Colonel Dougherty


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Civil War Harper's Weekly, November 23, 1861

The Son of the South WEB site contains online, readable versions of all the Harper's Weekly newspapers printed during the Civil War. We hope you will sit back, relax, and really dive into this incredible Civil War resource. These pages show you the war unfold, and you can follow it just as the people of the day did.


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Missouri in the Civil War

Florence Nightingale Letter

Florence Nightingale Letter


Battle of Belmont


Bladensburg, Maryland

Slave Map

Slave Map of South Carolina




War in Kentucky

Thurlow Weed

Thurlow Weed

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West Virginia

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War Songs


Colonel Daugherty


Transcontinental Telegraph





NOVEMBER 23, 1861.]



"Over went the sand, and the solemn notes of the Dead March resounded through the car.

"'I thought you were a gentleman,' said Fanny, rising up in a terrible rage from the bottom of the car, where she had been sitting, and looking perfectly beautiful in her wrath ; 'I thought you were a gentleman, but I find I was mistaken ; why a chimney-sweeper would not treat a lady in such a way. Do you know that you are risking your own life as well as mine by your madness ?'

" I explained that I adored her so much that to die in her company would be perfect bliss, so that I begged she would not consider my feelings at all. She dashed her beautiful hair from her face, and standing perfectly erect, looking like the Goddess of Anger or Boadicea—if you can fancy that personage in a balloon—she said:

" ' I command you to begin the descent this instant!'

"The Dead March, whistled in a manner essentially gay and lively, was the only response. After a few minutes' silence, I took up another bag, and said:

" ' We are getting rather high ; if you do not decide soon we shall have Mercury coming to tell us that we are trespassing—will you promise me your hand?'

" She sat in sulky silence in the bottom of the car. I threw over the sand. Then she tried another plan. Throwing herself upon her knees, and bursting into tears, she said:

" ' Oh, forgive me for what I did the other day ! It was very wrong, and I am very sorry. Take me home, and I will be a sister to you.'

" ' Not a wife ?' said I.

" ' I can't ! I can't !' she answered.

" Over went the fourth bag, and I began to think she would beat me after all; for I did not like the idea of going much higher. I would not give in just yet, however. I whistled for a few moments, to give her time for reflection, and then said :

" ' Fanny, they say that marriages are made in Heaven—if you do not take care, ours will be solemnized there.'

" I took up the fifth bag.

" ' Come,' I said, 'my wife in life, or my companion in death ! Which is it to be ?' and I patted the sand-bag in a cheerful manner. She held her face in her hands, but did not answer. I nursed the bag in my arms, as if it had been a baby.

" 'Come, Fanny, give me your promise !'

"I could hear her sobs. I'm the most soft-hearted creature breathing, and would not pain any living thing, and, I confess, she had beaten me. I forgave her the ducking ; I forgave her for rejecting me. I was on the point of flinging the bag back into the car, and saying : ' Dearest Fanny, forgive me for frightening you. Marry whomsoever you will. Give your lovely hand to the lowest groom in your stables—endow with your priceless beauty the Chief of the Panki-wanki Indians. Whatever happens, Jenkyns is your slave —your dog—your footstool. His duty, henceforth, is to go whithersoever you shall order—to do whatever you shall command.' I as just on the point of saying this, I repeat, when Fanny suddenly looked up, and said, with a queerish expression upon her face :

" ' You need not throw that last bag over. I promise to give you my hand.'

" ' With all your heart ?' I asked, quickly.

" ' With all my heart,' she answered, with the same strange look.

" I tossed the bag into the bottom of the car and opened the valve. The balloon descended.

" Gentlemen," said Jenkyns, rising from his seat in the most solemn manner, and stretching out his hand, as if he were going to take an oath; "gentlemen, will you believe it? When we had reached the ground, and the balloon had been given over to its recovered master—when I had helped Fanny tenderly to the earth, and turned toward her to receive anew the promise of her affection and her hand—will you believe it ?—she gave me a box on the ear that upset me against the car, and running to her father, who at that moment came up, she related to him and the assembled company what she called my disgraceful conduct in the balloon, and ended by informing me that all of her hand that I was likely to get had been already bestowed upon my ear, which she assured me had been given with all her heart.

