their colors.

One of the Massachusetts prisoners taken at Ball's Bluff was being " chaffed" by his captors at Richmond. " Say, Yankee," said one coarse brute, "how many regiments has Massachusetts in the field?"

" 'Bout thirty or forty," was the reply.

" Reckon she won't send any more," said the Southerner. "Massachusetts," said the Yankee boy, his eye lighting up, "will send a regiment a day as long as the war lasts, and if that won't do she'll go herself!"

THE BEST JOKE OF THE SEASON.—The New England woolen manufacturers protesting that our troops had better go half clad rather than that any woolen cloths should be bought outside of their shop.

Why do we know that the Union must be preserved?—Because it's in a pickle !

The late Mr. John Jones being asked by a friend "how he kept himself from being involved in quarrels?" replied, "By letting the angry person have all the quarrel to himself."

A man with a large family was complaining of the difficulty of supporting all of them. "But," said a friend, "you have sons big enough to earn something for you now." "The difficulty is," said the man, "they are too big to work."

"Mamma," said little Nell, "ought governess to flog me for what I've not done?" "No, my dear; why do you ask?" "'Cause she flogged me to-day when I didn't do my sum."

At the Newcastle bazar a gentleman lingered for some time at one of the stalls, which was attended by a very handsome young lady. "The charge of your inspection of my wares," said the fair dealer, "is half-a-crown, Sir." I was admiring your beauty, ma'am, and not your goods," replied the gallant. "That's five shillings," responded the lady with great readiness: and no demand, perhaps, was ever more cheerfully complied with.

THE BATTLE OF LIFE.—Courtship is the engagement or siege; the proposal is the assault; and matrimony the victory.


Ever eating, ever cloying,

All-devouring, all-destroying,

Never finding full repast,

Till it eats the world at last.


Why is cold cream like a good chaperon?

Because it keeps off the chaps.

What fish could be called in church without shocking the congregation?

John Doree and Ann Chovie (John Dory and Anchovy). When was B the first letter of the alphabet ?

In the days of Noah (No A).

Why are doctors' prescriptions good things to feed pigs on?

Because there are grains in them.

No rose can boast a livelier hue

Than I can when my birth is new.

Of shorter life than that sweet flower,

I bloom and fade within the hour,

Like Marplot, eager to reveal

The secret I would fain conceal.

A blush.

Why is a flea like a railway-engine?

Because it moves over sleepers.



AT the hour we go to press we are still without news direct from the Great Expedition, though driblets continue to reach us through indirect channels—enough to indicate the success of the enterprise. Intelligence has been received by way of Hatteras Inlet, brought to Fortress Monroe by the steamer Spaulding, and by way of Cairo, through Memphis papers received there.

A person has arrived at the Inlet from the main land in a small boat, and communicated the information that two forts at Port Royal entrance had been captured; that a large National force had been landed; that Beaufort had been occupied after a portion of the town had been burned, and that our troops had advanced and taken possession of the railroad connecting Charleston and Savannah—probably at Coosahatchie—capturing a large quantity of stores. No dates are given, and nothing whatever is said of the character of the fighting which must have taken place before so much could be accomplished.

Deserters from the rebels, who have reached Newport News from up the James River, state that the utmost consternation exists in the rebel army, and that a number of regiments have been sent South to meet this new danger to the bogus Confederacy. The Memphis papers received at Cairo contain dispatches from Savannah fully confirming the landing of our forces and the capture of three forts—this is the number known to have been erected by the rebels—at Port Royal, Hilton Head, and Bay Point. The statement that the National forces had possession of the town of Beaufort is also confirmed, and the losses of the rebels are admitted to be heavy.


The report of the wreck of the steamer Union is confirmed by the gun-boat Albatross, which has arrived at Fortress Monroe from the blockade on the North Carolina coast. She went ashore on the 6th inst., about eight miles to the eastward of Bogue Inlet. The steamer Winfield Scott is said to have been in company with her, and it is conjectured that she also may have been lost, but there is no certainty about it. The rumor of the loss of the steamer Ocean Express is not confirmed.


It appears that a body of Union troops, under General Nelson, who was formerly a lieutenant in the United States Navy, fell in with the rebels at Pikeville, Pike County, on Friday last, under the command of General Williams. While he was approaching them, Colonel Luke Moore, with 3800 men, attacked them in the rear, and Colonel Harris, with 600 men of the Second Ohio Regiment, met them in front, and by a fine piece of strategy got them directly in the midst of Nelson's brigade: then pressing
in on all sides, the Union troops had the enemy at their mercy. The fight is said to have lasted two days, and resulted in the total demolition of the rebels. Four hundred of them were killed and two thousand taken prisoners. Among the latter were the two rebel generals Williams
and Hawes, both of them formerly United States officers.