" ' You villain !' said Sir George, advancing toward me with a horse-whip in his hand. 'You villain ! I've a good mind to break this over your back !'

" ' Sir George,' said I, 'villain and Jenkyns must never be coupled in the same sentence ; and as for the breaking of this whip, I'll relieve you of the trouble,' and, snatching it from his hand, I broke it in two, and threw the pieces on the ground. 'And now I shall have the honor of wishing you a good-morning. Miss P—, I forgive you.' And I retired.

" Now I ask you whether any specimen of female treachery equal to that has ever come within your experience, and whether any excuse can be made for such conduct ?"


ON page 749 we publish a portrait of THURLOW WEED, Esq., from a photograph by Brady—the first ever taken of him. Very few public men of the day are so well known, or so justly entitled to esteem and honor, as Thurlow Weed.

Born. in 1797, at Catskill, New York, he commenced life as a cabin-boy on board a North River sloop ; then became " devil" and 'prentice in a printing-office; then, at sixteen, drummer in the army during the war of 1812. His vocation, however, was the press, not the army; and at the close of the war we find him printing and editing a paper in Onondaga County, and afterward in Chenango. His journals do not seem to have succeeded ; for at intervals he reappears as a printer, first in New York and then in Albany. We may mention here

that, in 1817, he worked at the same press with the senior member of the firm of Harper and Brothers, in the employ of Jonathan Seymour, of this city. His first active connection with politics is said to have been during the canvass which preceded the election of John Quincy Adams; he became still more prominent in the anti-masonic war, in 1826-'27, and during part of this time conducted a journal in Rochester in the interest of the anti-masons.

In the year 1830 the Albany Evening Journal was established, and Mr. Weed became its editor. With a brief interval three or four years since, Mr. Weed has ever since edited that influential sheet, and its consequence and power have been mainly derived from his personal influence and sagacity. It is not too much to say that ever since 1835, for a period of twenty-five years, Mr. Weed's strength in this State has been greater than that of any other man. This power he has owed partly to his intuitive knowledge of character and sagacity, and partly to the general public conviction—which, however assailed, has never been shaken-that he is a pure man, and has no other ruling motive than a desire to promote the good of the country. He has invariably refused to share the spoils of political victory. For a short term, a quarter of a century since, he was State printer, but refused a reappointment: and in early youth he served three terms in the State Legislature. With these exceptions he has never accepted office, though there are few places in the gift of either the Government or the people which he might not have held. It is not understood that he is rich, though he has had ample opportunities of making money. He has left that, as well as the rewards of office, to hungrier politicians, and has contented himself with the more substantial prize of political power.

The services rendered by Mr. Weed to the Government since the election of Mr. Lincoln have been great. His industry in aiding the movement of troops and the purchase of supplies has been untiring. He has really been " the State" in this part of the country, though he has held no office and drawn no pay. It was he who, with the aid of detectives, discovered the plot which was to have brought Mr. Lincoln's career to an abrupt close in Baltimore in February last, and who frustrated the plot by the famous night journey through Baltimore. What Mr. Weed did, in conjunction with General Scott, during the terrible days of March and April last, will never be known until the secret history of that eventful time comes to be written.

Mr. Weed left this port on Saturday last for Europe. He states himself that he goes on private business; the public, however, will be apt to suspect that his private business concerns the public interest. If the suspicion be correct, we may feel assured that our affairs will suffer no mischance in his hands. Few men in the country are such true patriots as Thurlow Weed.