The Union men of East Tennessee are giving vigorous evidence of their loyalty. By a dispatch from Fortress Monroe we learn that they have burned and destroyed several railroad bridges and telegraph lines on the East Tennessee Railroad, to prevent the transportation of rebel troops. Four bridges on the line north of Knoxville have been demolished, and another at Charleston, Tennessee.


It is reported by a letter received on 12th, in Washington, and dated on board the frigate Santee, off Galveston, the 25th ultimo, that the privateer Sumter had been captured by a gun-boat which she mistook for a merchant vessel, and had approached too close when she discovered her error. The gun-boat, however, turned upon the privateer, ran her ashore, and took her officers and crew prisoners. They were subsequently transferred to the frigate Niagara.


On Sunday night, Guyandotte, in Western Virginia, situated on the Ohio River, was attacked by six hundred rebels, and out of one hundred and fifty National troops stationed there, all but fifty were killed or taken prisoners. The rebel force afterward beat a hasty retreat, and nothing has since been heard of them, though a body of National troops has been sent in pursuit. Our troops afterward fired the town of Guyandotte, and it was entirely destroyed.


A reconnoissance was, on Sunday, made to Peacock's Hill, five miles beyond Lewinsville—and though traces of the rebels were found, not one was seen. The pickets of our left wing now extend from the mouth of the Accotink up the Accotink Ridge, ten miles in front of Fort Lyon, and four in front of Mount Vernon, which estate is now within the National lines. Affairs appear to be unchanged both on the Upper and the Lower Potomac.


The United States gun-boat Rescue, on Thursday last, left Fortress Monroe and proceeded up the Rappahannock River as far as Urbana Creek, off the mouth of which she captured a large schooner, from which all stores and movable property were removed, and the vessel then burned. The Rescue was fired upon by a masked battery on shore, but the battery was completely silenced, and subsequently every place along the river, which was supposed to harbor rebels, was shelled.


A letter in the New York Times from the United State, steamer Cuyler, on blockade duty at the mouth of the Mississippi, furnishes interesting particulars of the condition of affairs in the City of New Orleans. The ruin of the place, in a business point of view, is represented to be almost complete. The levee, formerly so busy with the traffic of the Mississippi, is now an extended scene of desolation. Many of the stores have been closed, and there is an utter prostration of every branch of trade. Texas beef is the only meat for sale, and that is scarce, poor, and dear; butter is sold at from eighty to eighty-five cents per pound, white potatoes fourteen dollars per barrel, and sweet potatoes about the same. A free market for the poor was established some time ago, the supplies being furnished by voluntary contributions from the farmers; but there was a prospect that it would soon be closed for want of means. There is undoubtedly a strong Union element in the population, which only awaits a property opportunity to exhibit itself.


On 3d November General Fremont received an unconditional order from Washington, relieving him at once

from his command. The intelligence spread like wild-fire through the camps, and created indescribable excitement. General Fremont spent much of the time expostulating with the officers and men, urging them by their patriotism and their personal regard for him not to abandon their posts. He also issued the following farewell order to the troops :


SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Nov. 2, 1861.

SOLDIERS OF THE MISSISSIPPI ARMY!—Agreeably to orders received this day I take leave of you. Although our army has been of sudden growth, we have grown up together, and I have become familiar with the brave and generous spirits which you bring to the defense of your country, and which makes me anticipate for you a brilliant career. Continue as you have begun, and give to my successor the same cordial and enthusiastic support with which you have encouraged me. Emulate the splendid example which you have already before you, and let me remain, as I am, proud of the noble army which I have thus far labored to bring together.

Soldiers! I regret to leave you. Most sincerely I thank you for the regard and confidence you have invariably shown me. I deeply regret that I shall not have the honor to lead you to the victory which you are just about to win; but I shall claim the right to share with you in the joy of every triumph, and trust always to be personally remembered by my companions in arms.

JOHN C. FREMONT, Major-General. On 5th General Hunter issued his first order from head-quarters at Springfield, announcing his assumption of the command of the army, and desiring the commanders of divisions and brigades to report to him at once.

General Fremont left the day before for St. Louis with his body-guard.


There was a battle at Belmont, Missouri, opposite Columbus, on 7th. An expedition numbering about 3500 men, and including the Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, Thirtieth, and Thirty-first Illinois Regiments, the Seventh Iowa Regiment, Taylor's Chicago Artillery, and Dollen's and Delano's Cavalry, proceeded down the river on steamboats, accompanied by the gun-boats Lexington and Tyler, landed on Thursday morning, and made the attack on the rebels, seven thousand strong, about 11 o'clock. The enemy were strongly intrenched, and being so much superior in numbers, made a strong resistance. They were, however, driven out of their camp, which was destroyed, and their battery, consisting of twelve pieces, was captured—two of the guns being brought away. Their camp and baggage were destroyed, their horses and mules were captured, and a large number of them were taken prisoners. The object of the expedition having been accomplished, the National forces were retiring, when they were attacked by a heavy rebel reinforcement from Columbus, on the opposite side of the river, and another desperate engagement took place, which continued until our forces were all withdrawn. The losses in killed and wounded were heavy on both sides. How much the rebels suffered in this respect is not known with certainty, but the casualties of the National forces, in killed, wounded, and missing, are estimated at three to five hundred—probably at least ten per cent. The expedition was commanded by Generals Grant and MClernand.


The New York State Election took place on 5th, and resulted in the success of the People's Union ticket. The election in this city passed off very quietly, and the vote is probably about one-half what it was last year.

The Massachusetts State Election, which also took place on 5th, resulted in the re-election of Governor Andrew, and a strong Republican Legislature. The vote throughout the State was remarkably small—probably not more than one-half what it was last year.

The Maryland State Election took place on 6th, and resulted in the overwhelming victory of the Union party.


The ordnance for dividing the old Commonwealth of Virginia, and erecting a new State of the counties west of the Alleghany mountains, has been adopted by the voters by a majority of nearly, if not quite, one hundred to one, and a new Convention, the members of which have just been chosen, will assemble at Wheeling on the 26th inst. to ratify the action of the people. The new State will be called Kanawha, and will contain a population of two hundred and eighty-two thousand, including about eight thousand slaves.


The storm of 1st November at Hatteras Inlet was very severe, and the recent high tides have completely overflowed the space outside the fort; and, as a new channel is forming between the forts, it is apprehended that they may become untenable. About a quarter of the clothing for the Twentieth Indiana regiment had been landed from the S. R. Spaulding on Friday night, when the gale came on with tremendous severity, and it was washed away, together with some other stores.

Colonel Hawkins, who commands at Hatteras, arrived in Washington on 4th, and represented the necessity of either protecting their position from such heavy gales as that of Friday and Saturday, or removing the troops to Fortress Monroe. It appears that, in addition to the destruction of Government stores above-mentioned, four sentries of the Twentieth Indiana regiment were drowned in the breakers during the gale.

It is decided to strengthen the garrison at Hatteras.


A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette states that Mr. Breckinridge has received the reward for his services in the shape of a commission of Brigadier-General, and that he is now in the rebel army at Bowling Green.

Mr. Edwin J. James, the ex-Queen's counsel and ex-member of Parliament, of England, has been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of this State.

Colonel Mulligan, who was captured by the rebels at Lexington, Missouri, was in St. Louis on the 5th inst.

Major Doubleday, of Fort Sumter fame, is now an assistant of Brigadier-General Barry, Chief of Artillery of the Army of the Potomac, and is in charge of the artillery (heavy) of the fortifications on the Virginia side of the Potomac.

The foundation for the rumor that Beauregard had resigned his command in the rebel army may perhaps be found in the fact that he has been transferred to Charleston, in view of the possibility of an attempt to capture that place by the national forces.

General Tom Thumb, who is at present making the tour of the Canadas, had a narrow escape from serious injury at St. Catherines on the 4th inst. The carriage in which he was going from his hotel to the railroad was overturned in consequence of the axle breaking, and the General was thrown out. Several of his suite were severely injured, but he received only slight bruises.



A CORRESPONDENCE has taken place between the British Secretary for Foreign Affairs and a Mr. Hayman, a prominent merchant of Liverpool, on the subject of the blockade. The mercantile interlocutor represents himself as one of a number who are anxious to fit out vessels to the Southern ports; and desires to know what protection they are to receive from their Government in running a blockade they regard as illegal. Earl Russell assures him they will receive no protection whatever; that they will be violating obvious principles of international law, and that Her Majesty's Government will certainly leave them to suffer all the penalties of their offense.


PRINCE NAPOLEON FOR THE UNION. Unofficial communications from loyal citizens of the United States, residing in Paris and London, say that in France Prince Napoleon has cast off all reserve, and declared that the insurrection can not prevail, and other letters say that secession is out of fashion, if not unpopular in France.



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