ON page 742 we publish two pictures of the REBEL BATTERIES ON THE POTOMAC, from sketches from an occasional correspondent with the Potomac flotilla. One represents the batteries at Evansport ; the sketch was taken from the mouth of Chickamoxen Creek, directly opposite : the other is Budd's Ferry, on the Maryland shore, directly opposite the batteries, where our troops now are. The Herald correspondent thus speaks of the rebel batteries on the Potomac :

The batteries, as far as they are known to exist, and without counting such as may remain masked, now begin at Opossum's Nose, that line extending four miles, to Chapawmisie creek. Below this there is a gap of eight miles to Aquia creek, where, as is well known, another line of batteries begins, extending to Potomac creek, a distance of six and three-quarter miles. From Potomac creek to Mathias Point is a distance of fifteen miles in a straight line, or, following the curve of the shore, seventeen miles. From the former place, nearly to the latter, is a chain of earth-works, but no guns are believed to be mounted. These distances were pricked off with the dividers on Phelps's chart this morning, and have not been guessed at. With regard to the batteries, I repeat, I have seen them, and more than once came near feeling them to some purpose. Taking the batteries as extending from Opossum's Nose to Potomac creek, with a probable gap between, for which I made allowance in previous communications, a line of batteries of nearly twenty miles is clearly made out ; and this without taking into account the works between Potomac creek and Mathias Point, or calculating on the strong probability of masked batteries between Opossum's Nose and Freestone Point, in the opposite direction.


OF THE TWENTY-SECOND ILLINOIS REGIMENT. WE publish on page 741, from a sketch by Mr. Bill Travis, a portrait of the gallant COLONEL DOUGHERTY, who was taken prisoner at the battle at Belmont, Missouri, on 7th inst. Colonel Henry Dougherty was born in Wilmington, North Carolina, Aug. 15, 1827. In 1833 his father emigrated to Carlyle, Clinton County, Illinois, where, shortly after their arrival, both of his parents died ; so, when only eight years of age, he was left an orphan, to provide for and protect himself. He worked on a farm until sixteen years of age, when, having a passion for adventure, he joined a Rocky Mountain Fur Company, and remained with them one year. On his return to St. Louis he enlisted as a private in the First United States Dragoons, Captain Bergain; went to Oregon, and joined Colonel Kearney's command. In the spring of 1846 he went to New Mexico with the same company, and served through the whole Mexican war, at various times under Generals Scott, Taylor, and Harney. He was in nine different battles—viz., Kenyardo, Lambotha, Taos, Brasito (on the Rio Grande), Sacramento, Buena Vista, and at the taking of the City of Mexico.

A little incident which occurred at the battle of Taos will illustrate his character. He was severely wounded in the leg from a rifle-ball, fell from his horse, and tried to get to the hospital tent, about four hundred yards off, but he became faint

and blind. Surgeon Simpson came to his support and carried him to the hospital, dressed his wound, and laid him upon a cot. At this time another of his company was brought in wounded, and while the doctor was looking after him, Colonel D. (then a private), reviving somewhat, slipped out at the rear end of the tent, mounted his horse, and galloped to the hottest of the battle. Smarting from his wound, he fought like a madman till the fight was over. When he returned to the hospital, entirely exhausted, he received a severe reprimand from the doctor, who knew nothing of his absence. When asked why he did so, he only replied, " The fight was not over yet, and I thought it my duty to go and do my part." It was three weeks before he left his cot again. At this time he was only nineteen years of age.

At the close of the war he sailed from Vera Cruz for New Orleans, and was wrecked at Brazos Santiago. He then returned again to New Mexico, and joined Colonel Sumner's command against the Navajo and Apache Indians. On receiving his discharge he returned to Carlyle, in 1852. In 1855 he married, and since then has resided on his farm at Carlyle. At the call of President Lincoln he raised a company, but failed to get accepted. He then joined Captain Johnson's company as a private, was elected to a command, and at the election of regimental officers was unanimously elected Colonel.

Colonel Dougherty stands full six feet high, is finely proportioned, an agreeable companion, perfectly unassuming, strictly temperate and religious, being a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


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$150 PER MONTH made by enterprising agents selling DOWNER'S HEMMER and SHIELD for hand sewing. Protects the finger and makes a beautiful hem. Sample sent on receipt of 25 cents. Address A. H. DOWNER, No. 442 Broadway.




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